trunks2585 Wrote:Thanks to whoever deleted my post (sarcasim), but you know what i said was true. Can we make request threads illegal, like threads like this at least? We have a dozen or so games by individuals that are far from finished, the main game being worked on by two seperate teams and both are far from release, a roleplay board that's off to a very slow start, and people that come and go all the time, some that contribute and get burnt out, and others that are just causal observers. Does anyone really think a request thread is going to get results?
So you are the team ass after all,

j/k but i kinda agree to an extent.
I am in the process of trying to obtain " Flash " in the " dark way " maybe someone can push/hint me in the right direction and if i am able to at all.
Then one of the first things i want to learn is creating new characters to contribute to the " LOK "And depending on how long and time consuming the creation process actually is, i would be willing to to create fan suggested character to an " Extent " once per month or something.
Maybe create a poll of the most recent suggest characters for creation in the LOK/PS series, and after a months time the top voted character could be created for flash purposes. I figured since we have enough mainstream members working on the major parts of the projects so of us newer members can help contribute by picking up some of the requested but not necessary ideas for the rest of the series.