The Story of Legend of Krystal

So, I've been an anonymous lurker of this forum for a long time. Truthfully, I forgot about it entirely due to life and the end of Adobe Flash. I rediscovered it again once Ruffle became stable enough to mess with some old Flash games I've saved on a portable SDD, and found The Legend of Krystal again.
To see some well-made new additions and spin-offs was a nice surprise.
Replaying some of the games that created mini-fandom for the Star Fox series got me interested, especially after replaying Star Fox Adventures and Assault on my old Game Cube for nostalgia's sake. I'm particularly curious about the world-building, not that there is much. Overall, it's rather basic but easy to work with:
- Krystal crashes on Planet Sauria sometime after the Star Fox Adventures. (Could be before to include General Scales like the first one).
- The Sharpclaws enslave her.
- She must have sex to gain respect and/or freedom.
- She either leaves with Fox or Stays with the Sharpclaws.
- End.
Nothing complex all things considered. There is a lot of room for people to put their ideas in.
So, what can be added to add a bit of flavor?
Gorepete, the author of Legend of Krystal VG, adds some neat details regarding Spirits, Dire Wolves, and the Berries. 'Followed by some continuity details regarding other tribes hidden in the many endings.
These details got me thinking.
Naturally, there are a lot of details about Planet Sauria and its story during Adventures and Assault.
- Scarabs: Currency.
- Shabunga: Dijin Shopkeeper
- Dumbledang Tree which drops Dumbledang Pods: Medicinal Plant.
- Magic Plants: These are plants that suck up the magical energy of the world and crystalize it as seeds.
- The Krazoa Spirits and their Temples.
- That fact the Sharpclaws are somewhat technologically advanced with their ships and speeders.
- Krystal's Staff, which has suspicious upgrade shrine locations in Adventures.
- The other Tribes.
- Possible Cornarian Explorers/Slaves.
- Possible Venomian Explorers/Slaves.
- Etc.
So, how to implement the notes above?
I'm not a game designer, but I'd like to consider myself a decent writer. So! If there is anyone else that is lurking on this old forum. Have any ideas?
To see some well-made new additions and spin-offs was a nice surprise.
Replaying some of the games that created mini-fandom for the Star Fox series got me interested, especially after replaying Star Fox Adventures and Assault on my old Game Cube for nostalgia's sake. I'm particularly curious about the world-building, not that there is much. Overall, it's rather basic but easy to work with:
- Krystal crashes on Planet Sauria sometime after the Star Fox Adventures. (Could be before to include General Scales like the first one).
- The Sharpclaws enslave her.
- She must have sex to gain respect and/or freedom.
- She either leaves with Fox or Stays with the Sharpclaws.
- End.
Nothing complex all things considered. There is a lot of room for people to put their ideas in.
So, what can be added to add a bit of flavor?
Gorepete, the author of Legend of Krystal VG, adds some neat details regarding Spirits, Dire Wolves, and the Berries. 'Followed by some continuity details regarding other tribes hidden in the many endings.
These details got me thinking.
Naturally, there are a lot of details about Planet Sauria and its story during Adventures and Assault.
- Scarabs: Currency.
- Shabunga: Dijin Shopkeeper
- Dumbledang Tree which drops Dumbledang Pods: Medicinal Plant.
- Magic Plants: These are plants that suck up the magical energy of the world and crystalize it as seeds.
- The Krazoa Spirits and their Temples.
- That fact the Sharpclaws are somewhat technologically advanced with their ships and speeders.
- Krystal's Staff, which has suspicious upgrade shrine locations in Adventures.
- The other Tribes.
- Possible Cornarian Explorers/Slaves.
- Possible Venomian Explorers/Slaves.
- Etc.
So, how to implement the notes above?
I'm not a game designer, but I'd like to consider myself a decent writer. So! If there is anyone else that is lurking on this old forum. Have any ideas?