Optimized MiM

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Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby Csbears » Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:34 am

Nobodies asked?...i guess I'll be the one to do it. Kaly...what the fuck happened to you for the last like, four months? Did you get into a super villain fight with Doctor Octopus, rob a bank, get caught by Spiderman, and spend the time breaking out? Did a Zombie Apocalypse happen to befall your local neighborhood? Did your Computer fuck up on you?

You fell off the radar and I, along with plenty of others, are very interested in what you have to say.
Last edited by Csbears on Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby Acidrayne360 » Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:44 am

Just so you know, I stayed optimistic, they jumped for the worst, like zombie apocalypse...I just suggested you were in the hospital for something minor... :lol:
Although, zombie apocalypse would be cool!
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Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby Darek » Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:22 pm

That...is...epic. Definitely a huge improvement in terms of gameplay, animations/etc from the original although I love the original all the same. This is what community contributions are all about!

Also, anyone else noticed the belly-button piercing in The Real Ending of Super Mario Bros 2? Wish there was an easter egg for clicking it. :D
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Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby Eddie » Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:29 pm

Wow.. that one is really optmized!
nice job..anyway, of course it could be even more optmized.
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Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby What? » Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:02 am

yeah id have to agree with this being an improvement to the game. everything was much more crisp and clean which is always a good thing, and as for the "attacks" i would say its marginally too fast but still an improvement overall. The "attack" positions only look fast because the game wasnt probably intended to operate that fast but im sure that could be fixed. on to movement, i think its spot on where it should be and definately would leave it at the new speed. The sliding kinda even reminds me of playing as peach on smb 2. Overall i think this improvement is what this game was missing all along...that and mario of course...
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Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby toddymon » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:56 pm

eh. short red man is of little concern to me. i think that the "attacks" look just fine. and it moves much better. making it easier for me not to fall into pits seven times now it just needs more enemies. like melvin perhaps "reference to another tail" and maybe the hammer bros.
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Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby LurkNoMoar » Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:55 am

If we had access to the .fla, it'd surely be pretty easy to just increase the keyframes of the 'attack' animations, and then we'd have an optimised, fast game with smoother animations at a normal pace...
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Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby 8749 » Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:29 pm

its sweet.... but preventing urself from dieing is nao twice as hard... can we prehapes create something without soo many jumps and stuff? i understand some people like it this way and find it amusing, more challanging, but im certain there are others out there that just wana enjoy a good game [and a good fap] without too much chalange..... so can we make those drop dead holes smaller or rather, have non at all?
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Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby MarioMaker » Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:31 pm

When I get a free chance I'll see if I can add some cheats to it. Pending a good decompilation of the game.
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Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby SharpClawManiac » Thu Dec 09, 2010 7:51 pm

It would be way better if the cum stays on her and if you don't always have to start all over new :)
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Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby humbird0 » Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:08 pm

I'm not sure if PlayShapes would be cool with me posting the FLA.
But I did create a prototype game engine before I modified Mario's Missing.
SWF file
FLA file (flash version 8, actionscript 2)
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Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby Thaedael » Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:03 am

Hey humbird0, sorry I took forever to approve your post. On a side note sorry I totally disappeared on your pokemon game over on the toonpimp forums, my mother was diagnosed with a bunch of issues, school took over my life, became a moderator, and totally forgot about the other forums so just wanted to apologize >.<.

Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby Biles » Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:20 am

So this is the optimized version of the original MiM? Hmm, I'm a checking out the fla file, it could prove useful to me hehe. I see that you've also made a ceiling collision as well. I had to learn the hard way XD
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Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby Lucky777 » Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:22 am

Damn, that's kinda amazing.
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Re: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby ANooB » Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:36 pm

Ahhh, the great humbird0 has joined the LOK ranks, we need you more than ever!! Big fan of your Time machine game!!!
Spruce your games up using free vector content: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=7109

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FLA for: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby humbird0 » Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:32 am

I should've posted this a very long time ago, but here's the FLA for this optimized version of Mario's Missing.

Here are some tutorial videos about how to edit it and create levels.
Building a level
Adding a new sound effect
Adding more music
Locating and editing the game's code

This may provide some useful examples and ideas for people who want to improve their own games.
- For example, the game automatically rasterizes the level art, making the game much faster.
- The player is programmed as a "finite state machine", which basically means that instead of having a bunch of IF and ELSE statements to keep track of whether she's jumping or doing other stuff, you instead have multiple programs inside of the player and only one of them runs at any given time. There's a program for standing, another for walking, one for jumping, etc. This makes it very easy to give the player multiple abilities and add new ones later because each action's code is separate and they don't overlap.
- I put all of the programming for the movieClips inside of them instead of on them. This makes them very modular and easy to use. You just drag and drop, and they automatically have all of their code. This also makes it very easy to update things because there's only one copy of any piece of code.
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Re: FLA for: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby Terrantor!!! » Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:37 am

Fuck yeah, bro. Fuck yeah.
Lotta people don't appreciate how you go through the trouble of making things easy and optimal, Just wanna say thank you.

Forgot to ask, If I feel like drawing some new scenery, do I just add it in as a .png and put it on one of the corresponding layers?
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Re: FLA for: Optimized Mario Is Missing

Postby humbird0 » Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:44 am

Terrantor!!! Wrote:Fuck yeah, bro. Fuck yeah.
Lotta people don't appreciate how you go through the trouble of making things easy and optimal, Just wanna say thank you.

Forgot to ask, If I feel like drawing some new scenery, do I just add it in as a .png and put it on one of the corresponding layers?

First, take a look at this demonstration, especially what happens at the 3:30 mark.
Just put the images inside of the "frozenBackground" movieClip. That movieClip is intended for all level graphics that don't move.

You'll also need to draw invisible walls inside of the "walls" movieClip to act as their collision.
Just open that movieClip and paint normally, then set the fill color to Zero opacity.
The video puts vector graphics inside of the "walls" layer, but the game will run much faster if you put all of the graphics inside of "frozenBackground" instead and paint the collision separately.

The game will automatically rasterize everything in the "frozenBackground" movieClip to improve the game's speed.
The "under" movieClip does not get rasterized.
Any level decorations that animate, but are not interactive, should go inside of the "under" movieClip.
Any interactive objects and characters should go inside one of the movieClips in the "sprites" folder.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
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