What do you all want?

Discussion about Legend of Krystal. For now this also includes any feature-requests or other ideas.

Re: What do you all want?

Postby Favelor » Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:48 am

personnaly i would like to see more pussy action. since you want to make the game harder make it to were every 5-10 times krystal take cum in the pussy she has to rest. i think an RPG would be nice and also adding in some "boss" fights (mainly a guy'girl with a big dick/ big titties{yea i like to see chickes with big titties :P} ) but when the men cum in her its counts for 3 loads not jsut 1 (dont know how or why but same for the girls)

since you said about cutting down on rape sceans (now this is jsut an idea i came up with) krystal is a prinisor who is forced to fuck random guys untill she fuckes the leader of the goup then she is givven immunity from men rapeing her and she can chose who she fucks. (this can go on and on form camp to camp)

dont know what ur pla n is with pokemon in the game but she can still fuck thouse (didnt care for ditto much but still a good idea)

keep up the good work cant wait for final game :)
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby Blaze » Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:21 am

I've only read the first post so i don't subconsciously steal anyone's ideas.

Genre: I would like it to be an adventure/RPG with puzzle elements.

Mechanics: I would like a leveling up system, but I think you should only get exp once from each sex scene with each character. A higher level could unlock more scenes but I would also like to have scenes unlocked by doing other stuff like completing challenges or wearing specific outfits while talking to certain characters. For example a certain sharpclaw who only likes kystal enough to get handjob will get a really big erection if she puts on Lingerie near him; he will want to have sex with her.
You could use this exp system to stop players going into areas where you don't want them at that moment in time. For example a female hunter village don't think you're strong enough yet, so you have to go to another village first.

Story: I am happy with it now that you have more than save fox and escape. But I would like krystal to rescue other trapped pilots who have crashed as well; this could main story or sidequests, I don't really care. All the rescued pilots make a village which slowly builds up in time. Also this would give you a great excuse to put in species that don't belong on this planet and it is also a good excuse for bringing other nintendo characters into the game.

Characters: I am happy with the number of characters so far as long as the characters have a few variations and multiple costumes.

Locations: I think they should be a reasonable size and have a few characters in them. I would like there to be bosses every now and then. The only time I don't mind a boss being loads of little guys is when group together to form a big monster like you see a lot in Legend Of Zelda games.

Sex scenes: Trunks mostly covered them, but i would also like to see kystal getting some soft lady loving, it would be a nice change.

Overall Goal: I would like it to eventually be long and varied game which can be replayed multiple times without boredom.

Challage: I would perfer if you had to work for some of the scenes, but i would never want it to get frustrating.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby corta » Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:27 pm

alright, here's an idea... what if you didn't make a game?

PITCHFORKS DOWN, hear me out..

gameplay is destined to be gimped, everything needs to be pretty well watered down when it's a 'porn game' - we're practically going through the motions..
the story will be skipped over as fast as we can click, (..more often than not, anyway. no offense to the writer(s) but it will happen.)
and the sexy bits will seem contrived and meaningless when you aren't engaged by plot - in-which the text-box would have to work it's arse off to convey..

you've got some very talented people, how about something where it all comes together?

the proposal: make episodes.

a content focus would do this project good..
you've got the system for multi-scenes, and presumably a script for a moral alignment or two..
how about we cut out all the useless bits and expand on the cool stuff?

one of the reasons that 'interactive porn' isn't a huge market is because it's too interactive..
honestly, the game play decisions you make revolve around picking a guy to walk to. Is walking fun? is it challenging?
you see what I'm getting at- how many roads must a man walk down before he can lube a hand?

'course, you don't need to cut out the puzzles or whatever you're planning.. I think you should, but you don't have to.. seems needless to me

..am I rambling, yet? hmm..
in closing, then:

Tell a story,
it just makes more sense.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby trunks2585 » Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:11 pm

You know why people care about playshape's work? because he's trying to make better porn games. There's already too much of "Run or Rape" games or just games were all you do is click next to advance the scene.

Now you're telling us to make the same boring shit everyone else is? .....Nope, both to your suggestion and to putting the pitchfork down, now hold still.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby Lord Panzi » Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:29 pm

trunks2585 Wrote:You know why people care about playshape's work? because he's trying to make better porn games. There's already too much of "Run or Rape" games or just games were all you do is click next to advance the scene.

Now you're telling us to make the same boring shit everyone else is? .....Nope, both to your suggestion and to putting the pitchfork down, now hold still.

dude... pitchforks are so last century!
here *hands you a shotgun with rubber bullets* enjoy
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby Renara » Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:43 pm

trunks2585 Wrote:Now you're telling us to make the same boring shit everyone else is? .....Nope, both to your suggestion and to putting the pitchfork down, now hold still.

Isn't this thread for people to say what they want? If someone wants a run or rape game or whatever then it seems to me that they're perfectly entitled to say so, there's no need to reply just to be insulting about it, particularly when the results seem majorly in favour of RPG/Adventure (what LoK already is to some degree) anyway.

I certainly don't want to see LoK be a run or rape game either, though I'd certainly love to see spin-offs built from it (like K Fox), but if you ask people what they want you can't expect all the answers to agree with you :)
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby bobsen » Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:07 pm

I agree with Corta.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby [TxM]Fox » Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:00 am

in the end, after everything is said and done with the sharpclaws, id like a scene with just krystal and fox. kind of a finale/happy ending to make u forget about her getting completely raped by endless other creatures :lol:
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby KaTsuO_O » Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:48 am

You have to see the story first to say that you dont think its needed. This is not going to be a little short flashgame that you complete as fast as as you fap, this is going to be a long and deep game so the story of it is absolutly needed and it is well writen too.

How i would like to see this game complete is that its a long game that may take hours to complete not because its hard, because its long and its not only going to include sex, its also going to include puzzles, tasks and stuff like that to make people that dont like porn games (because they are boring and you only have to click a button) to like this one (Im not sure if i agree or not) (Adventure/RPG/Puzzle is what i want to see)

When you are playing like zelda (oot especialy) you are felling something, something "epic" (maybe not everyone, just a example) but when you are playing a porn game its like nothing you just (most of the time) gets a boner which is giving you good felling too but its the same, so if we could get the perfect combination of fapmaterial and deepness and awesomeness and beutifulness, it would be the ultimate (flash) game. ness ness ness...
Don't create a porn game if you're only interested in porn.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby corta » Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:08 am

Renara Wrote:
trunks2585 Wrote:Now you're telling us to make the same boring shit everyone else is? .....Nope, both to your suggestion and to putting the pitchfork down, now hold still.

Isn't this thread for people to say what they want? If someone wants a run or rape game or whatever then it seems to me that they're perfectly entitled to say so, there's no need to reply just to be insulting about it, particularly when the results seem majorly in favour of RPG/Adventure (what LoK already is to some degree) anyway.

I certainly don't want to see LoK be a run or rape game either, though I'd certainly love to see spin-offs built from it (like K Fox), but if you ask people what they want you can't expect all the answers to agree with you :)

I feel the need to re-pitch the idea after hearing all this.. who said ANYTHING about a run or rape?

the best example of what I'm talking about would be the brackenwood series by Adam Phillips on newgrounds.

remember them from all those years ago?

the format leads it to be more visually appealing and dynamic,
and the story-telling is actually interesting, even when it's something trivial

take this on-board, don't - whatever.
all I care about is that you'll be cutting yourselves short in the cutscenes,
and with the talent that you guys have got, that would be a shame.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby trunks2585 » Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:18 am

I know what you're saying, you're saying 'don't make a game'. I'm saying fuck you we're making a damn game. If you want a porn movie, go to any porn streaming site, there's more than enough hentai clips over on funnygames.

Also I never said i'd be respectful of everyone's opinions. I know me and Ren disagree on a lot of stuff by now, but one thing we both agree on is this will be a GAME not just some hands free animation, in both his game and mine.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby ronpepper » Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:34 am

"How long does a brother have to wait to get out the hand lube?" Good one! By the way thanks for the compliments. I've long been an admirer of what you're doing with Samus. As for our "talent" I think what you are seeing is our teamwork and our high quality standards. To make this thing have meaning and for it to be worthwhile, we're demanding a lot of ourselves and putting a lot of time and effort into meeting those demands.

At this time, as has been stated many times.. yeah, you guys don't get to see all the progress we've made. We're getting there, and we've only just begun.

However, I really agree with Katsu. When I first encountered some of Playshapes' animations, it was real simple stuff, scenes basically that unfolded when you hit the blue button or held a key or whatever. Then Krystal comes out and there's a whole game. It was buggy as shit, but I wanted to play it. I wanted to *play* the shitty ass fucked up porn game. I wanted to *play* the Krystal on the beach game.. just to get to the point where I could learn the first cheat, then start over with the cheat, to get to the next cheat, and on and on.

Now, anyone can wank to whatever they want. But the fanbase here, I think by and large, the silent majority if you will, wants to *play* the game. And we intend to fulfill that wish. The game's challenge will be balanced, the story will be easy to skip, and perhaps at the end there will be a gallery mode or something, a choose your own wankscene.

Now, making the game takes effort, to make it worthwhile. The same goes for watching the cut scenes. Taking the time and effort to play a game to reach that point will make the scenes that much more worthwhile.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby Lord Panzi » Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:18 pm

what about a gallery?
you beat the game and unloack a gallery to watch any and every sex scene
for those who wanna fap later on
i could fuck her all night, not a regular night, one of those north pole six month nights
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby KaTsuO_O » Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:43 pm

@Lord Panzi Ok i wanted it to be a secret but yeah, there will be a gallery but you will not only be able to watch those sex scenes again you will also be able to... thats how much i want you to know about it. Its going to be more awesome if you dont know that much about it and then see it.
Don't create a porn game if you're only interested in porn.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby Lord Panzi » Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:41 pm

KaTsuO_O Wrote:@Lord Panzi Ok i wanted it to be a secret but yeah, there will be a gallery but you will not only be able to watch those sex scenes again you will also be able to... thats how much i want you to know about it. Its going to be more awesome if you dont know that much about it and then see it.

im phsycic!
YES! i love you guys
release th egallery now! XD
i could fuck her all night, not a regular night, one of those north pole six month nights
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby bobsen » Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:51 pm

trunks2585 Wrote: (...) in both his game and mine.

So much for community and teamwork!
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby trunks2585 » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:22 pm

bobsen Wrote:
trunks2585 Wrote: (...) in both his game and mine.

So much for community and teamwork!

fine in 'our' version of the game, i'm just the figurehead leader that writes shit for the story from time to time.
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby kmacroxs » Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:27 am

I agree with Corta and Blaze

Genre: Adventure/RPG with some puzzles
Story: make a few changes
Characters: add other characters from StarFox
Locations: add some planets
Sex Scenes: add masturbation control
Overall Goal: please make a release sometime soon
Justin Bieber sucks

not what I really meant to say

huh Justin Bieber??? wonder what they sound like
Justin Bieber starts singing
aaaaaaah!!! I'm being ear-raped
more like Justin "Rapes Your Ears" Bieber
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby paleknight1 » Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:53 am

Diffinitely Action with RPG!
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Re: What do you all want?

Postby [TxM]Fox » Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:14 am

any chance of throwing wolf in there? kind of a starfox v starwolf thing? or are you guys already too far in to add that?
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