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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:41 am

Well, very very thanks. (I still drunk LOL). that other one wasnt a simple blush, it was a turn-on/shame anime blush. ;P well, anyway i prefeer the old one 2.
About the animation, its true. But when modelling/drawing/etc i am not lazy. ;P Thanks again guys ^^/
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby guilmonex » Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:31 am

NICE try on the facial expressions and the colors, they are all good LOL. I think you can make your own LOL(legend of Liz?) game with all your works and new characters? in the future.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:10 pm

Well, i already have it in mind, but i really really sucks in animation. Im taking flash lessions n learning it, but it'll consume some time... I hope i learn how 2 use it perfectly n quicly.
If, if i do something like that, will be really in the future. A near one. Because i HAVE LOTS of ideas for this type of game. And im sure i can try my best n do something nice.
For now, ill keep learning animation/flash n making Models, scenarios, weapons, outfits, acessories etc... for those who want it n for this future project. ;P Thanks for the support again ^^

p.s.: My head hurts like hell... wtf i did last night?
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby Xananos » Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:31 pm

I can't wait to see what you come up with when you do get good at animating. It'll be incredible.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby SteelSaurus » Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:56 am

Xananos Wrote:I'd love to meet the witch doctor who does cosmetic work. "First, we must decapitate theeese chicken in sacrifice to god of superficial beauty!"
And what is any self respecting tribe without a witch doctor of some sorts? Brilliant! I'll get right on it!
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:01 am

Would be great if someone help me in the animation. I can focus in the models/etc n that should speed things up. We can call this a exercise/training, until we finish it. Lol. Because i really really suck at animation, n will let more than one month to make something good. ;P /appreciate
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby SteelSaurus » Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:11 am

A throwback to the first few pages. A good font that I personally think fits the serpantine nature of the first village would be Harrington. It' readable and has a sly feel to it. For more of a plain tribal feel; Chiller, Lucida Handwriting, Maiandra GD, and Mufferaw are to name a few. One other in particular would be Matisse ITC. If you want one font for all villages, I'd go with Matisse.

Secondly, If I may, could I snag your rougish ladies for a style tweak? I find you style to be sharp, precise, and in short, amazing. But I personally feel that something a little less neat is required. In the end it's not up to me. Just letting you know my thoughts.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby That Guy » Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:31 am

Damn, those models are great, love to see them in the next version.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby genesis » Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:05 pm

Awesome work man!!! awesome!!! im in love with it! Just a little question: Is your work gonna be used in the new game version?
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby bobsen » Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:38 pm

genesis Wrote:Awesome work man!!! awesome!!! im in love with it! Just a little question: Is your work gonna be used in the new game version?

Don't think so, sadly. Or "sadly" - I don't know. Kal is a pretty nice artist, and will probably blow us away, but these drawings are awesome too.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:56 pm

bobsen Wrote:
genesis Wrote:Awesome work man!!! awesome!!! im in love with it! Just a little question: Is your work gonna be used in the new game version?

Don't think so, sadly. Or "sadly" - I don't know. Kal is a pretty nice artist, and will probably blow us away, but these drawings are awesome too.

Yeah, i dont think so. I dont think they want more than 1 game designer or even new models/etc. But, like i said, ill keep working; maybe i make my own game version, maybe not. I still a freaking noob in animation, so i need 2 learn some flash yet. That means ill do only concepts until i learn it n do a good animation. I have lot of time 2 burn, so thats my new goal for now on. And i hope 2 find members to help me in the development, both in animation, lore/etc. Anyway, thanks for the support ;D/
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby Kalypso » Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:15 am

It's going to be really hard to integrate you into the team. It's not your fault, but it has a lot to do with style, your lesser knowledge of flash, the difference in detail between your models and my models, how the model loads, the difference in filesize between the two, how fast it loads, etc.
I know you really want to help out, so upload the editable model to the forums, or PM me a DL link through Mediafire if you're afraid of sharing it. I'd like it in .AI, if you can--if not, I can load any vector format, if it requires converting to .AI just leave it at whatever it is. I already have my Sharpclaw Seductress practically finished, but I want to play with this one and see if the style you use can be edited to fit mine without too much effort on my part. I'll upload a screenie after I'm done editing it on this forums for the world to see, and decide then, but I offer no promises, Kuja. Which sucks, because I want you to know either way, you're a really talented individual and you've definitely got a knack for this, I just don't know if you'll be able to dev models for LoK or not. We'll see once I play with the model, but again, no promises.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:35 am

No worries, I already knew you guys didnt need it. For this reason i said that i was starting a new project. And as you said, we have totally different styles(i prefeer vectors, n like i saw, u prefeer drawing vectors), so mix it cannot be good. Also, i think im going in another way, making my own lore, getting out of Nintendo's universe a bit.
Im burning time, thats why im modelling n learning flash. Like i said, maybe this turn on a new goal. And yes, I really wanted to help. But honestly my assistance is no longer needed. This is one of the reasons I'm starting my own project.
I hope I did not created a conflict, after all i dont want to compete, but to develop something in my viewpoint/way with my own skills.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby Kalypso » Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:47 am

kuja Wrote:No worries, I already knew you guys didnt need it. For this reason i said that i was starting a new project. And as you said, we have totally different styles(i prefeer vectors, n like i saw, u prefeer drawing vectors), so mix it cannot be good. Also, i think im going in another way, making my own lore, getting out of Nintendo's universe a bit.
Im burning time, thats why im modelling n learning flash. Like i said, maybe this turn on a new goal. And yes, I really wanted to help. But honestly my assistance is no longer needed. This is one of the reasons I'm starting my own project.
I hope I did not created a conflict, after all i dont want to compete, but to develop something in my viewpoint/way with my own skills.

Oh, none! I'm actually quite relieved. I was afraid the community was going to have a fit if I didn't give you a chance.
Though I don't draw my vectors either, unless you call the pen tool a drawing tool. I pinpoint shapes through pathing (I hate drawing vectors, it's just too rough) and get a much more accurate shape with the end result.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:35 am

Kalypso Wrote:Oh, none! I'm actually quite relieved. I was afraid the community was going to have a fit if I didn't give you a chance.

U should say if u want or not, instead creating new expectations. Cuz i believe the creative corner was made with that intention.
You shouldnt let the community modify the result of ur work if u dont want 2.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:17 pm

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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:35 pm

Very very thanks. Im remaking all things i already have done. ;P
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby DemonFiren » Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:36 pm

Burning? CDs?
Please don't mention my userpage here on FA. I'm officially a strict opponent of Krys/Sharpclaw interactions.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby Xananos » Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:37 pm

Bah, you're too hard on yourself. The only problems are the abs and the absence of neck.
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Re: Interface Design and Buttons

Postby kuja » Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:40 pm

Its a slang/jargoon, I tried to express what I was trying to pass the time/roast my time/had nothing 2 do/etc ;P
Anyway, i still destroying lifes with FREEZE.
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