MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

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MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Blargh » Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:53 am

Watch for updates every week or so (between Thursday-Saturday, usually Friday). On hiatus (see below). The newest version is in this first post.
*If you see anything that needs fixing, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
*If you are having problems with lag or just getting it to play, you can save the SWF directly and running it from your hard drive. Alternatively, try downloading from the Mediafire link (the SWF is in the file with the FLA, but they're not necessarily going to be up to date).
(On a technical note: The SWF is the game itself, and it requires Adobe Flash Player 10 to run. The FLA is the source file, and it requires Adobe Flash CS5 or greater to open.)

I'm going to be dedicated to making animations for MiM PUT for a long while. During that time, I won't be updating MiM DO.
Here's my note on the matter: http://www.legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=744&p=200802#p200792
* Please send me a PM for any questions you have or bugs that need fixing. Otherwise you may be waiting a long time for a reply.

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~Mario is Missing (hacked).swf [ 6.47 MiB | Viewed 712458 times ]

Last update before going to work on MiM PUT (February 17, 2013):
- Adjusted the costume 'created by' box at character select to a width that can hold ClaraMennington's name.
- Finished the Lady Bow scene.
- A couple of Boos have been moved so they can be dodged now, if desired.
- Added text to Bloopers, Boos, and Pokey.
EDIT: Added a going-away message to the end of the underground area.
PS: The last FLA for a while is here: http://www.mediafire.com/?iyrcbnr31i4lt66.

Update for February 9, 2013:
- Added Hooker costume by ClaraMennington.
- Added Lady Bow by Blargh as a playable character.
- Your movement speed at the time of saving will now be returned on loading the game.
* I really mean it this time!
- Fixed up the platforms in the Ghost House so all movement speeds should be able to make it to the end (except Poison, but why would you even?).
- Added the Lady Bow scene to the Ghost House and to the gallery.
* Of course, it's still not finished.
* The gallery scene is under Other Scenes for now. I'll make a new category some other time.
* The do-over for the scene is also buggy. If the scene doesn't start but Peach is missing, press down again until it works.

Update for January 25, 2013:
- Fixed the corrupted sound effect at the title screen
- The Blarghling at the title screen now gets more screen time, and a more tragic end. :(
- The Ghost House finally has platforming.
* Zoom out is recommended for the fewest leaps of faith.
* The actual reward for getting to the end will come next time. I don't mean to be a tease.
PS: This update's FLA is here: http://www.mediafire.com/?pg7wvqv2xe35l41.

Things I'll be working on when I come back to this game (in no particular order):
- Add more masturbation scenes
- Add new side areas
- Add new enemies and new sex scenes
- Add more to/re-decorate the gallery mode
Last edited by Blargh on Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:18 pm, edited 162 times in total.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Crossbow1701 » Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:18 am

seens that sometimes moving too fast hinders your jumping especially at the two blocks you need to jump during the first part of the game.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Darek » Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:03 am

"You can also press the 'down' arrow or 's' while standing over a dead goomba or the chancellor to re-start the sex scene."
Very nice.
Also like the flame wheel hack.

My only main suggestion besides what you are already working on is to use Humbird0's optimized version and work from there.
If you can get the source code you'll have the 'optimized' part done for you, and any edits you make to make it easier and more enjoyable (with the re-start sex scenes for instance) can then be added in to an already optimised version.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Oriandu » Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:47 am

If I remember right the "optimized" version is glitched to the high heavens. If you're up for it, any chance of adding more variety to the sex scenes? The Morton one is a bit of a fuck you when it comes to the fact that all Peach does is blow him, she'll fuck Goombas but not a Koopaling? Laaame.

Also, return the speed of the fire suit to normal.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Darek » Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:01 am

The only real glitch I found in the 'optimized' version is that the background sometimes stuffs up. However Humbird0 fixed all the hitbox problems in terms of the player falling off of the edge of an object or the ground as well as other such issues (and as far as I can tell he added a few new sex animations to the goombas like anal).
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Blargh » Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:34 pm

Speed down the fire suit? Aw man. I really like the super speed. It makes getting through the level a lot quicker. Well, I'll drop the speed (it's still going to be faster than being naked), and I'll just add more blocks to the annoying jumps. I'll be reuploading with these fixes shortly.

The optimized version is a programmer's heaven, but an editor's hell (not that Playshapes' original version was easy to navigate), and I ain't no programmer. Also, the only thing I would even want out of it is the collision detection, which I've been trying to figure out with just the easier to understand original, let alone the highly complex beast of the optimized version. Bumping up the frame rate to make Peach go faster and pixelating the backgrounds were both poor design choices in my opinion, and nothing else in that version justifies the massive code overhaul besides making it ActionScript 3.0 compatible. But I guess my bitching about the optimized version can be summed up as, 'I don't want to have to learn strange, complex things to be able to modify a game that isn't even my own.' Wait, why did I start learning flash then... 8-)

Don't worry, though. I'll keep trying to figure out the hitboxes and collision detection (like the first ledge with the toad on it that you fall through if you're not jumping constantly, grr!). And in the meantime, I'm also not an animator, so it'll take me a while to add to the Morton sex scene. I already had plans for it, but it'll take more time and probably won't look as good as the rest of Playshapes' animations.

I had plans to add more variety to the goombas (and no, despite your optimism, the optimized version didn't add any scenes to the goombas either), but that's a lot of work without pre-made animations. Honestly, I am normally very lazy, I swear.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby MarioMaker » Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:20 pm

Are you willing to post the FLA at some point?
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Blargh » Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:35 pm

Yeah, sure. It'll be up with the next bugfix, which is coming right about whenever the edit gets approved. I just wasn't sure if it would be allowed to post it or not, since I haven't seen an FLA for MiM on this site before.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Blargh » Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:51 am

Hmm. It looks like the FLA got cut by the internal server error when I posted. Before I try again, I should confirm whether you want my modified code or Playshapes' original code?
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby zamgn355 » Sat Dec 11, 2010 1:40 am

Great changes, only thing I'd like to see added is the Samus costume someone incorporated into another version of MiM. Other than that, using this as my definitive version of MiM now.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby bosworth115 » Sat Dec 11, 2010 2:42 am

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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Blargh » Sat Dec 11, 2010 6:12 am

I'll be getting around to costumes once I'm finished with the boss text and re-programming the Goombas so that the text on them works properly (barring some other major issue I'm forgetting atm). The costumes will be a slog, though. As far as I can figure, I'll have to program every part of every limb and costume accessory just so that they change to what they're supposed to when the time to change costumes arrives. If anyone has any hints on how to do it easier, I'm open to suggestions, but not hypnosis. Well, maybe a little hypnosis. ;p
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Oriandu » Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:41 am

I don't know how playshape's original script works and it's been a while since I did any programming in flash, so I don't remember precisely but there should be the option to change the state of your character when a costume is grabbed. Swapping every piece of the animation sounds like a lot more work than I remember you having to do. Could have sworn you could have a line of code that just does a flat out swap of the movie clip.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby zamgn355 » Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:04 pm

Blargh Wrote:I'll be getting around to costumes once I'm finished with the boss text and re-programming the Goombas so that the text on them works properly (barring some other major issue I'm forgetting atm). The costumes will be a slog, though. As far as I can figure, I'll have to program every part of every limb and costume accessory just so that they change to what they're supposed to when the time to change costumes arrives. If anyone has any hints on how to do it easier, I'm open to suggestions, but not hypnosis. Well, maybe a little hypnosis. ;p

That sounds good, just glad to know you're doing things, the chat is really great btw, it's a lot more enjoyable, looking forward to most of it not being backwards. :)
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Blargh » Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:18 pm

There's two parts to the costume change. The first is an object that has code such as "_root.fire = true;", but then it also has to have a line for each other outfit to set all the other outfits as false. That's to cover for any outfits that don't use all of the parts.

Then you need some code to say exactly what constitutes "fire". So, on each individual part you have an individual piece of code that is a nested 'If' statement ("if (_root.fire) gotoAndPlay "fire";", but one line is needed for each outfit here as well). Then there's a frame that's labelled as "fire" that has the actual "fire" outfit piece in place on the character model, and you need a separate frame for each piece.

That's about the gist of what I've been able to figure out on my own. So, again, if anyone knows an easier way I would be all for it! :)

Oh yeah, FLA attached here, but it's zipped because my upload size is limited. Hopefully it works this time.
~Mario is Missing (hacked).zip
(6.5 MiB) Downloaded 5019 times
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby bosworth115 » Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:56 am

zamgn355 Wrote:
Blargh Wrote:I'll be getting around to costumes once I'm finished with the boss text and re-programming the Goombas so that the text on them works properly (barring some other major issue I'm forgetting atm). The costumes will be a slog, though. As far as I can figure, I'll have to program every part of every limb and costume accessory just so that they change to what they're supposed to when the time to change costumes arrives. If anyone has any hints on how to do it easier, I'm open to suggestions, but not hypnosis. Well, maybe a little hypnosis. ;p

That sounds good, just glad to know you're doing things, the chat is really great btw, it's a lot more enjoyable, looking forward to most of it not being backwards. :)

I agree, the text during the sex scenes just added so much more insight into the story instead of Peach being a sex machine.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby fatpat » Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:29 am

Im likeing it so far keep up the good work and if its not too much could you message me when you upload the next version if you dont mind thanks a bunch!!! : )
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Blargh » Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:59 pm

New version is up, and the newest FLA is also attached to the original post.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby haloman » Tue Dec 14, 2010 10:00 pm

Blargh Wrote:New version is up, and the newest FLA is also attached to the original post.

Link pleese? thanks :D XD
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Crossbow1701 » Tue Dec 14, 2010 10:54 pm

haloman Wrote:
Blargh Wrote:New version is up, and the newest FLA is also attached to the original post.

Link pleese? thanks :D XD

yes link would be great.
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