Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Throbby » Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:19 am

randomcouchpotato Wrote:
Throbby Wrote:And uh... Is anybody else really put off by Vinara's dialogue and appearance?

Remembered reading this and it stuck with me because there was something off-putting to me as well.

I couldn't really explain why before, but I think it's because her coloring is sort of greenish/yellowish? Somehow it gives me an impression like she is sickly or something. To show what I mean, I made a little comparison picture
(sorry it's a bit of a spoiler).
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


The top one is as-is in the game. The bottom one has the Hue adjusted about 10 degrees towards red. For me personally this little change made her much more appealing.

Wow. I thought there was something unappealing about her in general, but that hue change really made a difference!

And I haven't gone back to replay any of the early fights against Vinara, but I'm guessing the dialogue hasn't changed. I notice, though, that it almost seems like she goes from Ghetto Wino-slut to Sorta-Scottish to Sounds-like-her-sisters in the dialogue. Anybody else notice something like that, or have *I* been drinking too much?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby vaevictus » Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:27 am

Oh noes, the save is gone... again..

Well I would very much like to re-do all the things again for the 4th time but I dont want to be fed-up and demotivated to play when the game is all done.

Are there any kind hearts out there who can share their sacrifice (time and effort) by putting up the save file? Grinding is tedious enough, doing it over again is... Beyond words.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:02 am

vaevictus Wrote:Oh noes, the save is gone... again...

Wasn't me. You probably deleted your cookies or something.

Throbby Wrote:And I haven't gone back to replay any of the early fights against Vinara, but I'm guessing the dialogue hasn't changed. I notice, though, that it almost seems like she goes from Ghetto Wino-slut to Sorta-Scottish to Sounds-like-her-sisters in the dialogue. Anybody else notice something like that, or have *I* been drinking too much?

She was faking the drunk thing, her dialogue tone changes as soon as you convert her - you are not crazy!

sakyubasuQ Wrote:This is, my stop.. i Got to, get off. ♪boop-boom-poo boo.♫ Hiya! Gorepete. :3

Hi! I will check it out, thanks~

XaldonAjide Wrote:So the request is five things Either continue your plan to nerf the Phasmos as you said you would, Unlock the unique armors that the NPC's use, give the player the ability to increase their in combat health based on their classification choices and the level of the Classification((IE {G}uard, {W}arrior, {S}cout, {H}ealer, {M}age) [G_10+4*lvl][W_10+3*lvl][S_10+2*lvl][H_10+2*lvl][M_5+1*lvl]), Add additional slots to insert units into a players army, or unlock the Runes and unit levels that the player can reach [spoiler](Most likely will break the saves :twisted: )

I DONT TAKE KINDLY TO THREATS SON! Actually, I have been thinking about overhauling the entire stat system, including tying in the unit race to determine different stat allocation. So like, a mana 2 tank would have 3 points to "allocate" with a 1:1 attack and 1:2 health ratio with a class modifier (hx4 for tanks, ie). Which means a mana 2 tank could be anywhere from 1/12 (0:3) to 3/4 (3:0) distributed among species (hive tank is 2/8 whereas gorger tank is 1/12 etc whereas illosa tank is 3/4). They would still have the chant and corruption modifiers. This would give the player access to a few stupid powerful units like the AI, downside would be that it means the stats area all rank driven so unique items (like Glass Cannon) would have to be removed since the equipment would no longer be driving the truck.

Dunno. Undecided.

Greekheart Wrote:An unending tide of swole-as-fuck units isn't very fun to fight.

They have a cap, its just not 15. I think it might be 25? I would have to check, but it does exist.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby XaldonAjide » Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:34 am

GoRepeat Wrote:
XaldonAjide Wrote:So the request is five things Either continue your plan to nerf the Phasmos as you said you would, Unlock the unique armors that the NPC's use, give the player the ability to increase their in combat health based on their classification choices and the level of the Classification((IE {G}uard, {W}arrior, {S}cout, {H}ealer, {M}age) [G_10+4*lvl][W_10+3*lvl][S_10+2*lvl][H_10+2*lvl][M_5+1*lvl]), Add additional slots to insert units into a players army, or unlock the Runes and unit levels that the player can reach [spoiler](Most likely will break the saves :twisted: )

I DONT TAKE KINDLY TO THREATS SON! Actually, I have been thinking about overhauling the entire stat system, including tying in the unit race to determine different stat allocation. So like, a mana 2 tank would have 3 points to "allocate" with a 1:1 attack and 1:2 health ratio with a class modifier (hx4 for tanks, ie). Which means a mana 2 tank could be anywhere from 1/12 (0:3) to 3/4 (3:0) distributed among species (hive tank is 2/8 whereas gorger tank is 1/12 etc whereas illosa tank is 3/4). They would still have the chant and corruption modifiers. This would give the player access to a few stupid powerful units like the AI, downside would be that it means the stats area all rank driven so unique items (like Glass Cannon) would have to be removed since the equipment would no longer be driving the truck.

Dunno. Undecided.

Thanks for the info, also I do not mean to sound like I'm threatening you, I just wished to make an observation. And Give you some Of my Idea's on what could be done to ease up on some of the difficulty with the Phasmos.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Throbby » Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:09 am


[quote="Throbby Wrote:
And I haven't gone back to replay any of the early fights against Vinara, but I'm guessing the dialogue hasn't changed. I notice, though, that it almost seems like she goes from Ghetto Wino-slut to Sorta-Scottish to Sounds-like-her-sisters in the dialogue. Anybody else notice something like that, or have *I* been drinking too much?

She was faking the drunk thing, her dialogue tone changes as soon as you convert her - you are not crazy!

Actually, I have been thinking about overhauling the entire stat system, including tying in the unit race to determine different stat allocation. So like, a mana 2 tank would have 3 points to "allocate" with a 1:1 attack and 1:2 health ratio with a class modifier (hx4 for tanks, ie). Which means a mana 2 tank could be anywhere from 1/12 (0:3) to 3/4 (3:0) distributed among species (hive tank is 2/8 whereas gorger tank is 1/12 etc whereas illosa tank is 3/4). They would still have the chant and corruption modifiers. This would give the player access to a few stupid powerful units like the AI, downside would be that it means the stats area all rank driven so unique items (like Glass Cannon) would have to be removed since the equipment would no longer be driving the truck.

Dunno. Undecided.[/quote]

I actually think that would be a good idea; right now, my army's full of gorgers and drones with a couple of illosa thrown in, because there's just no reason to put other units in with lower experience levels. Having a special racial modifier to each unit type would be a good way to offset this. However, it might be a giant pile of "Why did I ever start messing with this!?" if you start tinkering with those stats; could be a pain to balance. Consider splitting the difference, where that point allocation you're talking about accounts for a couple of points of health and attack, and then equipment does the rest. That way, your unique items are still useful, since they can give a unit a bit of an extra edge. 'Specially if you have one of those pieces of equipment that lets you summon a unit with equivalent-or-better stats to a 3- or 4-mana unit for a cheaper cost. Mmmmm... angel breaker. Or crystal heart. Whichever. :)

Also: Ah! I suspected about Vinara. Still, some of that early dialogue... yeeeeeesh. O_o For a second, it almost felt like an Aryan Nations recruitment video or something. :P
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby powuivnpeb » Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:53 am

I'm at >100 tries to beat the Photovol encounter so far; I'm pretty much giving up. Apart from "be lucky with the RNG", I did not find any help either. I got 40 chanting units per class and all my units have max rank. I see lots of people beating her encounter, am I just unlucky or missing something? The furthest I got him down was 9hp, then my units were blasted with runes - which seems to happen every round.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby toanly1986 » Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:29 am

@GoReap uhm, because i had lost my data, i think i will wait until the game has finished a start playing agian, so can U tell me when exactly finish it and have a downloadd version?
By the way, please input a code to unclock gallery, i beg U, i had 4 star with all type except fasmos and new boss so i know it's not easy to unlock all of them, thank bro :)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Throbby » Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:30 am


Stoooooopid warcry!! The gorger I just summoned had lv. 2 warcry equipped. Just prior to his summoning, Vlad had an attack of 3, and the healer behind him had an attack of 11... which would have dealt 14 points of damage to the bad guy. I summoned the scout, which should have given me enough oomph to win the fight... but instead, it *reduced* the attack of my units. Balls.

Is it possible that the lower-level warcry is superseding an earlier, higher-level effect, instead of stacking with it? This definitely isn't the first time I've had something like this happen... *sigh* And I was so close. :)
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Throbby » Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:56 am

And one more thing... WOW, was that sucky! Accidentally clicked on "New Game" and that's all, folks! While the game won't save your progress unless you tell it to, as soon as you click new game, you lose EVERYTHING. Guess there's some kind of autosave.

Might want to change that. X(
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby powuivnpeb » Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:05 am

I have never seen the same effects stacking in this game.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Colbacky » Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:03 pm

My god the phasmos man :x, glad to see they may be getting nerfed, talk about being dropped in the deep end with the sharks added in for good measure. Quick question Gore, are you planning on adding a feature in the summon tab so that we can choose what characters play in the animations? Like the gorger with pecunia for instance instead of Beez, not that there's anything wrong with Beez :P. I think it would be cool to have that type of customisation, i'm sure a previous version had something similar to this.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby kobold » Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:44 pm

Yeah it seems the best phasmos strat is to sneak scouts through and try not to kill them. Which makes unlocking the final animation very difficult.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Throbby » Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:29 pm

powuivnpeb Wrote:I have never seen the same effects stacking in this game.

I'm pretty sure that defense buffs stack; I've seen my troops take at least 6 and possibly 8 less damage from attacks when I use lust shield and Vlad's ability.

Warcry and Boost both seem to stack; I've seen the enemy do it a number of times. Although it's not consistent.

Healing doesn't stack, as near as I can tell.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby XaldonAjide » Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:34 pm

Throbby Wrote:
powuivnpeb Wrote:I have never seen the same effects stacking in this game.

I'm pretty sure that defense buffs stack; I've seen my troops take at least 6 and possibly 8 less damage from attacks when I use lust shield and Vlad's ability.

Warcry and Boost both seem to stack; I've seen the enemy do it a number of times. Although it's not consistent.

Healing doesn't stack, as near as I can tell.

The reason healing doesn't stack is because they are the same category of rune, the heroes have their own unique runes, while there are 6 base runes in the game, each one has it's own two effects, Wind and Fire work hand in hand to either strengthen your own army or weaken your opponents offensive, while Light and dark work together to directly one shot damage your enemy or heal your allies, then there is a single earth rune to either guard your allies or weaken the defense on your enemies. While water is the only rune besides vlad that can give your units regen and is the only rune that can poison your opponents. Also noted, while earth runes protect your units per attack, the computer doesn't have that same protection, A four defense rune will only protect against four attack the entire round. Though I wish Eva's specials could get a boost(maybe longer effect via chanting bonus or stronger effect with chanting bonus.), I mean their still OP early game but towards the end, they seem to only be an added effect on top of the runes especially against the Phasmos.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Makar » Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:01 pm

How to find Master Ioshia?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby ExtraHachse » Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:22 pm

I usually try this
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Against the Phasmos I usually spawn a Crytal Ward Tank with Protect first, then I summon a female Heart Strikers Scout with Boost behind her. The Tank shields my scout from attacks. Next round I make my Scout attack the Main Guy's HP which causes 16 damage in total. After that I just keep summoning my troops and just play. I usually win and get all three animations.

It's kinda of tricky with the Phasmos Ultimate. I usually try to have just a few troops on my field when he uses it. I save my Lust Guard for the round after. When it wears off I summon Vlad. I only summon Photovol and my mages when I got Lust Guard since that protects me from the Phasmos' Flare runes
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby kobold » Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:35 am

Wow finally caught up, and finally got the last Phasmos scene.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby toanly1986 » Thu Oct 01, 2015 5:49 am

guys, what is VLAD? Photovol? i really dont know and how to got its, tks.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Throbby » Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:39 am

XaldonAjide Wrote:
The reason healing doesn't stack is because they are the same category of rune, the heroes have their own unique runes, while there are 6 base runes in the game, each one has it's own two effects, Wind and Fire work hand in hand to either strengthen your own army or weaken your opponents offensive, while Light and dark work together to directly one shot damage your enemy or heal your allies, then there is a single earth rune to either guard your allies or weaken the defense on your enemies. While water is the only rune besides vlad that can give your units regen and is the only rune that can poison your opponents. Also noted, while earth runes protect your units per attack, the computer doesn't have that same protection, A four defense rune will only protect against four attack the entire round. Though I wish Eva's specials could get a boost(maybe longer effect via chanting bonus or stronger effect with chanting bonus.), I mean their still OP early game but towards the end, they seem to only be an added effect on top of the runes especially against the Phasmos.

Interesting... I'd figured this was the case, but I swear I've seen warcry stack. Maybe I *am* crazy after all.

At any rate, if it were possible, I'd say that--even if you don't want same-rune bonuses to stack--it would be nice if a lower-level rune didn't supersede a higher-level one, i.e. you shouldn't see your units' attack scores *decrease* when you summon another unit with warcry.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Gidshri » Thu Oct 01, 2015 9:52 am

toanly1986 Wrote:guys, what is VLAD? Photovol? i really dont know and how to got its, tks.

They are Heroes. Units with unique abilities. Bartender in Exile Isle's tavern can give you hints how to found them.
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