What do you all want?

Discussion about Legend of Krystal. For now this also includes any feature-requests or other ideas.

Re: What do you all want?

Postby maximose » Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:32 am

It would also be nice if you guys added Katt from Star Fox 64
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby randomname » Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:37 am

moar cum! :D :D :) ;)
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby trunks2585 » Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:13 am

we'll see what we can do about adding other star fox characters, we've bounced a few ideas around about adding more of the cast
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby SWLover123456 » Wed Feb 23, 2011 8:15 am

Genre: First and Foremost, it's an adult game. Therefore, it should defy the classic genre guidelines. The closest thing to it would probably be an adventure game. So, you shouldn't load up on variables, just life and exp, and maybe 1 or two other things, but no more than that. It also shouldn't be complicated to control, just the arrows and mouse. I guess you could include a few puzzles or other rpg elements, but as a general rule, you should be hard (or wet, i suppose) for the entire time.

Story: The Story is fine as you played it originally. But you should allow other characters to be playable,(if only Samus) with their own story, and they should tie in and be identical after two seperate intros. ( Like the sharpclaw for Krystal, Pirates for Samus, and Something related for whomever else.

Characters: I guess I jumped the gun a little in story. So as I said, it should have a few characters that are playable, as well as quite a few characters unique to each. (Like seeing metroids when your Samus, or Goombas when your Peach) I love just about all of the models on this site,except the pokemon really. Incorporating all of them would be a huge undertaking, but a few outfits, as few as three, for each playable character would hold out. But they shouldn't be pointless. Like the armor in LoK fit the story and belonged there. So don't throw in Another flight suit for no reason or something. Like a progression method. Perhaps you'll start with the flight suit, get captured, wear armor, escape, and wear something else related to wherever she goes next. And you should use new characters slowly, keep them wanting to keep playing, or somehow make the enemies random, anything to get them to keep playing, and play another playthrough.

Locations: The Locations should be linear but repeat (that sounded odd coming out) Like maybe have you start on the star ship whos name I can't remember as I write this, have a scene or two with fox and falco and whoever, crash land in Sharpclaw, escape back to star ship, get attacked by pirates. And these pirates happen to be the same pirates from the Metroid Universe. Back on topic, there should be a low to medium amount of enemies per area. Perhaps they respawn or something, but whatever. Also, all enemies should have a sex scene, and every area should have non-enemy sex scenes. On the topic of bosses, One for every major transition, Like escaping the sharpclaw. It goes without saying that these battles should have quite a few sex scenes. (I'm a big fan of the Samus vs Ridley Anim on this site) And the bosses should be BOSSES, not just mobs of average enemies, unless you throw in a unique scene or two for that occasion.

Sex Scenes: I'm a sucker for a good lesbian scene, but I'm good with just about anything. As for variety in scenes, having a good variety of enemies and other scenarios should compensate but yes, the more scenes you can animate, the better. You should include more group sex of course, with not only enemies but your allies as well. For example, you walk right by a variety of Fem Lizards who could have had something. Or you know, a scene where you pay a toll to the mermaids for using their pools. You should have scenes with almost everyone you meet, with one or two options each, for your allies, but obviously, if you're submitting to a lizard, you can't pick and choose what position he throws you into. You should also maintain the side view only, close ups could take away from the whole effect . Finally, Scenes should fit the current situation. So you could tease Fox, but not Chief Sharpclaw. And fetish should be held to a minimum, simply because some people can't stand it. But I, for one, would love to see Krystal in some "questionable" positions, or getting whipped by Chief Sharpclaw.

Overall Goal: I imagine this game as being a game with a lot of sex in it, that I can play over and over again, because it gives something new everytime. Either a diverging storyline or a different order of scenes to a boss battle. The Most important parts of ANY adult game are the Scenes/Positions and the Characters. The Most important part of a GOOD adult game, is replayability.

P.S. I'm Incredibly biased towards all the Samus models, I really like what you guys are capable of doing with her expressions.

I appreciate anyone who read through the whole post, it was a little long I think.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby Drider » Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:22 pm

I'd like to start off by saying thank you to the talented artists and programmers who have brought this project together and have shared this great piece of entertainment with everyone free of charge. As a typical player, I'd like to see...

This is a great Hentai game. It's very well animated and colorful and the scenes are little gems on themselves. I think the current frame of talk-to-this-guy-fuck-these-characters-unlock-new-area-to-watch-Krystal-get-fucked-in-new-and-interesting-ways works. If you want to put a battle here in there (against a tentacle monster for example), that's great. Just please don't let it ruin the wonderful conveyor belt of sex. At least making losing a 'reward' in itself if there is a battle.

Krystal is basically a sex slave, so it's interesting to see her climb the pecking order. I think you should really hammer in the fact that she's a slave and has little to no rights. How she uses her sex to advance further in the game is the real fun. I think it would be funny to incorporate a kind of 'popularity' into the game. The more guards she sexes, the better known she becomes. Maybe even of the other females become jealous and refuse to help her, or plot to get her into scores of trouble (doing something criminal and passing the blame to her). She gains popularity for pole-dancing to all the men of the tribe...jealously skyrockets, etc.

I think it would more interesting to see Krystal fuck her way to the top of her low social status, gaining the little bits of trust and freedoms needed to make that one desperate escape. The youngest warrior comes of age and Krystal is his first...she uses him to get access to places she might normally not be able to go.

I'd like to compliment on the little things for a moment. Krystal always keeps her gaze down. I don't know if it's intentional, but it's a good detail. It lets the player know her spirit is broken.

I don't care much for other characters. I think the game is fine focusing on just Krystal. As the game progresses, he might even become addicted to her treatment and maybe her options for scenes change, the constant punishment and sex having unlocked some dark sexual perversion in her mind. Blah blah blah...

I'd love if you kept everything to this lush, jungle-like setting. Maybe a few jail cells for when Krystal is punished. Perhaps public gallows for her humiliation for failing a quest.

You have great scenes now. There is always more room for group sex, lesbians, bukkake, handjobs, cum-drinking (have the lizards collectively pass around a beer mug to ejaculate in. It gets passed to Krystal at the end to chug), crazy deepthroats, etc. Now and then a good act of submission would be great, to keep her in line. Being made to beg for cock with her ass out or walking on all fours while tethered to a leash are all good ways the locals can flex their power over her. (The all fours thing, please!) :)

Every now and then, scrubbing the floors for meager freedoms or getting publicly spanked-whipped would add flavor.

Overall Goal:
To unlock all the crazy ways I can watch Krystal get fucked, but that's just me. It would be great to get multiple endings (freedom, place in a royal harem, loses hope and gives up, whatever), but I for one just play for the scenes. Honestly, I don't want Krystal to gain her freedom. If she does, it should be just for a moment before her only means of escape is yanked out of grasp at the last second. If there is a button that let's me cheat, I'm going to hit it repeatedly so I can unlock what I want to see (Thanks for not removing it).

This is a long post and is shallow but honest. Thank you for even having a thread like this open to take suggestions from the fans. If you're worried about making the same boring shit as every other h-game out there, don't be. LoK is far from boring, and it's not even finished yet.

I can't wait to see what direction you take with it.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby nonamesleft » Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:05 am

Longtime lurker here thanks for all the work you have done and all the work you will do in the future.

I am definitely part of the porn games should have gameplay group. I think Gorepete's Samus game is a great example of good balance between porn and game. It doesn’t have to have the same gameplay as Gorepete's game I am just using it as an example of how having good balance can make the whole greater than the parts. There is no specific game type I want or think the game should be, just throwing my support for gameplay elements.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby walkingTerror » Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:56 am

Genre: What it is currently, but add some puzzles.

Story: Current story is fine. I do like Trunk's idea about multiple planets, but hold that off until the basic stuff you're working on is finished such as: character designs, animation, and what's after the woods place.

Characters: Mainly about Krystal. I liked the blaziken scene too, so maybe some more about that. Ditto was funny the first time I played.

Locations: That should be mainly up to the story writer. I only know stuff about coding, I'm not very creative writer.

Sex Scenes: Variety, don't make it repetitive, and please have a gallery at the end.

Overall Goal: To have an interesting and slightly challenging sex game that keeps your attention for the whole game. No button mashing to get to sex scene. Also I would like to contribute something to this project. Don't ask me for art though; I HATE art. I know actionscript 2.0 and Java for the most part.

Challenge: Should be fairly challenging; I don't know why everyone complained about Mario is Missing, it was easy.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby prettypinkpwny » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:35 am

Hey, so I know I’ve been outta the loop for a bit, but I’ve been lurking every couple weeks or so. I came across this thread, so I thought that instead of just sitting around for things to get done, I should pitch in some ideas in hopes that I could be of at least some help.

For the sake of keeping the production of the game short and simple, I would say to just keep it an RPG, as originally intended; maybe adding a puzzle here or there. You’ve probably established this already, but you should keep the game from being too challenging. You don’t want the players to be using too much of their heads, so they could be using more of their “heads”.

Just keep out really long dialogues and backstories, otherwise make them optional. Also, it should be obvious to the player what they have to do next. I hate not knowing how to progress forward into the story. Have some sort oof objectives tab in the menu to inform the player what they have to accomplish and where.

If you guys want to make a more in-depth story, you’ll want to put some characters in the game with varying personalities, or insert personalities to those characters who must be included in the game (if feasible). Create some character development throughout the story; express the character’s thoughts and feelings about what’s going on.

I’ve heard some suggestions about voice acting for dialogue. I don’t really agree with this (I foresee the voice acting would turn out to be terrible), but for the moaning during the scenes, keep distinct voices to their respective owners. I feel that this would add to character diversity.

Many have already stressed that they do not want to be walking around all the time, so to summarize, keep the areas small and compact, the walking speed fast, and the time spent between fucking short.

I like revisiting certain areas, but new areas keep the game fresh. Try opening up new areas at key points of the story to drive the player to keep playing.

I like large bosses. For example, I really liked what PlayShapes did with Bowser. Also, the scene with Wolf Link was awesome. I wasn’t too much of a fan with General Scales for some reason.

Sex Scenes:
Sound is a vital part of any porno. Krystal's moaning and the squelching of each thrust would add a lot to the pleasure of the scene. For example, I wanna hear Krystal struggling to swallow a shitload of cum before realizing it’s too much and spitting the rest out. I’d even like to hear the roar of a climaxing Sharpclaw. A larger variety of sounds would be welcoming. Obviously, porn would be terrible without sound, but unless it’s in good taste (and not repetitive), sometimes the audio can be left off.

I’m all for the standard positions: vaginal, DP, TP, titty-fucking, throat-fucking. Most of all, I’d like to see some more lesbian action; making out, fingering, giving each other head (69), sucking on each other’s nipples and clits, etc. One more thing I’d love to see is some tentacle action. Everybody loves tentacles.

This also has to do with the characters, but the tone of each scene should be set by who’s fucking. If Krystal and Fox are going at it, we should expect the tone of the scene to be very passionate and loving. On the other hand, if a Sharpclaw is having his fun with Krystal, it should be very primal and rough, but not too violent.

I’d say make scenes that do not loop at all. That includes the animations and the sounds. But do offer the option of either having scenes loop and allowing the player to move onto the next scene, or just play through the scene automatically. Personally, I would prefer the latter because the scenes look and sound more fluid and not repetitive.

Regarding perspective, I’d say transition into different views of the penetration, or allow the player to choose which perspective to view. For example, if Krystal is being taken doggy-style, have a side-view, a view from above (POV), and a view from below.

Fetishes should be kept out of the official release. We should leave that up to the users to post separately. Use your time instead to make conventional scenes that please everybody.

Take some notes from some of HentaiKey’s works. HentaiKey Girl 5 was an awesome piece of art. After each thrust, you could see cum spilling out of her pussy. In their more recent work, Haruno Sakura, you can click on her pussy to have her pleasure herself during the scene. Another notable work of art is Angel Girl. Especially note how each monster climaxes multiple times.

Overall Goal:
One of the most important components, in my opinion, would have to be adding better quality sounds and a great variety of them to keep the scenes from being too repetitive in that aspect.

I like the rationale behind this thread. Whenever you need it, ask for some more feedback. Not many can help you directly with the actual production of the game, but we can always throw out some ideas to you.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby IrrelevantComment » Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:55 pm

Story/ Sex Scenes:
The sex scenes should be progressive, ie. at the start they should be fairly simple and normal, and not get hardcore until towards the end. This could be integrated into the story much better, and would go with the earlier mentioned idea of character development.

Victim#1 Wrote:With Krystals character development from a straight and plain female to a slutty animal who do everything to get something to eat, the taste of the lizard seed or to reach her goal.
An open end story for adding diverent chapters over the time is also an awesome idea.
Uhm... and this whole "sharpclaws-attacking-a-flying-airwing"-stuff is very anoying.


Overall Goal:
A decently sized game that is both fappable and enjoyable to play
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby NewFrank » Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:09 pm

Go with the style thaedea
First off I really like this game much ,secondly please forgive my poor English and grammar (plus spelling) I basically fucked on my language (and English is not my native one lol)
the first time I encounter this game was that : Kay fox magic sword one and then I move to the Mario missing than finally found this place lol.
really looking forward you guys here and since I'm not a good programmer i can only give opinion

first I would like to talk about the challenge first,because most of us probably played the v0.2 over and over a few time already so their should be an increased in challenge and game play ability.

Challenge:I did look around the forum a bit there are many differ opinion on the difficulties level should be set in this game,generally:some 1 more action packed,2 run or rape type(I like it but don't want it too hard,kind of a mini game etc is sufficient),3 point and click element,4 puzzle and mind game.
one of my favor RPG game I played when I was kid was fallout 2(and I were not able to properly read english at that point it drive me crazy to learn lol,and I find that both story you are having an similar situation[start with very low equipment and information and a rural adventure and a quest to search for something that u not quite know])
There are some great mechanics we can burrow from there:

The multiple-plot,a game with multi-plots would allow someone casual player to have a simple way to finsish the game(like in fallout 2 you could nearly just shoot and killing pretty much everyone and straight to finish the game) in this game the shoot&kill will convert to having sex and "finished"off your opponent gaining XP and level so you could kill(fuck) higher level enemy,or you have other alternative like trash talking and let you out of the way ,doing some side quest or very specify objective(e.g. killing some male guard by finding weapon,since you are naked most time you have to find some assassin type weapon that fit in your costume that only cover a small part of your body or food poisoning) to achieve the same effect of doing sex in the game.those extra alternative will provide better challenge ,game length and re-playability that extend the life of the game yet without having to make the very long and liner progress.
since it is a porn game we will doing sex as a tools to move to next chapter/level as the primary path.but we might have other choices given to player for more hardcore or girding experience hahaha ,and those alternative could adding a lot humor element in it.
for example our goal is to find and repair the spacecraft to leave the planet.so we might have a plot like this,in a early quest to help some NPC with favor,and now she know you searching for a way to fill the fuel tank of the spacecraft(maybe not call it fuel tank call it some more cyber and cooler name) she suggest that you could use the sharpclaw's sperms as fuel bease it has an high concentrate of fat and nutrition sustenance she than give you are condom that hide in your body(I forgot how to spell it that kind of condom that used by female) to collect enough sperms(by having lot of sex) for the fuels,to add more challenge on top of that there was a certain time limit before sperms rotten(it might be too hard tho).That certain give you a mission feeling that rush to fuck up everyone(can't repeat on the same one tho :lol: )
This would be a side plot where you got to help the NPC early in the game to open this ( much the the Kay Fox game you have to save that mermaid to get the secret hideout ,but you can beat the game without it),the normal plot would be something more liner go have sex with the finally boss in the deeper part of a maze and obtain the stole space-fuel etc..

Genre:the above also pretty much sum up what I want in the game,it more like a multi-plot RPG with adventure and some puzzle(I hate puzzle but it needed in RPG game I guess) so I can repay the game in different way ,less squeal in doing sex not A then B then NPC C then X ...the currunt v0.2 is this liner types.this kind of play alos allow player to adjust for their own difficulties need or first walkthrough use easy method second walkthrough use hardcore method.

I also want to ask where I can look for the thaedea style ?
Story:pretty no opinion here since I don't know how much exact the story go,I like some side quest that could be hang over in that back that does not need/ forced to do within certain time limited and those quest that must be done in required condition(once you pass that point you can't play it again) the game will let me know so I would not skip too much and start it all over.tho aggree on some develop easter egg in game that you normally would not notice until second time etc..

Characters:would you mind to give us the general rules of what character will allowed in?what type is excluded or banned?or is it must come fomr Nintendo series?

Locations:normally allow me to put it simply ,avoid having location that you can on visit once time only would be good,but I did like some climate change like rain ,day&light and those having effect on character too would be great(having sex in very cool condition drain health or mind faster,also increase intimidate because body heat ,or raining weather make you need more stamina to keep the position not loose)

sex scenes:
not much to give in what position and sex type ,i pretty sure the game could do more than was I can name it.
I do want to give idea on the interactive of sex scenes,I like that point clicking,but would that be possibly o make other sex scenes type?
like multichoice for sure,but I do also like the real time sex scenes thing liek the Kay fox game where you don't have to keep clicking on buttom,coz those clicking will lure you out the game...enjoy sexing scenes and all sudden...point you mose over some color buttom and click for next plz...
if all scenes gones like that would be a bit boring,that could be really use some mini game in some character(but it also need to provide the normal sex scenes choice for that player after he complete the puzzle as reward,so he can choose between puzzle sex or normal one)

overall goal:I would like the game simple and easy to play ,and remain great freedom to explore around,not force to have sex to go around,one of the big flaw is you are forced to have sex to unlock the next scenes which when doing it on long term will start to lose it value(diminishing return of fun I call it) so having some alternating to move around like GTA game and explore having random sex and doing random discover and unlock some stupid thing would be good,and when you can't figure it out you can pick up your plasma rifle to gun down everyone to the next scenes(cough sorry I should said it this way: pick up ur fine ass and big title and knock out anyone stand in your way with power overwhelming domination.)

sorry for my bad grammar and other stuff make it a reading hell :oops:
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby NeerHeer » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:01 am

Genre: Action/Adventure. I've played Run and Rapes, and I enjoy them, but I need something more sometimes...

Story: I love a good story with mah porns, and this is no exception. I really love the story so far, although I would like to see the mushroom kingdom, hyrule, and the metroid universes included, although I have ideas for that that I shall detail in another thread.

Characters: Again, I'd like to see Samus and Peach and Zelda somewhat included, but a big thing that could be included is the number of unexploited characters from the Starfox series. Sauria is a big place...I seem to remember some small raptor-like dinos, I'd love to see them make an appearance.

Locations: Many. Sauria is a big place. I will draw up a (terrible, horrible, ghastly) map in paint later and put it in that other thread I mentioned, because it ties in with the story idea that allows for including more Chars from other universes.

Sex Scenes: I understand that we want to make this game relatively mainstream, and I agree that we should avoid going overboard on fetishes, esp ones that tend to gross a lot of people out. That being said, this is a game about Krystal getting forced into slavery and exploited. There are strong Slave and Bondage overtones already, so I don't think we should cringe at adding some stockades, light whipping, shibari, ect into the mix. We don't have to have it be the focus, and we certainly shouldn't go out of our way to include it, but if it fits the story at some point, then it will become rather obvious that it is missing.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby ronpepper » Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:28 am

I want to bump this for the simple fact that yes, Sharpclaws leaping onto a flying Arwing just .. it was cute but so preposterous! So ridiculous that I got used to it. I even made a background for if we were to decide to go that route again!

But we won't, don't worry. Already got a different narrative ready.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby Reaver » Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:47 am

u going to shoot a sam or laser thing to crash the arwing?
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby ronpepper » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:20 am

Sharpclaw don't have lasers or surface to air missiles. No. It is going to be anti-aircraft coconuts, of course. :ugeek:
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby Reaver » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:55 am

of course thats the only logical answer :roll:
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby trunks2585 » Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:38 am

but how did they get the coconuts?
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby NeerHeer » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:04 am

Swallow. Duh.

(I admit I was hoping you guys would have the sharpclaw launching themselves out of catapults)
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby trunks2585 » Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:38 pm

Eruopean or African? =P

On a serious note, because i don't see the harm in giving this away, the reason we decided to have the arwings attacked and broken to the point they crash and THEN have krystal get sodomized is two reasons. One like RP said, getting the sharpclaws up there is just absurd and two, Krystal just kinda gave in an blew the guys without resisting at all in the original, where if we look at how another arrow does his, it makes more sense for her to get violated and not resist if she's disorientated from the crash. (yes another arrow is gonna get full credit for doing the idea first, but we're not making a full copy of how he did it.)
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby Mr. Bingo » Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:52 am

Genre: Just keep doing what your doing bro.

Story: I want it to stay the same you know crashed in a Shapclaw village getting raped...yeah

Characters:Krystal,Fox,Shapclaw tribe,Lizz,Ditto,Slippy (LOL),Link,Samus(Why not),and who ever else you can think of.

Locations:Same general Shapclaw village,and Dark Woods,Bowser's Castle (KOOPA TROOPA'S LOL).

Sex Scenes:I don't know how I can tell you were? I mean there was a sex scene on allmost every screen.Oh yeah maybe some tease and maybe Krystal could run into a person who like BDSM.

Overall Goal: I think there ACTUALLY needs to bee a ending.I mean in LoK 1 you just see 2 Krystal's having sex with...2 pemis Fox things.and on LoK 2 there is nothing...you get raped by the dinosaur you see a sighn that says Dark Woods...Game over

level of challenge: Like on page 1 said Mario is Missing was VERY hard it took me like 12 tries to win,but ever since then I've been able to beat on first try.LoK was fun and I didn't use the cheat button once. I had fun.Then LoK 2 I tried not to use it BUT GEEZ you have to get like 50,000 just to talk to the chief.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby lorenzo » Sat May 07, 2011 8:25 pm

More cum and more variety
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