Jenallia's Wrath; Cancelled as of 11/14/2013

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Should future chapters be released with sex being added as a "patch?" (see blog)

Maybe/no opinion/fine either way
Other (explain)
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Total votes : 43

Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby Kantirocks » Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:18 am

I haven't had a chance to play this yet, but as for the poll up now, maybe an option to turn on/off game over by rape could be the solution (And/or a way to keep the rape but not let it be a game over)
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:19 am

you mean where you get raped then wake up with almost no health left kinda thing?
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby Grape_Drink » Sun Jan 06, 2013 8:24 am

Kantirocks Wrote:I haven't had a chance to play this yet, but as for the poll up now, maybe an option to turn on/off game over by rape could be the solution (And/or a way to keep the rape but not let it be a game over)

General idea was that it depended on the scenario. Lesser demons would likely get purged from Nytarra's mind by Jenallia and move on after a short bout of love making. Meanwhile if a temptress variant or group of thugs captured her, well... There's not much of a chance of her getting freed, not before her mind has become mush/she's become submissive to the enemy in question. (She might have a chance to escape from the thugs if captured, but it'd be very hard as she'd probably be stripped of all equipment, she'd have to find her allies, etc.)

The reason I'm simply making scenes skippable instead of an initial option at startup is because generally, I'd have to include the "skip" option either way for the folks who did choose to see Gameover rape, so
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(as will be witnessed with Pheobe or Mars/Bruno scenes come the update)
I give the background info of what's about to happen, give the player the chance to skip the juicy bits, and continue from there with the aftermath. Plus this system still allows a player to skip scenes that they'll survive.

I'd like to state that the "all the rape" option was intended as a joke option... I'm really not sure how it got that many votes. Generally speaking enemies will have a potential rape scene depending on various factors; namely the type of enemy (disorderly bandits would want to get in on the action, trained criminals would likely just stab Nytarra and her associates in the face, or take her for ransom), Nytarra's Sexy Skill (she might try and use her "skills" to avoid death), and Her Purity/Corruption Modifier (a Pure Nytarra would fight back as much as she can, likely getting killed in the process while a Corrupt Nytarra would have the option to just lay back and take it, wait for the enemy to move on).

dragonmaster121989 Wrote:you mean where you get raped then wake up with almost no health left kinda thing?

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There'll be a few of those this update
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby Nokanomi » Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:38 am

Alright, so I tried this game out, and here is what I think, for the most part, and do take into account that it's based on what I have seen so far, which is to say, not much. No offence, but just trying to offer some criticism so that we can add another great game to the site, instead of an alright one.

First, is your narrative style. As a whole, it's pretty good, but for what I've seen the one 'H' scene (and I'm hesitant to call it that, as it could probably go in a Teen rated game), that I've seen, there might be more, but I only saw the one 'rape' scene, and it seems to me that you are hesitant to write about anything adult-related, and it's reflected in the fact that there was literally no description of what happened, and also, the intro scene, I think that you can get away with, but again, descriptions are everything in the written word. Now, when I say describe, I mean, describe the sensations, such as smell, sight, taste, hearing, and probably the most important for written porn/adult readings, touch. Unless your doing this in a softcore style, or are leaving out the descriptions of any form of non-consensual sex, then you really should be telling us all about the scenes, and also, if this is softcore, then put that in the description and say that "I discluded all sex scenes" or "I discluded any rape scenes, but there are references to it" and I did notice the disclaimer about containing reference to rape scenes, but when I saw it I more thought that you possibly didn't include it, or didn't flesh it out. You really need to offer warnings for these things.

Secondly, there was neigh-absolutely no adult content whatsoever. That makes me very disappointed, as generally when there's no real 'material' you put in the description "No adult content yet" or something like that, because there was nothing I really saw. I am also slightly disappointed that you didn't have any of those adult scenes, because I can't critique them, and I have no idea how well you write it yet.

As a whole, I'm going to keep watching this, but you might have to change a few things in order for it to work. But otherwise it's great. Sorry if I come across as crass or rude, but I usually can't convey a joking demeanour very well online.
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby Grape_Drink » Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:35 pm

Nokanomi Wrote:Alright, so I tried this game out, and here is what I think, for the most part, and do take into account that it's based on what I have seen so far, which is to say, not much. No offence, but just trying to offer some criticism so that we can add another great game to the site, instead of an alright one.

First, is your narrative style. As a whole, it's pretty good, but for what I've seen the one 'H' scene (and I'm hesitant to call it that, as it could probably go in a Teen rated game), that I've seen, there might be more, but I only saw the one 'rape' scene, and it seems to me that you are hesitant to write about anything adult-related, and it's reflected in the fact that there was literally no description of what happened, and also, the intro scene, I think that you can get away with, but again, descriptions are everything in the written word. Now, when I say describe, I mean, describe the sensations, such as smell, sight, taste, hearing, and probably the most important for written porn/adult readings, touch. Unless your doing this in a softcore style, or are leaving out the descriptions of any form of non-consensual sex, then you really should be telling us all about the scenes, and also, if this is softcore, then put that in the description and say that "I discluded all sex scenes" or "I discluded any rape scenes, but there are references to it" and I did notice the disclaimer about containing reference to rape scenes, but when I saw it I more thought that you possibly didn't include it, or didn't flesh it out. You really need to offer warnings for these things.

Secondly, there was neigh-absolutely no adult content whatsoever. That makes me very disappointed, as generally when there's no real 'material' you put in the description "No adult content yet" or something like that, because there was nothing I really saw. I am also slightly disappointed that you didn't have any of those adult scenes, because I can't critique them, and I have no idea how well you write it yet.

As a whole, I'm going to keep watching this, but you might have to change a few things in order for it to work. But otherwise it's great. Sorry if I come across as crass or rude, but I usually can't convey a joking demeanour very well online.

S'all good, all criticism is welcomed cirticism! I actually like when people give me the low down as it lets me improve things.

Hmm... Where to start... I suppose I'll be honest, I'm very hesitant to write about rape-based H-scenes. I've had a few friends in those unfortunate situations, and while it doesn't necesarily effect me writing them, it lingers in the back of my mind as "What would X think if they were reading this part here..." Writing non-consensual scenes is easy enough for me, but (while they are more or less the same thing) non-consensual/reluctant scenes that Nytarra enjoys are much easier for me to write than the brutal reality of rape. This is why the skip function and everything is being added this update. It'll allow me to write more grimdark H-scenes while giving the player the ability to skip them if that's not what they're into.

There's a few adult scenes, but at the moment all adult scenes are off to the side. In the next update I'm adding a number of H-scenes, but in the current bugtested version there's only two (both take place in the institution's bathroom and are pretty easily overlooked/more or less "east eggs") with the incomplete version 0.55 having an additional one with the Temptress.

The upcomming update adds quite a few, but I'm only about 67-70% done with it as of now.
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby phoenyxz » Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:26 pm

how far go the last version im at the cafeteria in where u have to play a prank or something on princess but i get stucked and theres a bug in lucien and the other guy i step in a place and they fight again and the screen turn black or game freezes '-', any1 else past through it ???
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby Grape_Drink » Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:58 am

phoenyxz Wrote:how far go the last version im at the cafeteria in where u have to play a prank or something on princess but i get stucked and theres a bug in lucien and the other guy i step in a place and they fight again and the screen turn black or game freezes '-', any1 else past through it ???

That would be one of the major bugs in the partialyl bugtested version, it'll get fixed next release.
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby konowal » Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:32 pm

i won the tournament adn i can`t go out from my room adter it.Any suggestion how do it?
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby moonblack » Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:29 am

Did you try sleeping?
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby konowal » Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:06 am

i find i t aminute later :d
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby Starship queen » Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:31 am

this looks like fun.
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby Grosham » Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:46 am

You have a wonderful beginning here. I'm excited to see what Nytarra is going to now, both during her time in the detention cells and after Sen and Lendell break her out. I won't hazard any guesses publicly, though.

I also want to offer you my thanks for being careful around a sensitive topic. This story has me hooked and shows incredible potential, so I hope that you won't let it die. Your writing is terrific, so please keep going.
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby The-Rippy-One » Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:37 am

Just my two bits - I don't care what anyone else says, that second hidden scene was hot. The first one was nice, but I keep having a war with myself between every other scene, and
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Jenallia's...oh gods, that disgusted "no" just cracks me up so hard. I hope you do eventually let us seduce grandma. XD

Pair of oddball events to report - On the first cafeteria scene, I got a pair of wrappers I shouldn't know to ask for them, and during the second, I had a replay of the first day's fight and then the screen went black. I could pull up the status screen, but nothing else seemed to work.
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby AllenAndArth » Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:05 pm

I still can't pass the jail part T-T
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby Grape_Drink » Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:10 am

Wow, I get thrown off for a little while and this thing seems to be booming...! :shock:

I should probably give a heads up on what's been happening lately.

So I know I said I was back in business in February, but... eheh... A friend of mine thought it would be a funny practical joke to delete my "private" folder on my laptop. I've been smart to keep backup copies, but that didn't stop me from getting put off. Had a major set of events recently, so... I'll probably start working again on this as soon as possible. The downtime has given me some ideas, and I think a lot of my work on scenes for this update was monotonous... Will have to go back and see what I can do to make it more kinky and less "stick Y chromosome parts in X chromosome parts."

I think I'm going to fix any leftover bugs in the prison and leave it as is. I'll be honest, I'm not satisfied with the plot I put together for the prison, but I'd have to go back and butcher it to hell and back to make it more satisfactory.

Grosham Wrote:You have a wonderful beginning here. I'm excited to see what Nytarra is going to now, both during her time in the detention cells and after Sen and Lendell break her out. I won't hazard any guesses publicly, though.

I also want to offer you my thanks for being careful around a sensitive topic. This story has me hooked and shows incredible potential, so I hope that you won't let it die. Your writing is terrific, so please keep going.

Thank you! I think folks might be disappointed with the prison events, but I'm trying!

The-Rippy-One Wrote:Just my two bits - I don't care what anyone else says, that second hidden scene was hot. The first one was nice, but I keep having a war with myself between every other scene, and
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Jenallia's...oh gods, that disgusted "no" just cracks me up so hard. I hope you do eventually let us seduce grandma. XD

Pair of oddball events to report - On the first cafeteria scene, I got a pair of wrappers I shouldn't know to ask for them, and during the second, I had a replay of the first day's fight and then the screen went black. I could pull up the status screen, but nothing else seemed to work.

Eventually, but it'll take a while, "romance" (if you can call it that) for Jenallia will probably occur much later on, and with any luck it'll be a mix of erotic, creepy, and "wut" all tied together in a neat little package!

I... Think I fixed that wrapper issue. Like I said, it's been a bit since I worked on it.

AllenAndArth Wrote:I still can't pass the jail part T-T

Eyup. Working on that. The whole jail is probably the biggest clusterf*** I've ever made!
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in the partially bugtested version, not romancing Iris should allow folks to get past that.

So, like I posted on the blog, as a sign of good faith, I'm going to pop up a link to the completely untested version if folks want to take a look at what's in store... It's pretty crummy right now though, and I'd suggest having your hand on the F12 key in case you need to back out due to a bug. ... alliawrath
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby konowal » Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:31 am

in the nontested version after i live jail i come to headmaster office and destroy weather control. After it i stuck becaause i can`t leave the office. Another think when i start new game in thees version i start n the severs and can`t leave it.
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby moonblack » Sat Mar 30, 2013 1:42 pm

I have attached a fix for both of those issues - simply overwrite the original files that are in the Data folder and you should be able to both start where you're supposed to and to leave the headmaster's office.

Note that I have not had time to play this version (I just looked at it in the editor), so any other bugs are still there.
Jenallia Data.rar
(8.11 KiB) Downloaded 74 times
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby konowal » Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:32 pm

so i report bugs i find :p.The sewers when we start are still bugged.
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby Grape_Drink » Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:58 pm

Could've sworn I fixed that, must've been an issue that didn't get into the backup... Thanks moon! Will fix it on my end as well.

As for bugs... Don't worry about finding em, konowal. You're more than welcome to report em if you come across any, but right now it's a big clutter that I'm still working on, so I wouldn't expect the current bugtesters, let alone the community to even attempt a "test" of it right now... Was more a matter of posting up the files for folks to look over if they want, and to show that I really am working on it! >.<

After this one, H-scenes are going to be more limited to a couple per update, so I'm considering version 0.6 to be the "smut" update.
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Re: Jenallia's Wrath (On "hold" as of 12/27/12)

Postby MaltZi » Sun Mar 31, 2013 1:13 am

After drinking the ale at the pub and getting raped by the orc the screen stays black
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