Drawing Suggestions?

Discussion about Legend of Krystal. For now this also includes any feature-requests or other ideas.

Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby toddymon » Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:57 am

i too await your work. and if you ever need it ill give you my suggestions. though inturns of this ptoon would probably be a better tutor.
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Nightmenace » Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:07 am

this stuff is pretty well drawn oak, i like it! :P

ps this thread keeps saying theres unread posts when there clearly ISN'T! might wanna look into that glitch lol

Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby LiKrySo412 » Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:23 am

Nightmenace Wrote:ps this thread keeps saying theres unread posts when there clearly ISN'T! might wanna look into that glitch lol

Yeah... it´s getting annoying :evil:

Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby toddymon » Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:27 am

same here. but we should probably put this in the bug area.
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Nightmenace » Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:31 am

k ill do it

Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Thundranex » Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:36 pm

Hey guys, just to give my input on the situation of redesigning the home, that is some fantastic work Oak, :) ;) loving that new bed.

On a side note I'd say if you're working on coloring the new ( :mrgreen: gorgeous) brickwork pattern you have on the wall so it wont agitate and confuse the eye as much, maybe just scrap it, because as lovely as a pattern like that is, Krystal needs to be the center-point, and colored or not, because the pattern is so intricate, it will still be distracting.

But back on point as regards to making the room more spacious I'd say avoid making the room two screens at all costs.
For these reasons:

No.1 Its just a simple starting home and in my eyes I always viewed it as a "safe-house" of sorts because there's never really anything sexual going on and its small and relaxing. (like in the good old resident evil games the safe-house is a tiny little retreat with nothing more than a typewriter and your magic weapons box in it, and its perfect.) I kinda think of it as a quiet pit-stop between the two halves of the level, so it shouldn't need to be big.

and No.2
Don't forget that technically if you double its screen length for the house from 1 to 2, and if its just a small house, than its most likely you'll have to double the screen size of all other areas for the game to be in scale. It wont make much sense if a small hut is 2 screens wide and then the deepest forest of Dark Woods is about 3 or 4 screens wide. To put it simply a deep and treacherous forest wont seem all that deep and treacherous if it only spans the same length as 2 small houses. So by making the small hut two screens you'll have to expand on all other areas too, so its just much much more work. I don't know if that aspect of it had crossed your mind but I just thought I'd point it out anyway. Scale is very important.

But, :) you can still make the room more spacious. Think about it logically, if your bedroom was totally cramped in real life how would you deal with it?
1. you'd probably try cleaning it up a bit.
2. you'd probably buy some small containers or storage to hold some of the stuff that's lying around the place.
or 3. if all else fails, you'd just have to get rid of things and replace them with smaller things or get rid of them completely.

I have a few solutions that I have engineered in photoshop that I'd like to share with you guys but I'm going to apologize in advance for it being very crude or low quality as my graphics tablet is away at the moment with a friend who really needs it for a Z-brush project he's working on. Also I'll have to post my idea over the next 8 posts which could take a while as I do not yet have instant posting privileges ( :) ;) I'll hopefully have them soon enough though.) so yeah bare with me. The posts are intended to come one directly after another but for now I'll just have to do it this way, ;) I'll have to wait for the moderators to approve and show the posts as I go, so as to insure that all my .JPEG attachments are posted in the right order.
They'll come with small comments and elaborations and such but here's the first one (P.S. :P all the JPEGs feature some elements of material or work submitted by other members of the site, either from this thread itself, or from the Creative corner. I in no way claim that material as my own, there are few parts of my JPEG's that are actually my own work (mainly editorial work), these Images that I'm going to post are just your run of the mill cut and paste editing images for design purposes.
So, :) ;) within saying that I really hope none of the members who are the rightful owners of some of the intellectual property featured in my JPEG's are upset or annoyed because I took the liberty of using some of their work in my illustrations without their explicit permission. I assure you I'm not trying to claim it as my own or boast my skills under false pretenses ( :| I personally detest people who do that and believe its totally unjust to not give credit where credit is due) so don't worry, :) all this is, is an attempt to help out the guys of the LoK team in any way I can, I'm here to help.

Also, again, please bare with me, this first pic is 1 of 8 that are intended to be posted consecutively so I'd really appreciate it if you could hold off on criticisms until at least a few of the Jpegs are up (I'm not even sure if I have the required membership privileges to upload Jpegs yet so here we go!!! :) :mrgreen: ;) )

I believe this first image is a cleaned up version of the bedroom image that was posted within this tread by PTOOL and credit must also go to Oak for Inspiring the image. The only drastic alteration I have mad here is removing the table from the scene. Its mainly just a tester to see if I can post images but feel free to play around with it as a way to make the room more spacious.

(I'd also like to mention quickly that i have taken note of the real owners of the material featured in some of my images and will be sure to mention that they are the owners within each post where their material is featured (as I have above) but again please do not get upset if I somehow forget to mention you as the original owner as you can assume it was a genuine mistake on my behalf and if this disclaimer post is not enough for anyone who I leave out by mistake I will have no problem with making a post explicitly pointing out my mistake and proceed to mention you where I should have before) :) ;)

Lemme know what ya's think-


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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Thundranex » Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:40 pm

Cool my last image came up fine so I'm gonna try get through this quickly.

Image 002:

As anyone can see the image is quite boring even for a background.
So heres the changes to make the room seem more spacious and attract the eye to the P.O.I (Point of Interest):
(Reference the Image for the following points of information)

(I'll elaborate a lot more over my next posts)
1. Maybe add some overhanging storage like some presses or cupboards to clutter up the image on that side.
2. Make the table much smaller and add it in here, it should help lead the eye to P.O.I this way.
3. Maybe add a little altar with a candle on it to add some warmth to the room and help lead the eye to the P.O.I.
P.O.I - The Point of Interest (Most likely Krystal).
002.jpg (112.32 KiB) Viewed 2840 times
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Nightmenace » Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:28 pm

looks really well done to me :) much more detailed than the current one and i love how u cant see the forest background like u can in v0.2, the forest being visible makes it seem too small so this is a good improvement, keep it up!

P.S. holy SHIT ur posts r so long!! u might wanna tone it down a bit there buddy :P

Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Thundranex » Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:20 am

:| :? Not sure exactly why my initial post is up here twice because I only posted it once (could be a bug to look into or maybe it was just human error and I submitted it twice by accident (if so I'm sorry)) but anyway I'm not sure how to delete it so I'm gonna just try get all of this next part done in one go just to be safe. ;)

Okay, so (assuming the attachements come out in the correct order :) ;) ), for the first image (Image 003), I implemented some of the changes I mentioned earlier an earlier post by adding some cupboards, a candle and a lamp (all of which are my own) and a scaled down version of the table from PTOOL's posted Jpeg. I know the items seem a bit out of place but I'm just trying to show how you can make the room lest boring but still appear very spacious.

The second image (Image 004), I was making notes on.
1. The possibility of lowering the ceiling (in orange)
2. Bringing the cupboards down with the ceiling and possibly adding some more.
3. Adding a raunchy sex novel on the table where Liz sits (could be a cool way to save your game)
4. and also adding some vines around the lamp and around the walls.
Very crude looking but bear in mind it was only for design purposes, I may or may not elaborate on it in the future because I'm sure you understand what I'm aiming at and I don't know when I'll be getting my graphics tablet back.

The third and fourth images (Image 005 and 006) were designed to show how even with the added features to the room, the room is still very spacious even with characters present. I designed this image by editing and pasting in an Image of 1. A Liz character which I believe was created by Kuja and can be found in the "Greedy is Good" topic. and 2. a straight up picture of Krystal herself which I believe I found in the "Snow Levels" topic. I'd just like to mention how in both images Krystal still remains the centerpiece/point of interest but, upon further review the room is a bit tall, whether it would be best to redraw the ceiling completely and have it lower than in the previous images, or just eave the ceiling lines where they are and trim back the top of the image or crop it a bit is very debatable.

And lastly :) :mrgreen: ;) , the last 3 images are just (Image 007, 008 and 009) replica's of image 006 (Krystal standing in the room) with blended color gradients using a burn-blend in photoshop to give a different mood or feel to the scene and maybe some lighting Ideas. I highly recommend trying out this technique on some scenes(uncolored ones in particular, but there's no harm in trying it on both) to quickly try out different moods and color schemes for certain scenes and decide from there which would be the most appropriate/sexy color settings to use.

Anyway I'm keeping this as short as I can, so lemme know what ya's think-


Image 003
003.jpg (92.32 KiB) Viewed 2805 times
Image 004
004.jpg (211.26 KiB) Viewed 2805 times
Image 005
005.jpg (108.46 KiB) Viewed 2805 times
Image 006
006.jpg (110.4 KiB) Viewed 2805 times
Image 007
007.jpg (171.76 KiB) Viewed 2805 times
Image 008
mmmmmm2.jpg (166.71 KiB) Viewed 2805 times
Image 009
008.jpg (161.58 KiB) Viewed 2805 times
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby KaTsuO_O » Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:31 pm

The thing on the wall looks preaty weird but the rest is good. Where did you find that lizgirl? She is hot!
Don't create a porn game if you're only interested in porn.
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Oakleaf » Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:47 pm

Woah, I'm gone a short while and all hell breaks loose! :D How awesome aint that?

I see what you mean, I do. I agree that the table as it was was too large, as well as the chairs (the character sitting in them would have to be laaaaarge, thus obscuring to much of the middleground and background). Just a detail you probably didn't care about, but the chair is not changed in size, making the character and the table look reaaaaally small. It's funnycute. Not too sure about that lamp post, though... x) I'd rather go with the good old candle! i have no problems with the room being as tall is it nor do I think that the bricks in the wall will take away the POI from Krystal... it's just a little distracting right now, as they aren't finished x)

Thanks for the feedback though, man :) I'll rethink some shit. It's a good thing I didn't get so far on this room, haha x) I've been lazy with this to be honest, lotsa homework and more incoming before christmas. You can't believe how tired one can get of drawing when it's all you do in school! o__<

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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Thundranex » Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:35 pm

@Katsu, :) 8-) as it says in the post I know that most of the items I have added seem totally out of place, I did this all very quickly just to throw out Ideas, If I had my graphics tablet I might have hand drawn everything, put in some great detail and stylized some stuff . :) I don't particularly have the time to put great detail and accuracy into a design document when the only artistic tool I have at my disposal is a (HIGHLY UNRESPONSIVE!!! :P :lol: ) laser mouse. And to answer your other question (also mentioned in my earlier post) the Liz girl is according to my knowledge, one of this site member's work, Kuja I believe, I think you should be able to find it within the "Greedy is Good" topic on the site, or If you're having trouble finding it just try typing "Liz" into the forum's search bar.

Either way thanks for the comments all the same- :) ;) your feedback is much appreciated.


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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Thundranex » Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:12 pm

:?: :shock: What the!?! :D Whoops!!! Well, I'm not gonna lie, I totally forgot to scale the chair down :lol: hahaha. :) ;) That chair must devour other chairs for sustenance :) a very dangerous chair indeed!!! :lol: . But back on track, I have to say looking back over my images I have to agree with you on the lamp post, originally I wanted to try get an altar there but I couldn't really do anything nice without my graphics tablet. I reckon if you were to design a little altar or mantelpiece instead of the lamp post we could just bring the candle from the table over and you could maybe even bring that really cool portrait of the Liz girl that was originally on the wall and place it there. :) I think something like that could really tie in with the game and could be like the Liz girl in the picture could have been a friend to the Liz girl who greets you and she was lost in last years sacrifice. So the Liz girl who greets you could be mourning her loss on the altar. :P And yeah dude they were so much criticisms as little curve-balls I was throwing to try some different things, I personally loved ( :P <3<3<3) you drawing, it was amazing, like seriously you have a very keen eye and some very noteworthy skills at what you do.

One thing I will say though, and its something that Nightmenace mentioned earlier, I think aside from all my little quirky Ideas, its a really good idea to just leave out the bits of forest on the outside of the room, it squashed it up too much.

On a side note - :shock: Oh my God tell me about it, :mrgreen: :) I've got like a billion assignments pouring in, I'm not even doing an artistic or illustrative course in college and for one of my story-boarding assignments I have to make an A5 Mood board along with maps and close ups and the works, along with coding for Unity and animations in 3dmax I'm going crazy here, :P :lol: I don't even have time to replay Final Fantasy 9 or go play my Assassins Creed Brotherhood. :mrgreen: I was only lucky enough to get some time to do this because college is canceled due to all the frickin snow.

And can I ask one random question before I go... :) do you read the "Cianide and Happyness" comics!?! :mrgreen: :) hehehe.


Last edited by Thundranex on Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Thundranex » Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:47 pm

@ Nightmenace

Thanks a million for the complements and feedback dude, they're much appriciated :) ;) and MY BAD!!! :D :mrgreen: :P I just noticed it there that you could probably get a small paperback novel out of some of my comments!!! :lol: :D :P Ahahahahaha. :) Sorry about that dude, :P I get totally carried away sometimes. :D hehehe lol.


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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Nightmenace » Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:11 pm

k so im gonna give my little critique on the new stuff, i agree with most of what others have said...change the lampost to a good ol candle mounted on the wall, scale down the chair, and rly i dont think the ceiling is that high either it looks good as is...as for the vine thing i disagree with kat and think its a pretty cool unique idea...itll give the feel that they r in a hut in the middle of a wild jungle and not in some little apartment in the city XD

and as for the spamming thing, yea i cant say i havent done it either, except i dont do it in HUGE bursts, i do a shitload of small posts XD ive learned to be careful as well,

anyways ya theres my opinion, hope to see more :mrgreen:

Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Oakleaf » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:43 am

Haha, it's good to see you understand x) I shall totally look into the altar thing, it sounds smashing when you put it that way! Yeah, perhaps the forest ought to be ditched...

haha yeah, I read it from time to time. It's got some points and is funny x)
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Nightmenace » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:22 am

yea the rough vine drawing u put in that one picture showed that there were WAY too many vines tho, hmmm, maybe u could have a few (very) small vines hanging down from cracks in the roof :)

Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby toddymon » Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:01 am

i think teh vines could be cool if drawn appropriately. maybe have a tropical tree brance peakin through the window. {well if there were windows.}
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby pToon-T » Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:56 am

Thundranex the sizing of the characters is a bit of, Krystal in relation to the bed add hight of the ceiling,the sizing of the lizard women, resizing of the table and not resizing the bed to compensate makes the scene look as though is has no perspective. I think the cupboards are a bit to modern but having them be shelves should solve that, the lamppost should not be inside and again a bit to modern, changing it out with a chest high candlestick/candelabra should work just fin, the vines can work if there is to be no door on the hut, but should come in through the door and only be on one wale(maybe have a little bit on the adjacent wale and ceiling), the mood test are not all that useful as you don't explain what mood you were aiming for and they have no light information(that being a big part of what determines the mood of a picture).

and this quick paint over is meant to show
1. How odd the sizing of the foreground elements looks when putt in Its broader context and how orthographic it looks.
2. A little more appropriate sizing for it for the foreground character.
Apx HL. (Approximate Horizon Line) How I fake my perspective to get a better looking room by using a Horizon Field instead of a Line, as a one point perspective has a tendency to look rely distorted when dealing with small rooms.
Perspective.jpg (274.54 KiB) Viewed 2554 times
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Re: Drawing Suggestions?

Postby Thundranex » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:58 am

Thanks guys for all your feedback, :) ;) I really appreciate it. Sorry for not addressing you all individually, I'm very busy with some designs for other topics I'll be posting up and I've got a lot of college work to do in the meantime. :) So sorry if I leave anyone out and sorry for my posts being short in advance.

Thank you very much for your help, you explained what you mean really well, especially with that attached JPEG file. And that Approximate Horizon Line technique will really come in handy. I've taken heed of what you and all the other guys have said and I should have a new picture up over the next few days. There's a chance there will be some delays though due to other obligations I have to fulfill and the quality could be a bit shabby as I'll have to sketch it out by hand and scan it in as my graphics tablet is away on lend. But :) , hopefully it'll be up soon and the quality will be nice.

Thanks everyone -


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