by Lucky777 » Mon May 04, 2015 10:35 pm
Oh man, no more special abilities to start with.
That's a tremendous difference right off the bat.
I had to WORK to lose before, since the special abilities on summon were so badass.
And the thing is, if you get them in the right sequence they can be SPECTACULAR.
We had a really huge advantage before, and I'll be looking forward to when we get those abilities back, ESPECIALLY if we can get them when the enemy doesn't have 'em.
That being said, I can't really judge how much more effective the current AI is, since we're now evenly balanced instead of the AI being at a massive disadvantage.
I did notice it NOT summoning things in so many useless random spaces when I had creatures knocking on the enemy's door, though.
I'll give it a few more plays, but if you've successfully eliminated all instances of "oh mah stars, I have 8 hp and there's a giant 9-attack rager looking at me, what should I do ... OH, I know, I'll summon a defender in the ABSOLUTE OPPOSITE LANE FROM THE ONE THE RAGER IS OCCUPYING, this could not possibly go wrong and cause the rager to instant-kill me" on the AI's part, then you've done a good job, GP.
Also, since Loshi brought it up, hopefully the enemy does not in fact ever have infinite unit spawns.
Edit: Final verdict: The enemy doesn't CHANGE LANES to block you enough, as opposed to summoning things in the relevant lane. Also, on that note:
The stonewall's ability is actually quite cool, and it can be the difference between a won and a lost game.
Your units don't HAVE to fight anything else on their turn, only "a stonewall who attacked them and lived".
So you could just shift lanes and strike the finishing blow on an enemy, from as much as 8 health, realistically, without even having any special abilities in play.
If you DO have special abilities, and have a warcried boosted rager, you could strike the enemy from full health down to 0, by doing 10 damage.
If that rager gets stonewall-ed, though, it'll be wasting all that attack power on a stupid minion, instead of slipping around for the win.
I mean... yeah, okay, the enemy AI doesn't seem to be doing much of that at the moment, I can't deny that shit.
But still, don't replace that; the ability's great!
Last edited by
Lucky777 on Mon May 04, 2015 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.