shin Wrote:In all honesty that is the only door that I have had trouble with. I'll fix that up and also quickly do a basic map for the next town, so there's a decent place to save. Expect this fix to be up tomorrow night or Saturday afternoon. Finally I would again like to ask for the level of Rowan for everyone so I know that I'm not making the enemies too easy, and so I know that I'm giving you guys a new character that's just far below your character's levels.
shin Wrote:Yes there was an update and yes each scene is only 1 image.
shin Wrote:Hey everyone I'm planning on updating sometime within the next two weeks. I've been out of the
county for the last ten days so I'll be resuming work. Thanks everyone.
shin Wrote:Ok I'm wondering if anyone has found the new easter egg yet that I made for fun. There is a hint in the bar, but I do realize that
it might be a bit ambiguous. My advice is to check the trees at the ends of any passage ways that are in the forest..............
also if anyone finds it try not to ruin it for anyone else. You can rave about it though since it is kinda fun.
I should also mention that there is a weapon shop in the church just search around for the hidden switch and afterwords
you also have to find the hidden door............I just remembered that there is no hint towards that sooo yeah.
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