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Experienced back-end coder.. what can I help out with?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:42 am
by glargh
First: Great work with everything. I didn't know who Krystal was until I encountered your flashes and ehm.. played with her.

I would very much like to contribute with my knowledge somehow. I have a lot of experience building web-sites with advanced back-ends and I've worked with implementing numerous systems connected to various sites like FB. I don't know a word actionScript but I do know javaScript, C#, php and other languages kind of oriented for the web.

Any suggestions as to what I could do to contribute to the project?

I figure I could help with building a system for handling user profiles in the game.. cloud based savestates for forum members? It could be implemented with php and not be any heavier than this forum..

Anyway, I'm raising my hand as an asset!

Re: Experienced back-end coder.. what can I help out with?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:25 am
by Renara
Welcome to the forums!

We certainly appreciate the offer to help, though I'm unsure of when we'll be looking to implement any server-side stuff. I have a side-project (side-project to my paid work rather than to LoK) which is to overhaul my entire web backend, but it's already quite far along and largely proprietary, it may be able to handle the needs of LoK.

We'll certainly let you know when we're looking for back-end help though!