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Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Wed May 18, 2011 4:27 am
by trunks2585
This is a conversation that's popped up in various threads but I don't think we've had a thread devoted to it. It's obvious Krystal's in a less than desirable situation in this game, but how do you prefer to think of her situation? Is she being brutally raped and abused and used, is she a broken woman struggling to get free.
Or do you prefer to see her as reluctant but willing to go along with her new surroundings and play by the new rules, willing to do what it takes to get free, even if she doesn't really enjoy it (or maybe she does.)
I feel playshapes left things pretty open to interpitation, and I'd like to see what everyone thinks and prefers.
Personally I view it as reluctance, she's not happy with what she's doing, but she knows what must be done. Mostly because of the sex options (handjob, blowjob, things that put the female as the active participant), and the fact that you're forced to initiate most of these scenes. Also rape is very much a turn off for me but I can deal with reluctance.
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Wed May 18, 2011 6:18 am
by Surskit
Yeah, it seems to be reluctance when you sit down and consider it. She shouldn't be so quick to give in honestly and that could be fixed with a quick rape scene where her spirits broken. Maybe have the sharpclaw woman in the tavern console a little more tenderly and sympathetically.
But yeah, reluctance gets my vote. Rape has it's charm in games but just not this one.
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Wed May 18, 2011 8:36 am
by Malcanthet
I for one would believe that the sharpclaw women are tender towards Krystal and offer to help her whenever she needs to have a climax for herself, or just to make her feel better. They're in the same situation, but they've embraced it while Krystal should remain reluctant throughout before she reunites with Fox, where she really wants to be. (but she doesn't HATE the sex... in this flash)
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Wed May 18, 2011 1:28 pm
by Surskit
I dunno. It seems like business as usual to me with the sharpclaw women. I mean, it's clearly part of their culture that the men get unlimited sex for their war efforts. If Krystal showed any type of rebellion in front of one of them, I think the most obvious reaction would be to reprimand her which could lend to some BDSM. As far as their social structure is concerned, krystal is lowest of the lows and doing that service for them is their "mercy."
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Wed May 18, 2011 2:59 pm
by mcbobinite
i much rather view her as reluctant. i dont like the abusive side of rape. i played RapeLay and was sorta fine with it up until the guy kicks the girls. doesnt show it but the kicking sounds and their faces, not kool. i mean yea rape aint kool to begin with but the abuse just kills it
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Wed May 18, 2011 5:27 pm
by Surskit
mcbobinite Wrote: i played RapeLay
Somebody visits the same sites as me! Just played that recently too.
Game didn't make a whole lot of sense, translation issues aside. The training I did manage to accomplish didn't really correspond with anything I did =/. Also I didn't see any kicking, but I did see a spank/slap. Once they're trained though it has no evidence of rape, they enjoy it to the fullest.
I think rape can be employed into the game without it offending (anyone in this community anyway).
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Wed May 18, 2011 11:41 pm
by MR L
I would much rather see reluctance rather than rape because rape is just to violent and even though it is a game it would just seem to be a little much if it were happening all the time. I am however okay with having one or two rape scenes like there currently is in the current version or if it serves an important purpose
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Thu May 19, 2011 1:21 am
by bed_intruder
Full on rape games are always a major turn off for me. Because that's straight up what it is, rape. With games like this it works though. I'd view Krystal as not really enjoying it at first (handjobs, blowjobs) but then like that drench scene or whatever it looks like she actually wants it, so yea. Consensual more or less.
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Thu May 19, 2011 2:33 am
by trunks2585
Thank you for mentioning the drench scene, that was another point for my argument, when she's clearly masturbating with the other guy jerking off over her, yeah, it's hard to say it's rape, or even reluctance.
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Thu May 19, 2011 2:41 am
by Lalicore
Yeah, i'd say that it may start out reluctance, but it seems that the further you get in the game, the more and more she gets off on it.
But, i guess it is really reluctance moreso than rape. Rape is RAPE- a brutal kinda thing- if there's blowing, it's forced and brutal, I doubt there's hardly ever a handjob in rape, and a raped woman wouldn't fondle herself while the rapist tries to drench her.
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Thu May 19, 2011 8:17 am
by FuzzFace
I’d say only rape if it were Diablo getting raped. Since, it would be funny in that context. I can just imagine Diablo having a goofy face, speaking in a Donald duck voice saying, “just roll them around, just roll them around-“
But in this game, I’d have to vote reluctance.
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Sat May 21, 2011 11:54 am
by Renara
Personally I'm a subscriber to the idea that if done right scenes can be free enough to interpret how you like. Some in the original game certainly aren't that way, but for these things it's better that the player be able to decide for themselves as much as possible, though some exceptions in places can add more to the story/situation.
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Mon May 23, 2011 5:45 am
by tyciol
I'm pretty sure what happened in the opening scene would fulfill many people's definition of rape since she is forced to orally pleasure the warriors and stuff. Perhaps not technically since it's not sex...
Does she even have vaginal intercourse in this? I saw anal but everything else seemed oral or breast in nature.
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Mon May 23, 2011 9:45 pm
by FuzzFace
There is the table 'rape' scene.I think that had vaginal intercourse. then again, it's been months since I've played it, so I cant remember.
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Tue May 24, 2011 6:52 pm
by trunks2585
FuzzFace Wrote:There is the table 'rape' scene.I think that had vaginal intercourse. then again, it's been months since I've played it, so I cant remember.
Nope, that was blow job and tit fuck.
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Wed May 25, 2011 12:19 am
by Gale Toral
I think she's more reluctant than raped, from the scenes so far
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Wed May 25, 2011 7:39 am
by FuzzFace
Hmm...maybe I should play it again to refresh my memory. was planning to once/if the new version was coming out, but... *shrugs*
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Sun May 29, 2011 3:19 am
by TheDaughterOfHades14
I agree, I think she is reluctant. She seems that she would so anything just to earn freedom.
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Sun May 29, 2011 8:34 am
by knytshayd
reluctance is fun because at first she thinks "no! this is horrible!" but after a little bit, her libido takes over and she's begging for big juicy cock in all her holes... or at least that's what I want out of it...
Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:28 am
by Niara
Lalicore Wrote:Rape is RAPE- a brutal kinda thing- if there's blowing, it's forced and brutal
For the record, for those who are saying "rape is thus", rape isn't always a brutal or violent thing, but is no less traumatising for that fact. I have the unfortunate honour of having suffered several rapes in the course of my life thus far, though those less considerate have argued that I could ahve avoided the situations that led to them inthe first place. Perhaps. Regardless, of the four encounters to my name, the very worst experience of my life was not brutal or violent... the male in question didn't raise a finger against me, in fact, or even raise his voice, but it was a rape nonetheless and by far the worst and most traumatic of any of the more physcially violent ordeals I've been in.
I know that's a bit TMI for some people, and I'm sorry, but I wanted to mention that just because it's violent doena't make it rape, and just because it isn't, doesn't mean it's not. It think that alone leaves most of what we're seeing up to the individual viewing it; even something like the drench-'n'-masturbate scene isn't necessarily reluctant acceptance in the non-scarring fashion. She may simply feel that the behaviour is compelled of her and required, and is left to, in essence, rape herself on his behalf.
Tl;Dr: It's all completely subjective, in my opinion.