kuja Wrote:Is there any chance to u make a topic based in what the team wont put in the game? Or it already exist?
Well the
concerns over content list covers a lot of it, though it's a bit out of date. Part of the problem is that a list of what we will and will not do can get very complicated as what we will do includes loads of minor little fetishes and things, and what we won't do is similarly complex. Further confounding this is the fact that stuff we (the team) won't do isn't necessarily stuff that won't be accepted for inclusion into the game. For example we're not including homosexual content beyond (possibly) a few lesbian scenes, as the amount of added work would be huge, and we're taking our sweet time as it is!
The closest we can get to a summary is that official content will include primarily heterosexual acts, with various minor kinks. The most "outlandish" stuff will likely be tentacles, lesbian scenes, and maybe a couple of herm scenes. Herm scenes will certainly be filterable, the other two possibly not, depends where they end up as it gets hard to design the game if we have to have replacement scenes to avoid breaking the story

Beyond all this, we'll happily consider any other fetishes for which content is produced to a good standard (and we'll provide tutorials and pointers to help achieve that). The only exceptions are true violence, i.e - characters being permanently injured or whatever, and child or overly child-like sex scenes or characters, these are the two main ones we're not likely to budge on. Anything else is probably fair game (within reason), but if included officially will be controlled by the content filter. Third party projects created using ours as a base will be largely unrestricted, so if you're absolutely desperate for some ultra-violence then someone might be able to cater for that, but it won't be us.
Anyway, this isn't the topic for discussing content, ask in the
concerns over content list if you've any particular queries that I haven't answered