Gay Content

Discussion about Legend of Krystal. For now this also includes any feature-requests or other ideas.

Gay Content

Postby CascaV » Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:38 pm

I understand that the project was intended to be for heterosexuals, and at that mainly for male heterosexuals; however I don't see why we're, as a group (and I may just be speaking of the vocal minorty), so diametrically opposed to homosexual content. Even lesbianism, stereotypical fodder for porn that straight males enjoy, has been fairly thoroughly shot down. I've heard vague talk of filtered content but I can't find any thread explicitly denoting it, and even that seems to only include herms/futa and lesbians. Why can't we have a quick scene of fox being sexed up by some lizards or even a lizard being sexed up by the wolf demons (who I'm sure would be a little less picky about what kinds of holes they shove their meat into being ostensibly fueled by demonic lust)? Even a lizard who, in a frustrated rage of being unable to sex Krystal while his buddies have all the fun, grabs another lizardman's ass and at least vents his pent up cum.

I don't mean to say that the whole project should have gay scenes throughout but one might spice it up a little for the bisexuals who enjoy the game (which I guess I have start calling myself now since I've played it so many times) as such I kinda, with my very limited skill, want to try my hand at animating with the sharpclaws (since I don't have the artistic ability to edit the fox template enough to get him out of the kneeling position or change his expression) for some thing a little gay. Probably will never happen but mostly I wanted to call us on the possible narrow-mindedness of scope
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Re: Gay Content

Postby trunks2585 » Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:52 pm

if the community wants gay content and they can make it, we'll include it, it'll just be under the filter option like with the herms. As for the team members, most of us are straight men and have no desire to write, draw, or animate to guys screwing each other. If you and others want to do that work (with the revised templates once they are made public) then go for it, and we'll find a spot to put it at in the game, then it's up to the players if they filter it out or not. right now we are working mostly on getting a finished story, based off what playshapes started, hell we're just trying to get the next version released. As such we are trying to keep things fairly tame right now so we can focus on getting other things done like new locations.

Also my memory is fuzzy what are some specific examples of things that were shot down, links to the posts would be helpful, and i'm pretty sure lesbian scenes have actually been encouraged.

the filtering thing is something that has it's own thread in the developers corner, that's all i'm going to tell you about that.
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Re: Gay Content

Postby CascaV » Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:11 pm

Like I said, I understand that who the primary demographic is, and I don't mean to fault you or the rest of the team for staying true to that. Furthermore I'm glad that you all are working so diligently to finish the tasks at hand rather than taking tangents to please everyone, but I am a little disappointed in the stance the community as a whole (in my skewed view) seems to take.

I also seem to at a loss for proving my point, maybe I'm just imagining it. It wouldn't be the first time. Or maybe I'm just awful at using the search tool and my history list. Either way until I know that I'm just being schizo-paranoid I'll stand by what I said in that regard

And so long as it's down the pipeline somewhere I have no qualms about you keeping secrets. As much as I might be pained to hear that I won't know.

Finally I do intend to do *something* probably not anything worth adding to the project but something.
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Re: Gay Content

Postby Vyksen » Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:18 pm

Seeing two guys getting it on isn't something... that would really fit here...Guy on guy totally kills the mood.
And if I had a dick it'd go limp within the second of seeing it. I love lesbians and herms alone should give some appeal to the bisexuals.
This game is about Krystal getting fucked.
I don't know how everyone else feels though.
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Re: Gay Content

Postby CascaV » Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:34 pm

Vyksen Wrote:... herms alone should give some appeal to the bisexuals...

I know many bisexuals who are repulsed by herms. Not to say that they all are but herm doesn't necessarily count as bisexual content

Ebonizza Wrote:This game is about Krystal, and the focus shouldn't stray from her. That's why we're here.

That is a more reasonable (in my mind) response. The game is about Krystal so most if not all the content should include Krystal. Still with all the plans to add additional females the game may or may not remain exclusively about her and in the rare chance that event occurs It would be rather dissappointing that no male options were considered
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Re: Gay Content

Postby CascaV » Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:54 pm

Okay. Forgive me for my rhetoric. But my point is, excluding other content makes these things turn a little dry after a while. That's all
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Re: Gay Content

Postby Kalypso » Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:10 pm

I'm sorry you're upset CascaV, but that's the truth. This is, and always will be, a game based in the straight direction. There can be gay content in the final release, but the Team itself will not take charge in developing it, that's for the community to make and it will be turned off by default. You want to make gay content? Go for it. But know that it doesn't please the majority of the team, it doesn't please the game's interest, and it doesn't please the majority of the community, so it's not our priority. We're not getting paid to make this game, and we're following where Playshapes left off.

Note, to reiterate, we will have a lot of lesbianism--and some futa content--but [male on male] gay content is not our priority, and will not be produced by Team LoK--at least, not until final release, were Ren might fix the bodies for it. Otherwise, eod.
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Re: Gay Content

Postby CascaV » Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:18 pm

Understood. No less unfortunate but understood. I'll just mess around with flash on my own then. Maybe throw something up onto the posting forum after a while if I get something presentable but I'll stuff a cock in it (get it? Stuff a... Oh you get it.) from now on. ^^
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Re: Gay Content

Postby Renara » Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:52 pm

Perhaps a slight more positive way of putting it is that the game engine is being designed to support different gender interactions, multi-gender character models, content filtering, and a heap of other things from day one. But the current effort is focused on producing a "finished" game somewhere down the line, so we can't put in every bit of content that people want, as the amount of work just becomes insurmountable.

For this reason we're focusing on a primarily heterosexual demographic, with a limited amount of fetish content, but we hope to encourage others to make other types of content if that's what they want, and we'll make sure there's a way for it to be supported, and even eventually included in official releases.

To clarify as well; I myself am quite happily bisexual and into a whole load of different things, and while I'd love to see a full range displayed, I am also well aware of just how much work that would involve, so it's perhaps more a case of prioritising to get things done than a matter of taste.
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Re: Gay Content

Postby LittlePwnah » Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:23 pm

Vyksen Wrote:Guy on guy totally kills the mood.
I love lesbians and herms alone should give some appeal to the bisexuals.
This game is about Krystal getting fucked.
I don't know how everyone else feels though.

I share the same opinion.
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Re: Gay Content

Postby nebrose » Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:11 pm

LittlePwnah Wrote:
Vyksen Wrote:Guy on guy totally kills the mood.
I love lesbians and herms alone should give some appeal to the bisexuals.
This game is about Krystal getting fucked.
I don't know how everyone else feels though.

I share the same opinion.

i only give base ideas, ones that can be built off of, not ones with an end in sight. so don't ask me to give further detail on my ideas.
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Re: Gay Content

Postby DemonFiren » Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:21 pm

I am bi, but we're a democracy. No opinion from here, just a post.
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Re: Gay Content

Postby Smackman » Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:49 am

They're trying to sound picky but they'll take it if you make it :lol:
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Re: Gay Content

Postby Morb » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:23 am

Ok about lesbian content, but man with man content is a big NO for me...
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Re: Gay Content

Postby shedra » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:54 am

I like penis. But we don't have many male characters. Especially none that are gay. But hell if you make it I'm sure it wouldn't go unnoticed.
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Re: Gay Content

Postby Smackman » Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:58 am

as long as it isnt like that kip fox loop dealy that I fapped to which turned out to be 2 guys nailing one guy in the ass
Suraru Wrote:Hey smackman, I've decided your a douchebag :P

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Re: Gay Content

Postby HolyPaladin » Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:19 am

I do not understand your logic in that sentence Smack.... It sounds like you're saying as long as it isn't Like the Kip Fox animation where there is 2 guys nailing 1 guy in the ass? Which did you want changed, 1 guy on another or add a girl, cause then it would not be gay.
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Re: Gay Content

Postby Smackman » Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:10 am

well no, the guy looked like a chick and he had a very feminine body, then I noticed his junk and was like EWWWW... i dont remember the artists name though
Suraru Wrote:Hey smackman, I've decided your a douchebag :P

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Re: Gay Content

Postby Kryger » Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:22 pm

I've seen that. Laughed my ass off when I saw the comments saying that the chick in the middle was hot.
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Re: Gay Content

Postby Chessur » Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:55 pm

I made another thread, since I didn't notice this one, but to make things easier, I'll just copypasta what I said there to here >_>

I know the focus of this game is Krystal's boobies, and I love them as much any other person out there, but I was curious if any thought was being given to implementing some... likely, optional, male on male content. I'm not quite sure how popular the idea of this would be, but I thought it would be worth throwing out there to bounce around in the minds of people who can do stuff about it.

Various ideas that bounced around my head are Sharpclaw warriors eh... relieving tension amongst themselves, maybe scrawnier "lesser" males of the Sharpclaw being treated like women, some captured male Zora being put to good use, or some other new characters... maybe the option to see what Fox's going through while Krystal is escaping. I dunno if that would entail a little scene involving Fox getting gangbanged, or a maybe a small side-mission where you play as Fox.

I'm sure this isn't something everyone wants to see, so I'm kinda partial to the Fox idea, since you could get a little option asking whether or not you want to skip it or something... maybe if it were a side-mission, it could include some of the other suggestions or... some other ones I wasn't smart enough to think of. xD

Anyway, this is my first post here, so it probably sucks, but I thought I'd throw my idea out there :3

Hopefully next time I'll fail a little less >_>

Anyway, that's my two-cents on the gay content topic, and... a couple of my suggestions on how it could be implemented, and, in the case of my side-quest suggestion... implemented in a nice, easy-to-avoid for people who don't want it kinda way.
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