Hey guys, just to give my input on the situation of redesigning the home, that is some fantastic work Oak,

loving that new bed.
On a side note I'd say if you're working on coloring the new (

gorgeous) brickwork pattern you have on the wall so it wont agitate and confuse the eye as much, maybe just scrap it, because as lovely as a pattern like that is, Krystal needs to be the center-point, and colored or not, because the pattern is so intricate, it will still be distracting.
But back on point as regards to making the room more spacious I'd say avoid making the room two screens at all costs.
For these reasons:
No.1 Its just a simple starting home and in my eyes I always viewed it as a "safe-house" of sorts because there's never really anything sexual going on and its small and relaxing. (like in the good old resident evil games the safe-house is a tiny little retreat with nothing more than a typewriter and your magic weapons box in it, and its perfect.) I kinda think of it as a quiet pit-stop between the two halves of the level, so it shouldn't need to be big.
and No.2
Don't forget that technically if you double its screen length for the house from 1 to 2, and if its just a small house, than its most likely you'll have to double the screen size of all other areas for the game to be in scale. It wont make much sense if a small hut is 2 screens wide and then the deepest forest of Dark Woods is about 3 or 4 screens wide. To put it simply a deep and treacherous forest wont seem all that deep and treacherous if it only spans the same length as 2 small houses. So by making the small hut two screens you'll have to expand on all other areas too, so its just much much more work. I don't know if that aspect of it had crossed your mind but I just thought I'd point it out anyway. Scale is very important.

you can still make the room more spacious. Think about it logically, if your bedroom was totally cramped in real life how would you deal with it?
1. you'd probably try cleaning it up a bit.
2. you'd probably buy some small containers or storage to hold some of the stuff that's lying around the place.
or 3. if all else fails, you'd just have to get rid of things and replace them with smaller things or get rid of them completely.
I have a few solutions that I have engineered in photoshop that I'd like to share with you guys but I'm going to apologize in advance for it being very crude or low quality as my graphics tablet is away at the moment with a friend who really needs it for a Z-brush project he's working on. Also I'll have to post my idea over the next 8 posts which could take a while as I do not yet have instant posting privileges (

I'll hopefully have them soon enough though.) so yeah bare with me. The posts are intended to come one directly after another but for now I'll just have to do it this way,

I'll have to wait for the moderators to approve and show the posts as I go, so as to insure that all my .JPEG attachments are posted in the right order.
They'll come with small comments and elaborations and such but here's the first one (P.S.

all the JPEGs feature some elements of material or work submitted by other members of the site, either from this thread itself, or from the Creative corner. I in no way claim that material as my own, there are few parts of my JPEG's that are actually my own work (mainly editorial work), these Images that I'm going to post are just your run of the mill cut and paste editing images for design purposes.

within saying that I really hope none of the members who are the rightful owners of some of the intellectual property featured in my JPEG's are upset or annoyed because I took the liberty of using some of their work in my illustrations without their explicit permission. I assure you I'm not trying to claim it as my own or boast my skills under false pretenses (

I personally detest people who do that and believe its totally unjust to not give credit where credit is due) so don't worry,

all this is, is an attempt to help out the guys of the LoK team in any way I can, I'm here to help.
Also, again, please bare with me, this first pic is 1 of 8 that are intended to be posted consecutively so I'd really appreciate it if you could hold off on criticisms until at least a few of the Jpegs are up (I'm not even sure if I have the required membership privileges to upload Jpegs yet so here we go!!!

I believe this first image is a cleaned up version of the bedroom image that was posted within this tread by PTOOL and credit must also go to Oak for Inspiring the image. The only drastic alteration I have mad here is removing the table from the scene. Its mainly just a tester to see if I can post images but feel free to play around with it as a way to make the room more spacious.
(I'd also like to mention quickly that i have taken note of the real owners of the material featured in some of my images and will be sure to mention that they are the owners within each post where their material is featured (as I have above) but again please do not get upset if I somehow forget to mention you as the original owner as you can assume it was a genuine mistake on my behalf and if this disclaimer post is not enough for anyone who I leave out by mistake I will have no problem with making a post explicitly pointing out my mistake and proceed to mention you where I should have before)
Lemme know what ya's think-