Ok so for right now I'm going to be focusing on my characters. At this point, my main character. And Zeus, I love your ideas, I'll be picking a poking with them to figure out what works best, but great description, keep it coming if you would like to. Additional detail is what this new project it all about.

I'm currently throwing some concept characters together for my main character, (one of which I have a female forward facing outline for already) but I'll post when I have a flat color scheme on this first character I've started. And as for a basic geological map of the setting, I think I might need a little bit of help with that. I'm not too sure where to start with it. How big should said ship be? and should there be any special areas? etc, etc. I guess I should start on like a planet or something and then have the main character get on the ship until she goes through all the crew and then they come to another planet or something. Idk, I'm still a bit unsure about the timeline of how things should go.
Anywho, I'll be working out a plot and characters as I go along, but I'm using the basic plot of:
"Main character lives on planet being taken over by other beings, main character must flee with others on a large space craft, main character must find out why invasion happened and where she is going through a series of 'bribing other passengers *wink wink*, some of whom hold ranks, etc', and eventually find the truth as the ship lands on another planet or any other number of events happens to the ship and its passengers."
None of that is set in stone obviously, but thats about how I want this to go, there won't be any fighting (like in DirtyC101's games) except in the bedroom ha

It will basically be an exploration kind of game with tons of places to go and tons of other characters to meet. So that's that for the basic outline of the plot that I've decided on, let me know if you have any ideas or things I can add because, as always, this is a work in progress.