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More Foot Fetish in LoK and other games on here.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:54 am
by Reapergod36
As a person with a foot fetish this sounds a bit selfish. But this is the place to request such so I will. If any others support me in this, or shun me. Feel free, I am just requesting more foot fetish in LoK and in other games. Not just footjobs, but licking soles, sucking feet, licking inbetween toes. And otherwise sweaty feet, and stuff like that. I'll be honest, I've come to terms and am not ashamed of looking at hentai. But I am not ashamed of this either! Foot Fetish unite!

Gay foot fetishes kinda disgust me. I mean if you love one version, kinda gotta hate the other right?

Re: More Foot Fetish in LoK and other games on here.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:26 am
by MR L
Me personally? I don't like or dislike the fetish. I suppose i would be okay with footjob then I would draw the line at that, but I ain't making the game so I is not up to me now is it.

Re: More Foot Fetish in LoK and other games on here.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:26 am
by Reapergod36
I vote for MR L to be marked as the official useless guy. -...-

Re: More Foot Fetish in LoK and other games on here.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:19 am
by MR L
I like to think I come up with ideas.... And that I am not completely useless :lol:

Re: More Foot Fetish in LoK and other games on here.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:45 am
by Renara
There was actually a foot-job template in the original LoK, and is probably still in the v0.2 source file since I don't think I removed anything. It had no animation though, likely because it's not the easiest thing to animate from an interesting angle without requiring lots of new body-pieces to support the angle.

Not everybody likes it, so it's one of those things that would likely be filterable, or otherwise occur during a non-mandatory scene, but it's always a possibility :)