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Play testing?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:33 am
by samhandy
I've been lurking here and there over the last few months, but I'm still wondering: What sort of emphasis is being put on play testing? Not just for bugs, but for the enjoyability of the game and its content (like Valve's emphasis on making all their content as user friendly, polished, and downright awesome as possible)? I know there is the polls, but I also know certain things that sound good in theory sometimes don't work in practice.

I'd gladly volunteer to test of course :lol:

Re: Play testing?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:28 pm
by Renara
We're definitely going to have private and public beta versions for people to play with! It's worth bearing in mind that while people have been waiting some time already, that's still only for v0.3, so in essence the game is going to be one huge beta test anyway for quite a long time until we eventually slap a v1.0 label onto it. Whenever v0.3 is close, we'll have a brief private beta (so we don't release something as finished that has major flaws we've somehow missed) and then public beta away and fix all the minor niggles as we go.

Re: Play testing?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:33 pm
by MrBear
Hmn, quick question now that we are on the subject of a beta. How big is v3.0 going to be compared to v2.0. LoK 2.0 was about, 20 minutes tops and would be replayable for the sex scenes a couple of times, at least 3 or 5 tops. What about 3.0, while it have a considerably high amount of scenes compared to 2.0? Because if people beta test, they probably will get bored of it in a few days if the game isn't that big. Also, once beta testing is over, will you be releasing updates such as more scenes or just updates to fix bugs? Might as well ask since your online right now :)

Re: Play testing?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:02 pm
by trunks2585
If I remember right from what i wrote, there's easily at least twice as many sex scenes (most the new scenes will be in the new areas but there will be a few in the old part of the story as well just to keep it form being boring). And that's just for this next release.

Re: Play testing?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:23 pm
by Cold Flame
trunks2585 Wrote:If I remember right from what i wrote, there's easily at least twice as many sex scenes (most the new scenes will be in the new areas but there will be a few in the old part of the story as well just to keep it form being boring). And that's just for this next release.

Of all the things that have leaked about the next version, this "at least twice as many sex scenes" snippet is what's got me most looking forward to it. :)

Re: Play testing?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:44 pm
by Renara
It's important to note that the current version is v0.2, and the next one is v0.3, neither is a complete game in any sense, and the version number is not really an indication of new content. I mean, strictly speaking v0.3 is intended as just an overhaul of v0.2 ready for more serious new content, but of course that wouldn't really be that interesting, so as trunks points out there will be a number of new scenes and a few new areas. But it won't be until the later versions when the game really starts to balloon in size as new areas are added.

Re: Play testing?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:53 pm
by MrBear
But what about the beta testing. Surely the team doesn't want to go out guns blazing with ALL scenes. Will there be some scenes taken out from beta just so people wont be bored? I mean if you do, you can just put the scenes in for the open testing and have anyone find these bugs. Just wondering though.

Re: Play testing?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:07 pm
by samhandy
The only way to test it without spoiling it would be to gather a dedicated group of play testers; maybe a system where people can apply to join a group of 10-15 people to test before each release. Gives us non-artsy folk a way to help :D

Re: Play testing?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:30 pm
by Renara
MrBear Wrote:But what about the beta testing. Surely the team doesn't want to go out guns blazing with ALL scenes. Will there be some scenes taken out from beta just so people wont be bored? I mean if you do, you can just put the scenes in for the open testing and have anyone find these bugs. Just wondering though.

As I said in my previous post we will be doing beta tests; a smaller private test, followed by a release, since the release of v0.3 essentially is a beta test. Once it's out we can release v0.3.1 or whatever to fix any bugs and forge ahead with v0.4.

Re: Play testing?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:55 am
by toddymon
huzzah. let us move forward to a bright future! *stands on bow of ship looking towards the horizon*