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Develop a LoK Game

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:58 pm
by Braydon
I am interested in building a LoK game as the Legend of Krystal v0.1.1 encouraged me to do so!
If this is alright with you guys I'd like to help but I am gonna need some of the sprites(Or Whatever You Call It.) and maybe some idea of what you want me to do.

I Have A Profession of Coding For Games, Websites, And More.

Re: Develop a LoK Game

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:55 pm
by trunks2585
I suggest looking through the Area 52 archives. We've still got all our stuff posted there. Also if you can get a hold of Gorepete he might share some stuff with ya. I'm pretty sure he got most of what he used for his version from area 52, already fully made, and then he himself made two additional outfits for his game. That should give you enough visuals to get you started at least.

Re: Develop a LoK Game

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:33 am
by FuzzFace
Hope success is in the future! what splendor I would like to see.

Re: Develop a LoK Game

PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:25 pm
by Thisfag
That's just a serious request.

Re: Develop a LoK Game

PostPosted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:29 am
by [Brand_Name]
You're going to do what exactly? Make a new version of LoK?

Re: Develop a LoK Game

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:05 pm
by Braydon
Sorry I haven't replied in a while but I cant seem to find and sprites/entity. Can Someone give me a download link!?!?!

Re: Develop a LoK Game

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:40 am
by trunks2585
If you can't even search through the Area 52 archives properly, I have no faith in this project. I don't know if this link will work properly because it was part of the 'private' section of area52, but Gore was able to use our Krystal, and that's the only spot I remember this being posted so it should work, besides it's all listed under 'archived projects' so hopefully it's not still private. viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1370&start=20#p32610 start with that. If the thing doesn't work I'll download and post the swf file for you. There's also gore's game to take a look at viewtopic.php?f=34&t=3578

I don't know how flash works and if you have to have the .fla files or not, but think people have made use with just the .swf files. Again look through Area52's threads, namely the ones with attachments in them. I can't help you anymore than this.

Re: Develop a LoK Game

PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:37 am
by Terrantor!!!
Yeah, art is gonna be the thing you want. And you won't find it here, the community is full of coders, but art is very hard to come by. So I'd try some art related forums, i'd even take a stab at hentai-foundry.

Re: Develop a LoK Game

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:45 am
by NelsonFoxPaws
Hello, people fluffy. Are there any news about the development of the new part of the LoK?