guix89 Wrote:Can anyone explain me what i have to do after defeat the non boss starlit tower?? im very lost in this game, but its a fantastic game.
so how i could beat vanity? i cant choose anything
Venomancer Wrote:What do you think about upgrade Eva special ? Like penetration giving more damage bonus after X chanting units , i think this is a good idea if you think about specials like howling or nanite cloud.
guix89 Wrote:Can anyone explain me what i have to do after defeat the non boss starlit tower?? im very lost in this game, but its a fantastic game.
so how i could beat vanity? i cant choose anything
Hound Archon Wrote:Update relating to what I posted earlier, and a relevant bug report:
I only tested this with the warrior perk while I was struggling to figure out how to beat Vanorel earlier today (ended up setting a bunch of chanters after I finally puzzled out how those worked in the proper fashion), but if you are standing in front of the warrior clone unit when she casts the black hole, that's when the game breaks. I did not verify if the bug occurs when standing in front of the other classes of clone, but it was consistent if I was standing in front of that specific unit.
As a critique so far, the chanting mechanic is unfortunately obscure. It took me a bit of focused tinkering around to figure out how chanting actually worked; given the explanation neglects to mention that units should be equipped with class gear to grant the chant bonus. Would you think it to be fair to adjust that introductory dialogue related to chanting so that players aren't under the impression that the mechanic didn't actually do anything?
The Mechiza assassin subclass seems to be unreasonably advantageous to the enemy, given that they start with 10 damage for two attacks without any buffs. I don't think my tanks can grind out enough hp to withstand that without being both 4 cost and having damage reduction runes. Bonus point that there doesn't seem to be an apparently way I could rig up my own captured Mechiza to be that strong. Is that intended?
Other than those nitpicks, I'm enjoying the game, and the challenge it presents, but it is a tad grindy. (need to farm more water runes! D:)
Galgano Wrote:Also, I'm not crazy in thinking that the 2 mana cost equipment is the best right?
deidarabello Wrote:How do I get those special units, the ones u can see in the summon section (example the one with 2-29 in the image powivnpeb posted
sakyubasuQ Wrote:: D i Got's it!
deidarabello Wrote:any advice?
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