idle bug pops it head in.... >_> more. share space bug again... turn later... and the tank isn't moving. -_- hell I can't even select the tank anymore... like at all....nor does it move...
after beating mech gate the icon for way station is back to the locked state... level is still playable... just simple icon bug I suppose...
I miss the old animations a bit... like all of the new ones are the same to me. -_- it's not that they aren't good... it's just... nothing but them is a bit... dull.... >_<
randomly awesome idea I just had... how about when sending naked units to exile it increases the mana cap and eva's health in the troop battles.

(seeing as currenly sending naked units does nothing I think this is a good idea.

also speaking of exile.... the scroll down feature needs to be improved for sure.... once you have a crap ton of units there it becomes absolutely ridiculous to scroll down that monster of a list. >_< both lag wise even under lowest quality setting and logic wise... like that kind of scroll down method works fairly well for eva's army... but exile? nu-uh! no way!!!! >_<
and again now that mana 3 healers can be converted I highly suggest having the haelers heal to the amount of their mana cost.... otherwise the healers are pretty bad at their one and only job. >_<