I've seen a lot of threads asking for specific fetishes in both discussion and creative corner. I've seen a few discussions about "we shouldn't have this because it'll hurt the already niche audience this is aimed for" and similar problems. I've also seen members talk about what i'm about to post, but i feel it deserves it's own thread, as i feel it's such an important idea.
I do feel that we shouldn't 'exclude' certain content, simply because some people wouldn't like it (scat, guro, ect...). At the same time, the idea of forcing these 'Specialized' content is, in my opinion, a very very bad idea. Many people have already come to the conclusion that the most efficient way to deal with these problems, is giving the user options for the content. Another flash game some of you may be aware of, Slave Maker, uses a similar idea with their tentacle content. In the options page, they simply have an option that will allow or disallow the content from showing up.
I believe this 'content options' page would be an ideal way to be able to have everyone happy. I believe many will agree with that fact. What it honestly comes down to is, what the creator(s) him/her/them-selve(s) feel like implementing. Sure, i have my own fetishes i'd like to have in the game, and would be happy to create and share... but if the creators (i'm just going with plural) doesn't want to have to deal with looking at it all the time while working on the game, then it'll be tough-noodles for me. At the same time, i feel that creating patched versions if my specific fetish won't be in the game, would be fine as well.
In all, i say that it's fine to ask for these 'specialized' things, and it's also fine to make and submit them. The only thing i'm afraid that may happen with this, is too many people getting frustrated if their work is being 'denied', and taking it out on the creators. Simply put, i think there should be rules put in place.
What rules i believe should be set in place: (remember, these are just MY opinions on the subject.)
1. The creators decisions are the final word.
2. The creators reserve the right to deny anything submitted, and any serious complaints would be seriously ignored. Unless the third party is paying the creators to put these into the game, that 3rd party doesn't have the right to complain about this open-source free project.
3. *I believe that there should be a list of things beforehand, that if there is content the creators simply will not deal with (possible items: guro, vore, loli, shota, beatiality, ect...), that these items should not be submitted, and would be ignored if they were submitted. If the creators dislike the subject enough, they won't put it in. However, private modifications should definitely still be allowed in the creative corner, as long as proper warnings proceed the file.
I've noticed that i haven't seen a rule set such as this around, but if i simply overlooked it, forgive me. I've noticed many open-ended projects such as this go bad because of people complaining that their content wasn't accepted for some reason or another. I'm just suggesting that a guideline like this should be decided by the creators and officially posted, to avoid future problems.
So, in short:
Optional/fetish/specialized content should be optional. An options page would be a great way to do this, and to be clear, i'm not the one who originally thought of this. ^^;
Some rules should be set into place, if only to avoid problematic situations in the future when it comes to 3rd parties.
and of course, this is all just in my honest opinion. I've been watching this project ever since it was thrown up onto paws.ru, and i believe a lot of great work is going on here. I'm looking forward to contributing as much as i can, and i hope for great things for this project.
Edit: Feel free to correct me on anything and everything, including grammar and spelling. Sadly, I've lived in America all my life, so my English isn't perfect. (sadly, that is only half a joke. XD)
"Whatever. I'll just eat you up. Bones and all!" -Juri