Zeus Kabob Wrote:Uh, bluelight? Ideas can be copyrighted. It's called "intellectual property". I guess it's more of designs, algorithms and such, but it's still ideas, not physical materials.
The law states bluntly that you can't copyright a idea.
Now what is a idea, well it's normally its a thought in your head from my experience.
You can't prove something is copyrighted to you if it's just a idea. It has to be down on paper(cyrn on the wall works to.). Also if you upload something to a website first then you void copyright and it goes to them but most sites have to much information out there to go though it. (basically what im saying is make it on something you own, computer, pen and paper, or clay tablets.
then upload it to the web that way there is very little room for the site to claim copyright on your stuff.
I believe intellectual property is something different then copyright law but it's close and deals with something else.