First, I dont know if the idea of a progress bar is out there or even approved, what I for a progress bar is: a bar that lets you know how much of the game you have actually achieved or found including easter eggs, secrets, actual quests or side-quests (if there are going to be any).
But my question or idea is the following: When a player, achieves a full 100% on the progress bar, what will he earn!?!? I've seen plenty of games and of all kinds with this nice rewarding system, from both PC and console games; to give out a few examples, there is almost any mario adventure game in which you can get all stars and you earn something, for a recent example, in super mario galaxy, you are given the opportunity to play the game super luigi galaxy which is basically the same game but with luigi instead of mario as the main character, and after you complete this one with all the stars you are given a little extra stage to play with its own cinematic and star; aaaalso there is the kirby crystal shards example, after finding all the crystals you get to play a whole new world, with a twist of the plot-line and a new boss with a new gameplay to it!
If, this idea is taken by the LoK team and is actually input to the game what will the outcome be???

Here's a few of my guesses or ideas:
1.- You get to play a new main character! who knows, maybe a girl from another game! peach, samus!
2.- You get yourself a new quest in which there is a real nice scene to watch!
3.- A random mini-game! (I didn't mention it before in the examples but, in Excitebike 64 when you complete the game you unlock the option to play the nes excitebike, which is an awesome game!)
Feel free to comment ur own and support this post if u liked the idea! (how obvious...)