Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Discussion about Legend of Krystal. For now this also includes any feature-requests or other ideas.

Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby mcbobinite » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:53 am

Surskit Wrote:
mcbobinite Wrote: i played RapeLay

Somebody visits the same sites as me! Just played that recently too.

Game didn't make a whole lot of sense, translation issues aside. The training I did manage to accomplish didn't really correspond with anything I did =/. Also I didn't see any kicking, but I did see a spank/slap. Once they're trained though it has no evidence of rape, they enjoy it to the fullest.

I think rape can be employed into the game without it offending (anyone in this community anyway).

the kick is in the picture text scenes, i had the game 98% or fully translated but it is a dumb story.he tried to grab one of the girls and got in trouble and he wants revenge by rape. so dumb. but the training is doing certain things in sex mode, like spreading ass then spreading pussy. look up a scratch pad wiki of it theres a perfect guide on it. dont knock her up either or you lose
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby Lady Foxy » Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:40 pm

Krystal is clearly being raped, but as the story goes on, she gets dominated by the sex of the SharpClaws and her sexual incstints. (Sorry about the grammar =o)
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby berserkerhorn » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:17 pm

The only thing making the entire game a rape is that krystal is doing these sexual things just to gain her freedom.
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby Fawkes » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:13 pm

I'd say that a couple of the scenes and pretty clearly rape (off the top of my head, the ass rape, and when the guard holds her up by her tail and face-fucks her) but beyond that, it's reluctance becoming enjoyment as the game goes on.
As a warning, if I'm playing a girl, she's rape bait.

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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby Kult072 » Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:56 am

Well its forced on her for sure, but it all doesn't seem that painfull, but that doesn't mean its not rape. So its a combination of the two? It seems shes resigned to her fate and knows she must do sexual favors for the tribe but would obviously rather not? But why not enjoy it while it lasts? ;)
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby conkill » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:43 pm

I don't know alot about ether of these thing but I do know that unwanted sexual intercourse and petting are legaly rape.
it doesnt matter if i raped you or you raped me in the end we both came ;)
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby Renara » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:56 pm

I think a big part of it is how slutty or innocent Krystal is determined to be, which is why a lot of games are proceeding with the ability to try and choose one way or the other.

For example; the SharpClaw Warriors attacking the Arwings is clearly rape in its current form, but Krystal makes no attempt to resist. This could either be because she's just determined that it's going to happen and fighting would only make it worse, or you could decide that while the attack is unexpected that she likes what she sees and lets them have their way. In the current scene it of course errs towards to the first one (reluctant, rather than willing, acceptance), but it's entirely possible for any game to give players the ability to make the distinction however they want, either by making the scenes ambiguous enough you can choose for yourself, or allowing the scenes to be varied depending on player choice.

This way you can have her either roaming around doing whatever needs to be done, however much she might not want to, or sleeping around because she just loves to.
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby totalolness » Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:45 pm

true while many rapes are violnet it isnt the violence that makes it that way it is the total helplessness that the rapist enforces on you. like say being druged or paralised could be rape even though they dont even act agressivly
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby deathpuppy » Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:41 am

What about if Krystal had a choice?

Like if Krystal chooses not to give in and tries to fight back constantly, the sharpclaws will be more aggressive and brutal, and have their way with her. As in, there's a consequence for her actions.

On the other hand, if Krystal decides to give in eventually (at the player's descreetion) , then the sharpclaws may be more reasonable or less "brutal". However, there could be a twist where not all sharpclaws are nice and some might still have their way regardless of Krystal's behaviour.

So may I suggest that maybe the player has a few choices? Such as:
-giving in from the start
-giving in eventually
-never giving in (and suffer the consequences..muahaha)

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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby Zombie » Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:56 am

I say Rape and Reluctance...I mean,the scene with the Cave Guard,that was rape,Ass-Rape was Rape (OBVIOUSLY),Table Fuck was rape,Drench kind of goes either way,and Pile Drive was assault with giant-ass weapon.Chair Blow,Handjob,Make Out,and Gen Scales was passive to me.
And there is no Vaginal intercourse,just to point out as several people probably already have..Now I'm a statistic.
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby tyciol » Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:50 am

berserkerhorn Wrote:The only thing making the entire game a rape is that krystal is doing these sexual things just to gain her freedom.
I don't agree that this context would necessarily mean rape. For example, if party A says to party B "go seduce and copulate with Party C and I will let you leave this planet", and party C were ignorant of this stipulation, would C still be a rapist?
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby KIX9 » Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:17 am

You could have an option at the begging of the game for her to be a demon ( whore ) Angel ( "pure" ) or ghost ( neutral- or alternating dialog ). Yes? No? Pros? Cons?
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby Painin97 » Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:23 pm

Mm i think she can be recluted by the ones that raped her.
I mean i have an idea.
Why not, after the "missions" of pleasure that she have, why she didnt be recluted to "satisfy" all the guards of the army there and fight too? =)
That one idea
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby trunks2585 » Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:09 pm

Ok seriously, WHAT?

No really, I have no fucking idea what you are trying to post. Edit and reword your post. For god's sake 'reluctant' is right there in the title of the thread and you can't even get that right.
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby BlueLight » Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:15 pm

Painin97 Wrote:Mm i think she can be recluted by the ones that raped her.
I mean i have an idea.
Why not, after the "missions" of pleasure that she have, why she didnt be recluted to "satisfy" all the guards of the army there and fight too? =)
That one idea

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I think she could be reluctant, also, i have an idea; why not after the missions you have a stage where she's satisfy all the guards but isn't reluctant. 

I think my translator is broken but that's seems like a good guess what he was trying to say.
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby kuja » Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:47 am

trunks2585 Wrote:Ok seriously, WHAT?
No really, I have no fucking idea what you are trying to post. Edit and reword your post. For god's sake 'reluctant' is right there in the title of the thread and you can't even get that right.

Seriously, this crosses the boundaries of being an "asshole". There is no reason for such a post. I am sure that this way of acting has reached tedious for those who read your posts.
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby Suraru » Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:44 pm

No.. no, he is only crossing the asshole threshhold......

But only because of that last part.
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby trunks2585 » Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:20 pm

kuja Wrote:
trunks2585 Wrote:Ok seriously, WHAT?
No really, I have no fucking idea what you are trying to post. Edit and reword your post. For god's sake 'reluctant' is right there in the title of the thread and you can't even get that right.

Seriously, this crosses the boundaries of being an "asshole". There is no reason for such a post. I am sure that this way of acting has reached tedious for those who read your posts.

Maybe so, but there's no reason for that guy to make a post without proof reading it. I'm tired of seeing first time posters that contribute nothing, necro old threads, or post something unreadable like that. Maybe if we held some sort of standard around here, we'd actually get some more decent thoughts and projects and animations/artwork being generated again like when the forum first started up.
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby talin » Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:06 am

(first I want to comment that I am necroing the thread because I was going to make one with similar implications but i checked around first and saw that this was here)

TROLLING ASIDE, I think that while the rape and abuse is a bit of a turn off, there needs to be some in the beginning to set the tone. I read a fan fic recently (it seems to be abandoned now and someone went on to make another one so ya) where she goes through the airfoil crash, wakes up, and has her situation explained to her by an arrogant lizard bitch. After some dialogue, a lizard man comes in and sees that the prize is finally awake. He is stopped from rushing her briefly by the bitch (mentioned earlier) so she can tell Krystal her options: A. Accept his right to your body and it will be over quickly OR B. fight and have many more guards come and rape you all at once. That first rape scene didn't act to "turn me on" or any thing but acted instead to sympathize with her situation. The horror of her being violated and hurt while simultaneously feeling intense sexual pleasure despite her attempts to remind herself it's rape. The scene itself could be just the start of the action and then it transitions (fade to black from side then fade to after effect of her crying on the floor).

This will strike a strong emotional cord with the audience and make them want to see if she ever gets out (perhaps you can make an identifying scar on the rapist and then have the player later have a chance to get revenge.) another thing is that most of the girls should be "business as usual" types and then add a few friendly ones who either are just naturally that way or sympathize/empathize with Krystal (maybe another slave could be found in the game) After the traumatic beginning, Krystal can become reluctant or even start enjoying herself after continued servicing but even though her LUST would be satisfied, she would still LOVE fox and wish to leave (or not if you allow the player to have her stay) A final thing is that while the men would be in control and the women would still have to satisfy them, the fic had an interesting idea that the women controlled the things not war related. everything of peace (like crops, building, looking after those who needed looking after) was controlled and done by the women. This would make the village feel more like an in-depth place and really would bring it to life. I could go into greater detail but i'll end it here for now.
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Re: Krystal Raped or Reluctant

Postby alfaBonk » Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:15 pm

The nice thing about a visual medium in these sorts of (sexy) things, is that it does allow for a wider range of audience interpretation, and thus appreciation. In text fiction, whether or not she is suffering or enjoying herself is usually quite explicit and leaves out that portion of the audience that doesn't share that kink.

On the other hand, LoK as it is can be interpreted to match a variety of sexual fascinations; and a new version could even be made that would give selectable options at the start of gameplay to skew events towards one fantasy or another.

For what it's worth, I personally prefer to see Krystal as being able to find delight in the experience, even if she really does want to return home.
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