Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby toanly1986 » Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:07 am

Gidshri Wrote:
toanly1986 Wrote:guys, what is VLAD? Photovol? i really dont know and how to got its, tks.

They are Heroes. Units with unique abilities. Bartender in Exile Isle's tavern can give you hints how to found them.

tks bro, but can U make a guide for me to get them, i come from VietNam and i don't understand what hint is, sadly :(
in my first play, i passed 3th boss but can't defeat the twilight gate battle, i think because i dont have any hero in my troops, one more time sadly :(
please show me the way ^^
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby kobold » Thu Oct 01, 2015 3:38 pm

I feel sorry for anyone who still has to fight Somna. That fight is insane o.O
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby powuivnpeb » Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:25 pm

I still can't beat Photovol's encounter, Somna is still miles ahead of me :)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby XaldonAjide » Thu Oct 01, 2015 9:27 pm

powuivnpeb Wrote:I still can't beat Photovol's encounter, Somna is still miles ahead of me :)

Hint: All Male, Healers, ragers, Water runes, and scouts.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Thraxx » Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:27 am

I don't get all the frustration about Phasmos. Those levels aren't that hard to beat at all...
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Fri Oct 02, 2015 2:04 am

Throbby Wrote:At any rate, if it were possible, I'd say that--even if you don't want same-rune bonuses to stack--it would be nice if a lower-level rune didn't supersede a higher-level one, i.e. you shouldn't see your units' attack scores *decrease* when you summon another unit with warcry.

Same buffs don't stack. So warcry won't stack with warcry and boost won't stack with boost, but boost will stack with warcry. The newer buff will replace the older - although I guess it is reasonable that a lower effect shouldn't replace a higher. I can fix that.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Alex250 » Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:59 am

Can you put the older Patch Notes in a Spoiler?
The main post takes 3/4 of the first page.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Gidshri » Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:14 am

toanly1986 Wrote:tks bro, but can U make a guide for me to get them, i come from VietNam and i don't understand what hint is, sadly :(
in my first play, i passed 3th boss but can't defeat the twilight gate battle, i think because i dont have any hero in my troops, one more time sadly :(
please show me the way ^^

Hey, man! It's not too hard. Ask the bartender and she will show you a way.

For Example 1st hint:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

She told you about conflict between gorgers and drones in Hive. Lucky is the leader of gorgers and if you want him in your army, you need help him. Go to the Hive with only Gorgers in your squad and you will open the secret hero's battle. It's easy :D

Another hero's battle could be simple found too, if you listen bartender and use logic :)

P.S. I could give you detailed guide for all heroes... but why? if you know everything from the beginning - what is the sense to play the game? However, if you will have incredible problems with this in the future - ask and I (or another users) will try to help :D
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby powuivnpeb » Fri Oct 02, 2015 9:18 am

XaldonAjide Wrote:
powuivnpeb Wrote:I still can't beat Photovol's encounter, Somna is still miles ahead of me :)

Hint: All Male, Healers, ragers, Water runes, and scouts.

Could you elaborate the tactic behind this? So far mine was to block the enemies with tanks, so that less new ones get summoned with ridiculous rune effects, while I try to sneak through a scout to do the damage. My problem is that once the first sleep wears off and the second enrage phase starts, it just takes 1 unit to kill me, due to having only 5hp, and its rather easy for 1 unit to get through.

Edit: After ~130 tries, I finally made it, simply due to extremely lucky rng. The only fight so far that I really do not like at all.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby XaldonAjide » Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:36 pm

powuivnpeb Wrote:
Could you elaborate the tactic behind this? So far mine was to block the enemies with tanks, so that less new ones get summoned with ridiculous rune effects, while I try to sneak through a scout to do the damage. My problem is that once the first sleep wears off and the second enrage phase starts, it just takes 1 unit to kill me, due to having only 5hp, and its rather easy for 1 unit to get through.

Edit: After ~130 tries, I finally made it, simply due to extremely lucky rng. The only fight so far that I really do not like at all.

Cograts on the victory,

The reason for that is because you want to counter them untill you get sleep, then rush scouts through any opening you can find. Try not to kill their units, just bypass them. The ragers and healers are useful in taking down any units that get close to you, except for the mages, use scouts to take out those 1HK's.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby powuivnpeb » Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:55 pm

So pretty much what I described then, just with a different unit composition.

Now to farm runes for an hour again to beat blightwall north :)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby toanly1986 » Sat Oct 03, 2015 12:26 pm

powuivnpeb Wrote:So pretty much what I described then, just with a different unit composition.

Now to farm runes for an hour again to beat blightwall north :)

i will show U a easier way, put 1~3 first with assassin(dual sword icon) and use special assassin equipment which powerful but 2 mana cost, finally is rune, must be air(warcy) with male and fire(boost) with female, must be standar or higher
with normal unti, u had 1 dame + 4(Eq) + 2~4(rune), U can finish her with only 2 turn, let try :)
another way that U can use Lucky to swap 5 hp to damage and this is the fastest way to win without kill.
p/s: agree with @powuivnpeb, Photovol the singer's event so much hard than the first and the secondly :(
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby powuivnpeb » Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:23 pm

toanly1986 Wrote:
powuivnpeb Wrote:So pretty much what I described then, just with a different unit composition.

Now to farm runes for an hour again to beat blightwall north :)

i will show U a easier way, put 1~3 first with assassin(dual sword icon) and use special assassin equipment which powerful but 2 mana cost, finally is rune, must be air(warcy) with male and fire(boost) with female, must be standar or higher
with normal unti, u had 1 dame + 4(Eq) + 2~4(rune), U can finish her with only 2 turn, let try :)
another way that U can use Lucky to swap 5 hp to damage and this is the fastest way to win without kill.
p/s: agree with @powuivnpeb, Photovol the singer's event so much hard than the first and the secondly :(

Yeah I already use fire runes to boost my 5/8 scouts to high heavens, but thank you anyway :)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby powuivnpeb » Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:56 pm

So this just happened

I was using entropy on all those barrels.
Dismissing the error lets the game continue as if nothing happened, so its nothing gamebreaking.

Edit: This error was already reported, my bad.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby ZeDoctor » Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:00 pm

I think the game looks amazing! I've gotten semi far I think, but at the Shadefall, I can't do any damage to the enemies, I can only use my "Hero Power" to kill them. I'm not sure if its a glitch, or suppose to be like that, but I think its half impossible D: (I'm sure it is possible, but I'm not feeling like trying to get trough it for like 5 hours :P)

Edit: Alright, ignore what I just said, I got trough it, I was just stupid
Last edited by ZeDoctor on Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Dancover » Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:31 pm

men the wolfs are so op i try for 3 days and i can't do more than 10 of damage (well only one i do 25), I desist to try more is so unbalance and you need so much luck to win T-T
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Pedrossis » Sun Oct 04, 2015 12:49 am

@Dancover: Some have succeeded already. And it was not luck but skill.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby omicron » Sun Oct 04, 2015 3:56 am

Stange thing, since the last update the game is very laggy. I have a computer with 14G ram and 4g of dedicated. My graphics card is up to date. Anyone have any idea why its so slow?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby F.Infinity » Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:47 pm

omicron Wrote:Stange thing, since the last update the game is very laggy. I have a computer with 14G ram and 4g of dedicated. My graphics card is up to date. Anyone have any idea why its so slow?

Yeah I've also noticed that. The game is slower than it was before, well the battlefield part at least, especially at the beginning of battle when Eva and enemy commander take their positions.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Desolution » Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:24 pm

I found the wolves pretty easy. Here's my general strategy for that entire section of the game.

Run a balanced-ish (some level 2s, some level 4s, some of each class etc) team and all the elites. This was my setup. Give almost all your girls the best Dark runes you can, and your guys a balance of Bert, Warcry etc. Scatter a few random utility runes as well in case they come in handy.

Then, pass turn 1, and wait. Only play a unit if they would otherwise attack you next turn (so as to let them stack up), then try to clear their board using as few units as possible. You'll often get a 2-for-1, with the unit killing one enemy, and the dark rune killing another. Never play out a unit unless you need to to protect your face (sometimes it's even worth taking some face damage to get a better trade next turn). You should only have 1-2 units out at a time, so once they use their special, you can effectively afford to sacrifice them - or protect them with your own special. Also remember to use your more expensive units first where possible, so that if you need to protect all three lanes at once later on, you can. Eventually, they'll run out of units, and you just send in whatever you like to take them out. By the end, I had a good 4-5 units left over while they had nothing for all of the last few levels. Here's an example from the final level currently available. Naturally, this also makes it absolutely trivial to get your capture-4 quest done.
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