Health bar for LoK

Discussion about Legend of Krystal. For now this also includes any feature-requests or other ideas.

Should LoK have a health bar?

Total votes : 145

Health bar for LoK

Postby trunks2585 » Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:32 pm

To stop me and Ren from bickering about the gameplay system, I'm starting this thread. It's exactly what it says. Do you want a stamina system in LoK? I don't want to make this look biased one way or the other so I'll just leave it at that.

Depending on how votes go, there might be more polls that relate to this one because I think it's important to know exactly what it is you all expect in terms of gameplay.
Last edited by trunks2585 on Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby Thaedael » Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:17 pm

Is it possible to explain what it would do before outright condemning the idea?

Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby Reaver » Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:22 pm

well all i know is that someway it would limit how much sex krystal could take before losing and that would limit my fun
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby toddymon » Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:49 pm

I think a health bar is more suited for male versions like my foxy caper. Otherwise it could be a bother like in krystal and the magic sword.
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby Favelor » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:11 pm

dislike heath bars in EVERY game. isnt the point of this to get fucked? not to avoid it?
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:40 pm

As i understand now - it already is some thing like that - i mean messy - when you get less exp ?

If it will be some thing like stamina - how should it work ? Do she need to eat or sleep ? What will be if stamina will end ?

Will it be some thing that slows exping a little when hungry or want to sleep ? Or what ? Go to bed / eat ... / some thing else ?

Sorry for my bad english again :mrgreen:
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby Cold Flame » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:51 pm

I don't like the idea. It falls into a porn game pitfall: forcing the player to adhere to a mechanic that doesn't result in - or, could easily detract from - the fap. In all honesty, the vast majority of people who play porn games just want an interactive/animated fap experience, unlike 'regular' video games, where the purpose is to overcome challenges.

That said, if it's a stamina meter that merely changes the fuck animations depending on how low or high it is, I'd be willing to work with it.
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby ronpepper » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:57 pm

I applaud this effort to end the bickering about this issue. I first encountered Krystal in a game that had a stamina bar, and that created a challenge but it was a cheap way to do so. We will make an expansive game that will offer other ways to keep the content from simply being clicked through in seconds. No need to make the player start over repeatedly.
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby Reaver » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:19 am

why dont we make it optional like something on and off and the option board or something. but anything that limits my gameplay is bad for me
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby Victim#1 » Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:55 am

Well, I have no clue what u guys had planed for the gameplay of LoK...

Personlly i ain't an advocate of this blue icon the switch to the next scene.
Also I dont like the idea of loosing during a normal act, if you're able to loose then only in a "boss-fuck" (sounds awesome, right?).
Maybe you could introduce a "action bar". So you can gain some extra exp for pleasing the predator.

Or with other words:
By pressing the displayed keys (maybe A and D for "simulate" a blowjob) Krystal will take the dominance during the scene (causing: you decide when the next scene begins or when the act ends).
The Action Bar will be filled for every correct key you'd hit (the mini game should be simple an playable with one hand).
If a certain point of the Bar is reached a symbol is telling you which key you have to press (please note: no clicking on a blue icon) to go to the next scene.

So what happens if you dont press the displayed key (for a few seconds?) to aid Krystal during the scene?
The Predator will take the dominance during the scene (causing: he decide when the next scene begins or when the act ends).
A result could be that he ain't as satisfied with Krystal and she will gain lesser EXP (or even negativ experience).

In both cases the Action Bar will have 2 functions:
1. Showing you if the game switch to the next scene.
2. Showing you when Krystal gets to her climax.

This solution would also include the ideas of the attitudes topic.

For boss encounters this system also could be slightly changed.
Krystal have to endure an act without an orgamsn,
or she have to be quiet for some reason.

So possibly both sides are happy.
The ones which dont want do press anything could watch how Krystal gets fucked.
And the others could aid her for some extra EXP.
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby EVERO » Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:10 am

I don't believe you can make something like hp optional.
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby Favelor » Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:29 am

if the bar is an option and u can turn it on and off b4 the game starts them im ok with. but i still sya that the point of this game is to see krystal get fucked.
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby Blank » Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:33 am

I never really liked the whole Cum stains = Less exp seeing as I'm a fan of cum drenched women. But the health bar would just slow things down even more and would just make both the players and the LoK team give more effort for less reward.
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby trunks2585 » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:04 am

Thaedael Wrote:Is it possible to explain what it would do before outright condemning the idea?

Guess i should explain it. I've talked about it before when were were sure we were going to have it but here's a quick explination of it again. Basically you'd be able to do any sex scene you want unless they can't be reached do to storyline events (like having to fuck the whole village before scales will see you). You'll have a health bar, likely it'll be full at the start of every scene just to make it even easier. From here you'll have to judge if you have enough HP to do a scene with a character or not, and it wouldn't be like in say k-fox and the magic sword where stamina is constantly draining during the scene, it'd be like say, paying so much stamina to continue.

So say you approach an enemy and instead of seeing 'x amount of HP required' it will now say 'x amount of stamina' So you click the button, start the scene, and your stamina goes down a bit. the loop will continue for however long you want it to, and stamina will not go down anymore. Now there will also the be the advance the scene button, and it'll have how much HP you need to continue, so it'll read something like "Next: x amount of HP". Again the loop will go on for as long as you want it to, without draining stamina besides the initial cost to advance the scene. there will also be a previous button if you want to go back to the last part of the scene, this is free since it's like rewinding a tape, same for if you go back, and then forward again, you don't pay any more stamina to advance until it's the first time you reach the new section of the scene.

How much HP you need to do the scene will depend on how many parts the scene has, what the type of sex is, and how many characters are involved.

A rough example off the top of my head would be start with 50 stamina points (SP). to give a handjob will cost 15 SP. 5 SPto start the scene where you're pulled down and the sharpclaws taps krytal's nose with his cock, 5 SP to start rubbing his cock and 5 SP to make him cum.

Now say you chose to go right for the anal rape scene instead, that will cost 60 SP. 20 to start it, 20 for the middle part of the scene and 20 to finish it. in this case you don't have enough so you'll pass out at the starting house, no progress is lost but nothing is gained either. So you'll need to fuck other enemies till you level up and increase your max SP to 60 or more.

This is an attempt to add health without doing it the same way all those toonpimp RoR games do it. Rather than having a health bar that's constantly draining during sex, it's more like paying to continue the scene.

There would also be items involved like an energy drink or something if you need a boost of stamina.
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby Lord Panzi » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:23 am

dont do it
i could fuck her all night, not a regular night, one of those north pole six month nights
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby Favelor » Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:49 am

just a thought. but insted of a heath bar how about something like a whore meter. like the more people u fuck the more and more the meter grows. as the meter get bigger Krystal becomes a whore (starting off at something like virgen) OR if the point of the game is to save Fox and to have krystal be raped then i have to say no to the whole idea
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby trunks2585 » Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:59 am

we've already got the morality bar.
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby Sexybones » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:53 pm

Id have to say no.While the idee of a Stamina bar might work well in the beginning it might irritade the player that he have to fuck the same creatures over and over again to get enough experience to advance to the next one,only to repeat the process all over again.
I do like bars tho:like a completing bar indicating how many of the enemy's you've entertaine and have yet to entertain.Growing larger as you unlock new area's.
Or puzzle wise,like your in a room whit a number of sharpclaw and a bar,fucking a sharpclaw fills up the bar whit a certain but for each sharpclaw diferend amound of energie.
With as goal to find the correct sharpclaws to fill the bar completely whitout overflooding it.
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby Oriandu » Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:49 pm

Honestly, in a game where you're not constantly at odds with things trying to kill you, an HP bar is pointless. Instead of dealing with health or stamina to decide whether or not you're able to do certain actions, you'd be better off having conditions. Like, say, Scales won't touch Krystal unless she's completely soaked in cum by every one of his warriors. However, to make that more of a challenge you would have various conditions for the warriors, such as one of them refusing to touch Krystal unless she was completely clean, and certain ones wouldn't touch her if she had too much or too little. Not saying you should do that exact thing, but fulfilling certain conditions makes more sense than HP.
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Re: Health bar for LoK

Postby Haldor » Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:43 am

Well I think this thread has made its subtle point
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