Erotic asphyxiation + Exposed Tongues

Before I start off discussing my topic I'd like to mention that I am a fresh forum member and this is my first post. I'd also like to compliment all the LoK team on THE most immersive, truly captivating, and sexy animated furry material I have ever come across. You're style is impeccable and how you've executed things so far is amazing. Not one of your scenes is ever boring, in fact half the time I find it very hard to decide which scenes I want to cast out my "knuckle-children" to.
and that's saying something.
But back to topic, I was browsing through the creators section and playing yet another run through of LoK version .2
when I decided to rate what I though was the best (aka the most fap-tacular) animation scene (boss battles aside) within the game. At first it was a clean cut tie between the "Ass Rape" scene near the crash site and the "Drench" scene in the caves. The "Drench" scene was so good, totally saucy with the subtle moaning and Krystal's facial expressions, and I almost wanted it to win but the "Ass Rape" scene was just sexier every time for me and I just couldn't figure out why!?! because personally I'm not too fond of anal scenes. But then it hit me, the sounds played a big part but it was how Krystal's tongue was draped out along her chin. Putting aside the fact that having her tongue draped out was just hot in general, it gave a sense of "realism" dare I say, Krystal being a furry/animal would naturally have her mouth gaping open with her tongue draped out like that during intercourse.
Like, when two dogs (foxes, wolves etc) go at it, they have their mouths open, tongues dangling all over the place and are panting like crazy. So you guys really hit the nail on the head with that one, the draped out tongue was a really good embodiment agent whether it was intended that way or not.
It made the game that little bit more immersive by giving the illusion that Krystal really is an animal going at it, as opposed to just a furry animation mimicking human sexual scenarios. Anyway enough on that point, to tie it all up, more exposed tongues dangling about the place and maybe an erotic heavy-panting WAV file or two would make a great addition to some upcoming scenes.
Lemme know what ya's think -

But back to topic, I was browsing through the creators section and playing yet another run through of LoK version .2

Like, when two dogs (foxes, wolves etc) go at it, they have their mouths open, tongues dangling all over the place and are panting like crazy. So you guys really hit the nail on the head with that one, the draped out tongue was a really good embodiment agent whether it was intended that way or not.
It made the game that little bit more immersive by giving the illusion that Krystal really is an animal going at it, as opposed to just a furry animation mimicking human sexual scenarios. Anyway enough on that point, to tie it all up, more exposed tongues dangling about the place and maybe an erotic heavy-panting WAV file or two would make a great addition to some upcoming scenes.
Lemme know what ya's think -