My future plans about Krystal.

Hello !
I plan to play a little and may be to make a little flash AS3 game based on the works of -> Gorepete / Ivan Aedler / Ron Paper / Play Shapes and others.
I do not prommise that i will have enough time for it but i will try
I like Gorepete's version of the game but for me it was too long to get porn content
I play it but i did not have enough patience to see any
So i decided to try to make my version of the game - more simple with a little interactions = non sex miny games / different jobs / and sexual interaction like it was in the original LoK game (version 0.2 on the site of the game).
I want to try to make some kind of simulation of Krystal life on the Lizard Planet.
Of course it will be a parody
She will have different performance to get money=exp in it and to leave planet.
For example i plan to try to make this:
1)She will get money = exp for sex. I will not experement any more with sex animations - it will be simple like in the LoK original game. You talk to some body - then you fuck him
2)She will get some money=exp for different kind of works - like nurse - house made and etc.
3)She will get money/exp for games like fishing = casino = mini games and etc. (Based on your game acuracy).
4)She will get money=exp for different dirty works.
For example you work in hospital - but there are nobody there.
I plan to make a little in world interactions like this - if you go cook food with dirty hands -> than there will be more lizards with poisoning -> so you will get more job in the hospital and etc..
For now i start to remake all animations and objects that i have. I have good libruary - i ask permisions of Gorepete to use his work so i have a lot of animations and art works / backgrounds.
I ask Ivan-Aedler - so i have his Krystal model.
I have a lot of content from the old Legend Of Krystal games.
The history will be not changed -> Krystal airship will be striked - but not with lizards - it will be crushed by metior and fall to the lizards planet. Player will have choise to play a little and strike metiors and get some start game moneys or go next and start the game.
It will be possible to get money for all ingame interactions - but for sex Krystal will get more.
Unfortunatly i have not good buttons and sounds libruary that i can use in game - and have not some arts that i need
So i will put some thing that i will find and i hope to change them in future
And i plan to put some new algoritms in the game that i already try in my old projects but with new fix
If you have some ideas please tell me about them - I will try to add something too after ending main story line - if i will have powers to make it of course.
For now no promisses - becouse to much work in real life but i will try to find time to make this game
I plan to play a little and may be to make a little flash AS3 game based on the works of -> Gorepete / Ivan Aedler / Ron Paper / Play Shapes and others.
I do not prommise that i will have enough time for it but i will try

I like Gorepete's version of the game but for me it was too long to get porn content

So i decided to try to make my version of the game - more simple with a little interactions = non sex miny games / different jobs / and sexual interaction like it was in the original LoK game (version 0.2 on the site of the game).
I want to try to make some kind of simulation of Krystal life on the Lizard Planet.
Of course it will be a parody

She will have different performance to get money=exp in it and to leave planet.
For example i plan to try to make this:
1)She will get money = exp for sex. I will not experement any more with sex animations - it will be simple like in the LoK original game. You talk to some body - then you fuck him

2)She will get some money=exp for different kind of works - like nurse - house made and etc.
3)She will get money/exp for games like fishing = casino = mini games and etc. (Based on your game acuracy).
4)She will get money=exp for different dirty works.
For example you work in hospital - but there are nobody there.
I plan to make a little in world interactions like this - if you go cook food with dirty hands -> than there will be more lizards with poisoning -> so you will get more job in the hospital and etc..
For now i start to remake all animations and objects that i have. I have good libruary - i ask permisions of Gorepete to use his work so i have a lot of animations and art works / backgrounds.
I ask Ivan-Aedler - so i have his Krystal model.
I have a lot of content from the old Legend Of Krystal games.
The history will be not changed -> Krystal airship will be striked - but not with lizards - it will be crushed by metior and fall to the lizards planet. Player will have choise to play a little and strike metiors and get some start game moneys or go next and start the game.
It will be possible to get money for all ingame interactions - but for sex Krystal will get more.
Unfortunatly i have not good buttons and sounds libruary that i can use in game - and have not some arts that i need

And i plan to put some new algoritms in the game that i already try in my old projects but with new fix

If you have some ideas please tell me about them - I will try to add something too after ending main story line - if i will have powers to make it of course.
For now no promisses - becouse to much work in real life but i will try to find time to make this game