Hey all! Just registered in order to say what a great game this is.
Completed the game all the way through (Story, Bosses and Enemies), though I couldn't find Ol' Reliable (tips please)
Then tips regarding the damned Spirit Mask since I think I found a slightly easier way to to beat him.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Overall starting of Match (at least when I did it)
Level 11
Brood Defender
Basic Leather
1: Empower
2: Blitz
3: Honey Pot
Summon: Bridgette (duh who else is there for this segment of the game)
Walkthrough proper:
Just before you touch the torch at the arena to start the fight with the Mask, use Empower, then touch the torch.
As the Mask moves to the center of the screen (before its blades even pop out), position Eva off-center to the right of the Mask (don't be under it in anyway). As soon as the blades pop out, but before the mask begins moving (I took a lot of tries to get the timing of everything), jump and use Blitz. As you fall, quickly air-dash through the incoming Mask. If timed correctly, the Mask's HP should be small enough that that one air-dash would deplete his health, then, dodge the Mask until it finishes his sequence of roaming across the screen and begin seducing it, but don't over commit as I couldn't seduce it in one go.
When he starts his Inferno attack (starting from the right), jump and block at the highest point of your jump then air-dash towards the mask then block again (do this by holding down both the attack and block buttons at the same time and control the direction of the air-dash with your directional pad). Rinse and repeat until the Inferno attack from the ground stops.
There are two ways to do the third sequence (the portion when the Mask splits into five Masks),
A (RaegThu's way): When he splits into 5 masks, stand to the left of the middle one. I like to do this sequence on the left, but it can ultimately be done on either side. When he smashes, hit him with an attack and then immediately dash to the far left corner (through the now falling second mask). Run back to the center to dodge the outside masks falling and then repeat it. Eventually you will find that you don't have enough time to get an attack off. When that happens, you'll have to air dash out first, then run back in to get your attack off and then dash back out again. Then you can run to the center like you did before to avoid the falling outside masks.
B (My way): Dash to the Extreme left (or right) of the screen and Honey Pot to recover any damage you incurred in the any of the previous sequences, then air-dash to the center when you see the Outer Mask begin shaking. Just keep dodging, without committing to hit the Mask in anyway that might damage you, then cast Empower when you find the Outer Masks disappearing.
As soon as the outer Masks disappear, go back to sequence one. The Mask should get knocked unconscious after the Blitz combo and seduce him completely after the "X-cutting" sequence finishes.
Hope this way seems easier. Thanks!!!