Hello everyone, I am brand new to these forums.
Normally I say very little, if anything at all but today I will break this silence and come out with questions I have concerning the project. I come form a very specialized background of game development, and while I have seen and directly helped make games come to fruition I have actually never done any coding, bar a few simple macro-media flash exercises back in grade seven of high school. I am actually a spriter, a person that makes the graphics for games, not professionally but from a passionate hobby point of view.
I am not really interested in Legend of Krystal, truth be told while I have no real experience programming, I have lots of experience working with programmers, and I can tell when not to get in the way of someone, especially when a program becomes this popular. However I would like to contribute to the possible development of Peach's story, whether as an off-shoot stand a lone game, or as an explorable part in one of the future releases of Legend of Krystal.
Questions I have:
I know that people do not find sprites (talking old school pixels here) arousing at all, unless the size of the sprite is large enough to show enough detail. Since drafting sprites that large would just be ridiculous, when a tablet drawn graphic would suffice and be less time consuming. My question comes from one of the comments from the peach concept thread. If you were to make small sprite graphics for over world/game world interactions (IE: walking around talking to npc's) would the game actually run faster as less complicated models are being manipulated? If so would it be a fair trade off, so the game would be more smooth until you got to the cut scenes which would be done in usual playshapes' style and resolution?
How long/ how much/ how well do I have to contribute before being able to post without having each post moderated? I tend to make mistakes when posting, and I like correcting any grammatical errors I may have made, and as such use the edit function. Even when editing a post it goes back to being moderated, and during that time the post is transparent, meaning less people have exposure to it, and may miss said actions. Along these lines, how long will it take to be able to email other users etc
I know it's to prevent spam/flame wars/objects against terms of uses/etc. I plan to just post relevant posts, and relevant material so is it possible to have these restrictions released?
I haven't used action script in many years, and never made any games beyond a few simple projects when in high school. Would it be possible to learn "playshapes" style of coding with the intent of making my own game fast? Being an open sources game would I be able to read the triggers and coding he uses and learn it.
Would it be possible to be made part of the team concerning only one aspect of the game, even if it is just to provide ideas?
Anyway, that is it for tonight, I hope I didn't come across rude. Hi once again~<3