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Legend of Krystal AE (version G) abandonned by everyone ?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 9:25 pm
by Xenoz
Hello every LoK fans,
I know the main developer of LoK AE (v.G) stopped and abandonned the project since a long time.
But I wondered, did EVERYONE abandonned and forgot this game ? Among all LoK game, this one was my favorite so far in any and all points, and I'm very sad if this awesome game doesn't have anymore future, one of my favorite Flash game.
I know some people wanted to "continue" where the developer stopped, but so, what now ? Nobody work on this game anymore ? If no, that is sad but I understand I don't judge because myself I can't work on it, if yes, I would love to know the few people still working on it.
Thanks to take your time to read this post, hope the best for LoK future, and who know, maybe someday this game will come back with a rework.

Re: Legend of Krystal AE (version G) abandonned by everyone

PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:37 am
by rottingbasket
I mean, you didn't forget it.

That could be enough to start the spark.

Re: Legend of Krystal AE (version G) abandonned by everyone

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 5:06 pm
by Fragmasterson2
The only way it will come back is if someone with some programming and artistic talent comes across it and is interested enough to do something with it. But it's not exactly a mainstream interest so the odds of that happening seem small to me.

Re: Legend of Krystal AE (version G) abandonned by everyone

PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:30 pm
by Enkide
The only one who is trying to control it, ended up working more on another project, which is funny cause his project is on a forum meant for the one he forgot. XD

But I know someone is making a project like it only expanding out, the only problem with game makers is they like us, need money to produce products.

Re: Legend of Krystal AE (version G) abandonned by everyone

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:44 pm
by BJE
TBH i would not mind funding the project if he decided to bring it back. i bet there are others willing to do the same as long as he is willing to be committed on the project again

Re: Legend of Krystal AE (version G) abandonned by everyone

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:01 am
by li0n7900
I don't know if this is relevant to the thread, but someone is sorta remaking that game through their patreon
you may have seen the 0.3 version on the forums. So far it seems to somewhat emulate the past game. You explore the village, meeting characters and performing jobs each day.
Of course, it is still an early build, so not much is available. It's still a very promising project with some excellent content right now.