How did you guys learn how to draw?

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How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby fould12 » Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:28 am

I mean, the work done on this project is absolutely fantastic! I try to draw pictures, but they end up looking like piles of sand and an eyeball stuck in it. Did you take lessons? Flash tutorials? Self-taught? What?
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby Blackwing » Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:11 pm

if you want to pump your skills fast take some manga lessons and try to copy any pic u like (practice = win)
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby fould12 » Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:09 am

Thanks blackwing
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby kuja » Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:48 am

Blackwing Wrote:practice = win

+1 always practice. ever. for eternity. someday you will get good results.
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby Zaraki » Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:06 am

Couldn't have said it any better myself. I like to do alot of custom manga work on the side just for fun, and thats how I learned to be a pretty decent artist.
Only took about 6 monthes to do so too.
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby Nookie » Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:45 am

Blackwing Wrote:if you want to pump your skills fast take some manga lessons and try to copy any pic u like

I'm going to politely disagree with you on that. Don't base your foundations by drawing in an anime/manga like style. Base your foundations from real life. Better loomis or bridgeman and start from their books.

Blackwing Wrote:(practice = win)

practice = work
good work = win
bad work = no win
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby Renara » Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:17 pm

I agree with real-life, I'm not much of an artist, but I found trying to draw out what I see in still-images was a good start or better yet, if it's a nice day get a chair somewhere outside and draw anything that you like :)
I think it's important not to try and draw existing artwork, otherwise end up mimicking the style, instead of developing one of your own, but existing pictures can be good if they demonstrate a particular pose or arrangement that you want to base your own work off of.
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby fould12 » Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:48 am

Thanks for the advice, but wouldn't it be easier if I also learned from some tutorials? Like how to draw a face, hair, body, etc.
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby Nookie » Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:21 pm

fould12 Wrote:Thanks for the advice, but wouldn't it be easier if I also learned from some tutorials? Like how to draw a face, hair, body, etc.

Yes.... :|
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby BlueLight » Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:36 am

It would help if you learn the basics of making shapes.

Just about everything i know about drawing requires know how to draw shapes.
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby dndman997 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:55 am

self taught and years of art class. though im still not the best artist with a pencil photoshop is my specialty
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby KaTsuO_O » Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:08 pm

Just practice isn't the answer, you need to know what you are doing wrong, what you could do better or different. Otherwise you will just waste time. You might get better if you just keep drawing but that is because you aren't always aware of that you learn. if you want to get better in a good phase then you need to as I said know what you are doing wrong etc. You can do that by looking at other art and just take notes and especially on the things you like with the art so you then can use that to get something that you like. But before that you need to have a base like how do you draw a head or a body because that will basically unlock a part of your eye to see a bit differently on things so you then can understand better why things look like it does.

I am self taught and just started to draw more seriously about 6 months ago. I haven't really drawn that much but I have got better almost each time just because I have this way of thinking and not just got stuck with the same problem over and over. It was also a tutorial that made me able to draw somewhat okay to begin with so I recommend to start with one.
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby ixwq » Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:29 am

I've had to teach myself over the years. I tried taking art in high school, but none of the two classes I took taught me anything towards my style of art. It taught me shades of color and how to paint, which sucked, and attempted 1- and 2-point perspective, but failed at that as well. We did watch a video that "demonstrated how to draw portraits" but was utter bull****.

So, to this day, I have not had a REAL art class, and every bit of my work has come from teaching myself after buying countless anatomy and how-to books. I'm not a great artist by any means, but I'd be more than willing to bet that you all would be surprised at the way I draw after having no formal lessons.

As well as the fact that my eyes apparently have such bad astigmatisms that- according to my optometrist, "trees should look like giant green lollipops" to me, and that, with as bad as my eyes apparently are, "everything should look 2D."

Yet, I don't ever wear my glasses.
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby Cliff Racer » Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:51 am

While I don't have anything on this website, I learned how to draw from a friend. He kinda taught me the whole wireframe concept, and I love him for it. Starts with an angry worm, then a stick holding it down... The stick grows a christmas ham , then a figure eight on the opposite side of the worm. Sticks for limbs, hands always go down to upper/mid thigh, and change head size for age!

...At least, that's how I remember. It helps.
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby Zinnel » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:47 pm

I learnt by applying principles of observation I've learnt from books and few art lessons (and I have to stress how little lessons I've had; I've had only four lessons from an Atelier Studio, but Life drawing is really great as a learning asset, that certainly beat a mediocre course at SQA Standard grade.)

The books that really helped me; were Betty Edwards "Drawing on the Right side of the brain" which explained creativity and how to foster a mindset that'll help your spatial awarness into actually observing and understanding real forms, and a final chapter that explains briefly how letting fantasy have a basis in real life, makes it stronger and more presentable. Then there's "Dynamic Anatomy" by Hogarth, I'm summarised key points on general areas on notes I'll use for reference as I'm kind of prone to drawing deranged or broken limbs of unequal length. (There's also Loomis, who you can get every one of his books from this handy source: as most of his books are out of print, I had the same problem with Hogarth for a while.)

I'd advise not reading anything by Christopher Hart, and certain "How to draw Manga" books which were very sort of 'empty' in their instructions or prinicples other than copy this cute, sexy uniform or this idealised body type, although there was one spin-off series I've read which taught "proportion" which was useful explaining variances you can do if working the body by the length of head. Like the Canon Man is X heads tall. (It was also good to learn to draw chibi characters, which work great as mascots. ^_^)
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby suki888 » Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:26 am

fould12 Wrote:I mean, the work done on this project is absolutely fantastic! I try to draw pictures, but they end up looking like piles of sand and an eyeball stuck in it. Did you take lessons? Flash tutorials? Self-taught? What?

think it some what a talent and should be enhance..
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby Eggplants » Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:57 pm

Yes as said by Katsu and Zinnel, it helps a ton to really observe your own work with a keen eye. I've been drawing since I can remember but I got my first how to draw manga book when I was like six or eight or something. I know manga isn't the most complex style out there but if you're into it then I'd definitely recommend it over trying to tackle realism straight away. Since manga can be very cartoony you can get away with much simpler details so you wont have to worry about the more complex details until you're ready to do so.

Practice heaps but not enough to strain your inspiration. Start off with simple poses and faces then when you think you've got a decent grasp on those you can try mixing it up to challenge yourself. If you don't get something right straight away then don't worry because learning can only happen over the time you've given it and as long as you're willing to share, others will be willing to help ;)
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby Spartan5015 » Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:53 am

personally, the way i learn is i copy the work of others until i can come up with my own style. In my opinion the number one thing you can do to learn fast is repetition repetition repetition.

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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:46 pm

I am not the best in this but i think:

Try to find some thing like "how to draw manga" in internet.

You will need some thing like :

Try to draw some thing looking at it. If cant - try to draw parts of it. Try to find only things and characters you trully want to draw. O try to draw. ... Dokuro.jpg ... re=related

Try to find some thing simple 2d arts that looks good and draw it. It must not be some thing that was made by 3d computer graphic (some times it is hard to redraw).

Then try to redraw your favorit characters - from TV / Game looking to them.

Then look a little to there body and seporate them to parts - like
And try to draw some thing you want to draw.

It will take a lot of time for the first time.
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Re: How did you guys learn how to draw?

Postby lanshan75 » Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:35 am

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