xeragoth Wrote:Grape are you ok you havent post or say anything in a really long time
I've been... Extremely busy between work and school, failing one of my classes... It's... Not good to say the least.
Been trying to put ideas and stuff in it for a while, but the corpse has been cold for half a year now. I think it's time I just flat out admit that it's dead. I love the concept and story I've developed for it, but every time I look back on this I just... Can't bring myself to keep working on it. It's just one thing or another, and when I do work on it lately, my work has just been flat out crap quality compared to when I started. Between technical difficulties I ran into, various things I tried to do to improve the game which had an adverse effect, and many other things... Point being, while I love the game, I want to kill it at the same time.
I just don't have the drive any more. As I'm sure folks have noticed since basically the prison onward, the quality was MUCH lower than when I started the project. I think it was just a combination of getting in way over my head and wanting to please folks. Frankly I could probably finish this game, but it'd take me half a decade and would be shit quality compared to what I typically produce. I've learned a lot though from working on this project, it's taught me a lot about myself and what I'm capable of. It's helped me realize that I shouldn't get so far in over my head with these sort of things. Planning out epics is fine, but plan them out accordingly. I had almost 0 planning with Jenallia's Wrath. 80% of it was just spontaneous "hey lets do this!" without any real tracking of monster power, variables such as affection, which switches did what...
Point being, this project is officially cancelled. Anyone who wants to use it or parts of it is more than welcome to. I've always released the physical game folders rather than the dumb .exe thing because that's always been my policy. I'd like to apologize to those who were expecting something great here.
This has, however as I mentioned, taught me some valuable lessons. Don't think for a moment that I'm done! I'm just done trying to get the horse with a broken leg and brain damage from a misplaced bullet back on its feet.
I plan to get a real project started with a real chance of finishing it. It may not be nearly as big as Jenallia's Wrath was supposed to be, but it'll still be a decent little epic for those who want great story lines with sexual bits as a supplement to improve rather than drive. I'm still in planning stages, but it'll hopefully be something along the lines of a "DnD-style adventure" game with perhaps some reminiscence to "The Record of Lodoss War" show (Among my top favorite anime series as a child lol). I want to have something with enough gameplay to at least be considered a "demo" of what's to come though, so don't expect anything from me for a while.