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Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming out?

Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:26 pm
by hermitoadkirb
I'm not trying to appear impatient, but I must point out that it has been quite some time since Legend of Krystal V2 came out, and I think people were preparing for V3, but V3 hasn't been made yet. Is legend of Krystal over? It seems like this Forum is now only focusing on Samus. Could someone please let me know what's up?
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:44 pm
by samhandy
see this:
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=669it's being worked on, and these threads aren't really appreciated.
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:04 pm
by Nightmenace
Yes, The Legend of Krystal project is still being worked on a lot, it's just taking a long time because it is a BIG ass project lol. The step from v0.2 to v0.3 is a big one so v0.3 wont be coming out for a while (don't ask for a specific date because there isn't one) so ya just be patient and things will happen

As for the samus stuff, thats all fan made stuff and completely unrelated to LoK lol
SO ya i hope that answers ur questions and welcome to the forum XP
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:29 pm
by bobsen
I have a small question too: What exactly is being worked on, which is keeping v3 away? I was under the impression that the code from v2, which was an earlier version of ms flash, needed to be converted into the newer Actionscript = v3.
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:08 pm
by pToon-T
I can't speak for the programing, but I'm redoing all the artwork in the game, (and adding some).
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:17 pm
by trunks2585
Can we make a rule to ban people if their first post is 'when is the game coming out' or anything like that? I'm sorry but we've answered this question over and over again and you don't even have to be a registered member to lurk and read the posts, I'm pretty sure this is one of the first things Ren answers in the FAQ.
As for what's being worked on EVERYTHING. I'm not joking, yeah the code is all being redone and improved, ptoon-t is redoing all the artwork, so of course that means all the scenes need to be re-animated with new vectors, and I've adjusted the story and expanded it (and it will continue to expand as new versions come out).
If you all want to try and get an idea of how long this will take consider this. Ren released version 2 using the same code, the same sprites, and the same story playshapes made, and only made some changes like adding idle animations and the anal rape scene. That alone took around 3-4 months, using what was already there! So how long do you think a total reworking of everything will take when we are basically going from scratch?
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:31 pm
by Oriandu
Contrary to popular belief, the LoK team doesn't work on this all of the time. Lives tend to slow down things that you aren't working the 9-5 at.

Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:23 am
by Acidrayne360
samhandy Wrote:and these threads aren't really appreciated.
Yup-a-yup...'Tis true.
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:54 am
by toddymon
i say they are down right annoying. in the words of mr. incredible "WE'LL GET THERE WHEN WE GET THERE!!"
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:45 am
by Nightmenace
lol i love watching trunks tell people off who make threads about this question XD it makes my day
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:26 am
by trunks2585
Nightmenace Wrote:lol i love watching trunks tell people off who make threads about this question XD it makes my day
Heh, I'm glad I entertain you, I try to be more civil about it here than say, on pawsru. Seriously I don't want to be an asshole and would love to have a civil talk about other things than 'when is the game coming out'.
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:28 am
by Csbears
When i seen this thread i instantly thought "Ah shit...somebodies gonna get it". I'm all for banning impatient newcomers! teach those damn crazy kids whats what! Hang them to crosses on all the roads leading to Rome!
What other things would you be interested in talking about in civility trunks? or are you just trying to downplay your hard ass tendencies? I mean i know somebody has to do it, you might as well enjoy being "that guy"...right?
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:17 am
by toddymon
heh. im sure there are lots of other things that can be commented on. but questions like when is it coming out is the equivalent of "hurry the hell up you idiots" in my book and i really dont like it when people do that.
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:29 am
by trunks2585
Csbears Wrote:When i seen this thread i instantly thought "Ah shit...somebodies gonna get it". I'm all for banning impatient newcomers! teach those damn crazy kids whats what! Hang them to crosses on all the roads leading to Rome!
What other things would you be interested in talking about in civility trunks? or are you just trying to downplay your hard ass tendencies? I mean i know somebody has to do it, you might as well enjoy being "that guy"...right?
Eh, general things that i can, like what's being done, what we're doing with the plot, things I'm allowed to talk about.
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:30 am
by toddymon
yay spoilers! *sits down and listens intently*
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:35 am
by trunks2585
I said what i could

How the game ends isn't on the list of acceptable things. I'll tell you there's two new major areas, one is the dark woods, which was never really fleshed out, so I count it as new. The other is a place that's important to the dark woods, and I'll leave it at that. Both are going to be multiple screens to explore, so you won't be shortchanged on that, the double dick demons will be the main enemies as you might have guessed, as well as a few other surprise characters. This thread probably needs to be locked, I'll see about starting up and official updates/info kinda thread later.
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:44 am
by toddymon
is there a possiblility of the goron mountain and the zora domain? just a question.
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:05 am
by trunks2585
Not in this coming update.
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:40 am
by pToon-T
Having read some of the post regarding LoK on pawsru, one question came to mind, what is it on the Internet that makes people act like such entitled assholes? you are getting this game for free, you have people using there free time to make it, and yet some people who have contributed nothing think they have the right to set the schedule. Let me just say this, I do this because I like Drawing, so how much I do on any given day depends largely on how much I feel like doing, I will tray setting some personal deadlines in the future, but they are mine to sett, I don't want to burnout on this project, as i have no incentive to keep on going after it stops being fun(except for guilt and personal responsibility), a another way to make me lose interest is to convince me that the people how will enjoy the fruits of my labor are Ingrate Assholes(I'm not insinuating that this community is doing that, you have for most part been very understanding and appreciative). If you don't think we're working fast enough, you can MAKE YOUR OWN DAMNED GAME!
Re: Is the Legend of Krystal game finished? or is V3 coming

Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:47 am
by Renara
I don't think I can say it better than trunks and pToon-T already have; we keep working on it, yes we know it's been ages, but at least we all still post relatively frequently so you know you're not abandoned

Anyway, I'm going to lock this thread as we have too many progress ones (one of which is called progress by the way).