A method to accelerate this thing!

Discussion about Legend of Krystal. For now this also includes any feature-requests or other ideas.

A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby Rinzler » Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:33 am

So, this is kind of a tricky thread, as I haven't read if this is acceptable but I'm gonna take my chances...

I've read many many reasons why this FLASH is taking more a than YEAR in the making, and its not even the FINAL version of the desired project, just so name a few examples there's the: "Not enough free time" reason, the "It's not like we are getting paid" reason, "We're practically making a new game here" reason & countless others...

SO, I wanted the makers/members of the LoK team to tell us what it is they NEED for this thing to get going, Maybe donation would be an incentive to make them work harder or more efficiently, maybe they are lacking someone in a department! or maybe they have lost their focus or determination to make this game and have their own projects!

No matter what the reasons are, we are all expecting a game to come out! so I encourage members to post here, what they'd like us to do for the game to get going in the making (it doesn't matter if it is money, some people here wouldn't mind donating a few bucks I'm sure), and for other users and followers of the LoK team to give out ideas on what we could do to make the game get going (not ideas for the game, but for its making)
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby trunks2585 » Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:01 am

We could get in trouble if donations were made, profiting off nintendo's characters and all that, hell playshapes himself could probably sue us since it's his game we're modifying. Money is out of the question.

ptoon-t and Ren need help, no question about it. all the artwork falls on ptoon-t and we havn't found anyone that wants to do background work, and personally I think we should just use katsu's krystal since she's basically finished. I'm really past caring if all the artwork blends together because people are gonna make and contribute their own stuff eventually anyways.

Ren needs ot accept help, open up, and share whatever code he does have written, even if he claims it doesn't amount to much, it's better than keeping it hidden. Overall this needs to be a community project again, not seperated into 'the team' and 'the fans'
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby trunks2585 » Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:47 am

katsu's krystal is still being worked on, me and ebonizza are trying to get him to fix the eye and muzzle, after those changes, she should be pretty good.
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby Boomer » Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:55 am

hey guys but um i was wondering and i don't think that i'm the only one who thinks this (something like that). Why don't you guys just use playshapes artwork? its perfectly fine! It would save a whole shit load of time by not having to re-do the chars, and plus you could release this version and slowly work on the new models at the same time. If that's not explained clearly enough, then here's what i'm saying, just do v.03 while at the same time, slowly work on the artwork for the new models.
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby KaTsuO_O » Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:36 am

@Boomer if you use one model for an animation you cant really switch it out to something thats a bit different because the new models would probebly be a bit different in size, lenght and how it looks like so the animation would be messed up. I think its better that they finish everything and then start making animations so they dont need to remake to most they done.
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby Oriandu » Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:27 am

Art styles have to mesh properly, let Ptoon work his magic, don't use someone else's model. As good as that Krystal may be, and it is quite good, it won't be the same as everything else, and even if it's only slightly off from the core art style of the game, it will still look bad. Keep in mind this is a 2D game you're working on, any difference in art styles will be magnified by ten, especially considering this is the main character you're talking about. I would recruit more workers before mixing art styles.
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby trunks2585 » Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:58 pm

Well what i'm thinking is, if ptoon is having trouble, take katsu's krystal and modify it (i'm pretty sure katsu has said it's cool for people to do that) into his style.
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby KaTsuO_O » Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:22 pm

I would be more than happy if my model would be used in the project so if ptoon or anyone else want to change something its okey for me.
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby bleeduntildeath » Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:29 am

trunks2585 Wrote:We could get in trouble if donations were made, profiting off nintendo's characters and all that, hell playshapes himself could probably sue us since it's his game we're modifying. Money is out of the question.

ptoon-t and Ren need help, no question about it. all the artwork falls on ptoon-t and we havn't found anyone that wants to do background work, and personally I think we should just use katsu's krystal since she's basically finished. I'm really past caring if all the artwork blends together because people are gonna make and contribute their own stuff eventually anyways.

Ren needs ot accept help, open up, and share whatever code he does have written, even if he claims it doesn't amount to much, it's better than keeping it hidden. Overall this needs to be a community project again, not seperated into 'the team' and 'the fans'

you donate need to have donations made to the forum, you can have donations sent to you right? or you could make dummy art and have people donate to that
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby trunks2585 » Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:56 am

let me put it another way, we arn't accepting money for this, period. How big of a sellout would we all look if we did anyways? this is suppose to be a community project, not a bunch of jerkoffs that are only motivated by greed.
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby bleeduntildeath » Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:29 am

trunks2585 Wrote:let me put it another way, we arn't accepting money for this, period. How big of a sellout would we all look if we did anyways? this is suppose to be a community project, not a bunch of jerkoffs that are only motivated by greed.

I must admit trunks, that is very noble, I didn't even like porn games until I saw this one, so I figured I could show a little respect by paying
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby Eggplants » Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:25 pm

if anybody needs money it would probably be Ren because that's the main reason he's being held back. because he's already working on paid projects and only works on this when he's got free time and isn't pissed off at coding for the time being. but I don't know my copyright laws so I wouldn't know how potentially dangerous it is :/

and p-toon's work is definitely a step up that I would hate to see go. I think he just overcomplicates things for himself by being too much of a perfectionist and overthinking what he's doing. idk it happens to me sometimes and I get virtually nothing done.

and to bleeduntildeath whether you end up paying or not, thanks for the support. you're very generous :)
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby Thaedael » Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:13 pm

What's the rush anyway, when you are contributing to others, or just generally chatting with other people in the community through constructive criticism or throwing ideas around, time flies and soon enough you are distracted. There are many cool games, ideas, and just fun to be had, so let the game take as long as it needs, it will be better for it. Not to mention you have a professional grade programmer, and world class artists working on the game, the team is rather unified, and has good direction. People like trunks are also open and pretty chill.

Long story short it doesn't need to be sped up.

Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby Eddie » Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:38 pm

Hey i would like to see the code, or give all the help i can to Renara.
I dont have flash CS5, all I have is flash develop. So, im talking about .as, not .fla

Can Renara contact me? PM or something?
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby trunks2585 » Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:26 pm

It's great we've developed a lot of ideas and developed a community, but at some point, we have to get something done, otherwise the prodject falls apart, the team gets tired of waiting on one another, and everyone looses intrest. It's one thing to see things progress, like with kal when he was on the team, and ptoon-t, it's another to see nothing, like with Ren.
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby Thaedael » Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:23 pm

I hope I don't cross the lines of insubordination. So I hope I don't come across as a jerk but this needs to be said.

The last project I worked on involved over 200 people, of which 150 some odd people were just people that continually kept asking for more ideas to be implemented. 30 of them were people that either contributed graphic media or musical media, and about only 4 programmers.

I find with any online project that is free and fan-based there is always an inverse hierarchic structure resembling an upside down pyramid, with all the pressure of the people above pushing onto one person. The last project I worked on fell apart because there wasn't enough support for the programmers, and typically the programmers are dong this in their spare time when they usually have full time jobs and/or are students. Having a high caliber programmer is rare, and as such I think the people need to realize that he is doing this out of his own time, usually after hours of doing this as a job.

Now as for community dieing, I have witnessed a game project community die. I am no expert on the subject but within the subjective [not objective] time frame of when I joined to now the ammount of fan material has grown bigger, so in one sense the game community is not dieing.

The legend of krystal team on the other hand are working behind closed doors, and don't air their dirty laundry. This is good and bad, I support this position, however most people will bash on it because they want their fap material now. I find that the more you let people in the more diluted the work becomes and as such I am more in favor of the closed door approach. The work that kal has produced is amazing, P-Toon is a VERY good artist too, so it is needless to say I am excited when/if the game comes out.

As I said, try not to pressure the programmer and life will be good. Also does ren also pay for the site out of his own pocket? If so it is one more reason to let him take his time ^^.

Hope I didn't cross any unwritten lines.

Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby MrBear » Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:49 am

To be honest I loved the scraped files of krystal, a lot more than Katsuos krystal, no offense intended :)
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby trunks2585 » Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:10 am

Thaedael: we (the team) havn't really put any pressure on ren, it was only say this past december that we started asking for a demo of something. Also Ren makes the mistake of the game code being 'his' project, it all has to be done by 'him'. 3-y is more than capable of helping Ren do the programming, and we've had others offer their help, but Ren refuses to accept any, this is what bothers me. It's one thing to turn down help if you don't need it, but Ren has proven just the opposite of what he'd like us to believe.

MrBear: Both have their good points and bad points. Could you say what it is you like about the scrapped krystal that Kal did that you prefer? that might help give us some direction (because obviously ptoon-t's won't look like Kal's work)
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Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby Thaedael » Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:18 am

Ok well I won't say anything further on the matter. I also know that people have different styles and preferences for coding which is why they tend to be territorial and mark their lines in the sand.

Re: A method to accelerate this thing!

Postby trunks2585 » Fri Jan 14, 2011 6:05 am

Yeah I can understand that, but there comes a point where you gotta sacrifice it being 'your' code to work with someone else so something gets done. Either insist on doing everything yourself so it's your vision at the risk of the team pressuring you, or work with 1 or 2 other coders and make compromises to get something done. Ultimatly Ren may have to make compromises to his design anyways if the team or the community rejects what he's doing, he even said he wouldn't be surprised if how the engine runs continues to change all the way up to 1.0
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