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The Music in the lastest Legend of Krystal

PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:03 am
by team3lost
I was woundering what was the name of the song playing in Legend of Zelda's vision of L.o.k (in the latest vision of L.o.k). The scene starts off as the regular theme song but then Zelda removes her top and a new song comes on. It's a smooth and a bit cool (in that underground poetry type of way) but it's a remix of another Zelda song.

I've tried looking online and none of the big sites have it. Is it something you (and your organization) made yourselves? Is it up for grabs anywhere?

Also I always wanted to get into creating flash games my self, creating, modifying, altering and so on. Any advice?

Re: The Music in the lastest Legend of Krystal

PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:49 pm
by Renara
One of the tracks is Zelda Hip hop REMIX by MattBlade, the other is "Zelda & the OOT: Zelda's Theme" by Simon-F, it used to be on Newgrounds as well but seems to have been deleted, and I can't find a current link for it. It should still be in the LoK v0.2.0 FLA file though I'm not sure if it's at the full quality or not, so hopefully the Hip Hop one is the one you're thinking of!