Sakyubasu no Tatakai II (Finished)

Hint to get the champions

Postby SirDrMrCoolGuy » Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:10 pm

heis3780 Wrote:While I'm at it, there's another thing I forgot to say in my previous post.
I don't know if I did something wrong, but I couldn't get any of the missions, and the tavern lady keep saying always the same thing, no matter the stage of the game.
After all, even after I beated Vinara, she was still saying that thing about the Gorgers overstayed their welcome and being hunted down by a group of Hive Drones. It didn't unlock any missions, neither any huntings.

The rumors at the tavern tell you what hero is available, where to get them, and hints what you have to do to unlock the mission. For example, the tavern girl says something about the grovers, which hints that you should bring an army of only grovers to attack the hive and that should unlock the event.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby bornsinner » Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:28 pm

Heaven forbid something be hard. It's almost as if there's 60 pages of discussion, or hell, a search bar at the top where you can type in "how to beat x level" or "how to beat x boss". On the previous page is a walk through on how to beat the second boss and I KNOW someone posted a step-by-step on how to beat the first boss with 4/5 classes.

Or you could take that time and moan about the difficulty.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:41 pm

bornsinner Wrote:I think if you check the notes GP only got to Blightwall Gate and then Vinara, which implies that Blightwall South hasn't been added yet.

Does anyone know when the next patch will be? And also, will the champions be getting their own unique animations? Will we be able to do the old thing of putting two units together for their scenes?

Excellent game btw, much love GP

Yeah game progress stops after Vinara at the moment. I am currently scripting the Pecunia fight. Her event animation and two of the three fight phases are done. I just have to finish the third phase of the fight, then will put out an update sometime this week probably. Shouldn't require a save reset either so double yay!
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Re: Some suggestions for the next versions!!!!!

Postby GoRepeat » Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:46 pm

heis3780 Wrote:Just beated Vinara! It's not easy, but I think she's easier than Vanorel!
I have one sugestion (or a request for future versions, if you understand that way).
Liked the new gallery mode, but I kind of miss the old "Summon". You had more freedom combining the units you wanted to see banging.
But the system in which you unlock new scenes depending on how many units you captured is good.
So, if you can keep this system, but allowing that we can choose which units go at each scene, it would be good.

Probably won't happen just because I am realistic about how much effort I would put into it. If I finish the game and am feeling ambitious, I might go back and mix the two approaches, but for now it will probably stay the way it is.

heis3780 Wrote:Plus, I have another sugestion. The extra power Eva have using the Corrupting Lust depending on her class is awesome! But I think it's too static. It doesn't change, no matter how stronger Eva become.
For example: You have Eva at the Fighter class in the beggining of the game, you have the Penetration (+2 attack against enemy units in the field when activated). But as we send units to the Chant, Eva's power increase at that class. At health rank 1, she gets +25 health bonus, as well as the 2 mana units gets +1 in regular combat. That procedes, at each level.
However, Eva's power is always the same, no matter how stronger she gets.
I think if this power could increase when Eva's abilities in that class increases, it'd be cool. For example, each health rank attained, the duration of the Corrupting Lust is extended. And each attack rank gives her a boost at the class specific power. For example (I'm sorry for using so many "for examples", but you know, my english is a little bit limited as it's not my native language), in the fighter class, each attack rank gives her a cumulative +1 bonus against the enemy units in the field. So, at rank 1, the Penetration allows +3 attack bonus, and so on...
An alternative could be a combat specific bonus as Eva's power increases. For example (again.....), as she progresses, she gets a bigger mana pool. So, instead of only using 10 mana units in the field at the same time, we could use more.
Another option could be an effective boost at Eva's health during combat. After all, during all combat stages, she only have 10 health, no matter how stronger she gets. And, considering that the enemy capitain sometimes have 3 times this value, or more, this unbalances the game.
OR, even better, could be a combination of the both. As she gets attack ranks, she gain a bonus in the mana pool. And when she gets health bonus, that bonus she gets in the bosses fights are applied to the Eva's health during combat.
This way, we can feel Eva getting stronger. As it is, only her minions get stronger as she progresses, and she stays the same.

Well I have to be careful since most of the bonuses stack with each other, but I am not opposed to the idea of scaling power on Lust. Maybe I will have naked chant units feed her Lust ability to scale it up and give them a reason for being sent off to the island. Kill two birds with one stone.

heis3780 Wrote:SOME LAST COMMENTS: Vinara is a bit fattie, but she is :D :D H - O - T :D :D !!!!! Her titties are bigger than Eva's!!!!

Freaky-deekies need love too, Liz. Freaky-deekies need love too.

MajorMajorMajorMajor Wrote:Having a glitch late in the game where Eva turns white-shaded instead of green/orange. It makes telling your tint colour impossible. Although you can get hit by a red barrel to return to normal.

You mean in the Vinara fight? Wierd. I will take a look

ElPresidente Wrote:The balance is horrible.
This game isn't fun, it's irritating.

Some boses are downright untouchable with certain classes, some enemies (especially the robots!) have retarded specials that re-charge a lot faster than mine and make them un-fucking touchable

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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby kingofbrocoli » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:39 pm

I mean it is like SO WHAT if you aren't being spoon feed anymore?!?!?!!? You THINK they would be grateful not being treated like retards by game developers but NOOOOOOO its whine whine whine.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby VintageBass » Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:08 pm

... I feel like we need a porn parody of I'll Make a Man Out of You with this being the main theme for it. Just for those who do these sort of complaining and also will go out of their way to create a whole topic complaining about the matter...

That and I enjoy a good parody cover.
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Re: Some suggestions for the next versions!!!!!

Postby heis3780 » Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:54 am

GoRepeat Wrote:
heis3780 Wrote:Just beated Vinara! It's not easy, but I think she's easier than Vanorel!
I have one sugestion (or a request for future versions, if you understand that way).
Liked the new gallery mode, but I kind of miss the old "Summon". You had more freedom combining the units you wanted to see banging.
But the system in which you unlock new scenes depending on how many units you captured is good.
So, if you can keep this system, but allowing that we can choose which units go at each scene, it would be good.

Probably won't happen just because I am realistic about how much effort I would put into it. If I finish the game and am feeling ambitious, I might go back and mix the two approaches, but for now it will probably stay the way it is.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby bmn » Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:20 am

anyone kind enough to upload the save file that unlocks the gallery?
Got stuck in mech gate and kinda lazy to grind for abit
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby VladimirRomanov » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:18 am

Gore, I don't think people are annoyed over the difficulty, I believe it is mostly about *how* the difficulty is applied. I have beaten what you have put out there, so I'm not simply complaining, I understand how most of it works.

One of the issues that make people angry, is when the AI doesn't conform to the rules that the player has to. You want to feel as though you're being challenged, without feeling like it is unfair. Take, for instance, Chess against an AI, you can find beating a well programmed AI in chess to be difficult, almost impossible in some cases. HOWEVER, it doesn't 'change' the rules to make it difficult, you're both playing the same game, it is simply that the AI is *good* at it.

Another issue, is that it appears that you're making difficulty up as you go along, based on 'gimmicks' that only have one specific solution. Take the first boss for instance, there is only *one* pattern that you can follow in order to beat the boss, and you could only possibly know that by losing *many* times to figure it out.

It seems to me like you tried to take the Dark Souls approach to difficulty: Beating your head into a wall until it breaks. Which is fine... if the game has the depth of Dark Souls. There are many solutions, and possibilities to Dark Souls that one has available to them, but the biggest point being that it is still very much so *skill based*, a lesser player would most definitely need to constantly retry or grind, but a skilled player would recognize much of the patterns and win within the first few tries with minimal equipment. That takes me to my next point, is that I didn't feel as though there was any strategy or skill to my choices. I feel like a few of my victories and defeats were explicitly due to dumb luck. Like, for instance, the AI had some of those 10+ damage scouts that I had no answer for, since the AI inexplicably had more units than I could possibly field, as well as higher health, and superior units, that all had cheaper prices... I still won, simply because the AI ignored my 17 damage buffed Strongfist that happened to squeeze through their lines.

tl:dr I think it is *how* you made it difficult that is causing so much 'whining'
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby MajorMajorMajorMajor » Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:41 am

I really have been seeing more anti-whining versus actual whining, which isn't really whining.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby MajorMajorMajorMajor » Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:43 am

ElPresidente Wrote:The balance is horrible.
This game isn't fun, it's irritating.

Some boses are downright untouchable with certain classes, some enemies (especially the robots!) have retarded specials that re-charge a lot faster than mine and make them un-fucking touchable

Use different tactics.

To be fair to the game, most missions can be easily creamed in the jaw when you rush with a particular setup.
It DOES take some luck, but not too much. There's only so many times a rush setup can fail.

For example, on the mech level where the ability gives mechs 99 hp, note that the leader only has some... 5 hp was it? That's a reason for that- The game won't let you cram the the MMM combo through the whole game, where you put a medic and mage behind a tank and watch yourself safely occupy 1/3 of the board.

You should know that each boss is designed so that it's beatable with every class in the game. With that in mind, take it this way: Instead of beating every boss with every class to realize that you can beat every boss with every class, now you know you can beat every boss with every class- now go try it.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Wed Sep 02, 2015 2:23 am

VladimirRomanov Wrote:Gore, I don't think people are annoyed over the difficulty, I believe it is mostly about *how* the difficulty is applied. I have beaten what you have put out there, so I'm not simply complaining, I understand how most of it works.

One of the issues that make people angry, is when the AI doesn't conform to the rules that the player has to. You want to feel as though you're being challenged, without feeling like it is unfair. Take, for instance, Chess against an AI, you can find beating a well programmed AI in chess to be difficult, almost impossible in some cases. HOWEVER, it doesn't 'change' the rules to make it difficult, you're both playing the same game, it is simply that the AI is *good* at it.

Another issue, is that it appears that you're making difficulty up as you go along, based on 'gimmicks' that only have one specific solution. Take the first boss for instance, there is only *one* pattern that you can follow in order to beat the boss, and you could only possibly know that by losing *many* times to figure it out.

It seems to me like you tried to take the Dark Souls approach to difficulty: Beating your head into a wall until it breaks. Which is fine... if the game has the depth of Dark Souls. There are many solutions, and possibilities to Dark Souls that one has available to them, but the biggest point being that it is still very much so *skill based*, a lesser player would most definitely need to constantly retry or grind, but a skilled player would recognize much of the patterns and win within the first few tries with minimal equipment. That takes me to my next point, is that I didn't feel as though there was any strategy or skill to my choices. I feel like a few of my victories and defeats were explicitly due to dumb luck. Like, for instance, the AI had some of those 10+ damage scouts that I had no answer for, since the AI inexplicably had more units than I could possibly field, as well as higher health, and superior units, that all had cheaper prices... I still won, simply because the AI ignored my 17 damage buffed Strongfist that happened to squeeze through their lines.

tl:dr I think it is *how* you made it difficult that is causing so much 'whining'

You bring up some very valid points; however, this isn't chess because I don't have an AI that can be constructed from decades of work on a game with hundreds of years of developed strategy. In a game like this the AI will only ever get so decent, and will never truly be able to compete with a human mind - so, yeah, you have to overcome this limitation by letting the computer cheat to a certain extent. It still has rules - there are unit and deck caps, equipment and gear limitations - they are just different than the limitations that the player has to overcome. It isn't supposed to be a fair fight, it is supposed to be a series of gimmicky challenges. There is a bit of nepotism in it because those are the games that I like to play, so it naturally comes out in the games I design. It might turn some off, but while each encounter might only have one or two solutions, the game as a whole has multiple challenges and designs - if I were to perfect an AI that didn't need the gimmicks, you would just be playing the same level over and over with different graphics. Gimmick isn't a dirty word!

And despite my general attitude, I do appreciate how much thought you put into that post.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby VladimirRomanov » Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:05 am

GoRepeat Wrote:You bring up some very valid points; however, this isn't chess because I don't have an AI that can be constructed from decades of work on a game with hundreds of years of developed strategy. In a game like this the AI will only ever get so decent, and will never truly be able to compete with a human mind - so, yeah, you have to overcome this limitation by letting the computer cheat to a certain extent. It still has rules - there are unit and deck caps, equipment and gear limitations - they are just different than the limitations that the player has to overcome. It isn't supposed to be a fair fight, it is supposed to be a series of gimmicky challenges. There is a bit of nepotism in it because those are the games that I like to play, so it naturally comes out in the games I design. It might turn some off, but while each encounter might only have one or two solutions, the game as a whole has multiple challenges and designs - if I were to perfect an AI that didn't need the gimmicks, you would just be playing the same level over and over with different graphics. Gimmick isn't a dirty word!

And despite my general attitude, I do appreciate how much thought you put into that post.

Well thank you for the reply, and considering my response. I understand that you are restricted under a number of things that would restrain a really good AI. I also understand that you enjoy those types of games, and that you build what you enjoy. However, perhaps, you could implement more planned-gimmicks, that have multiple ways of beating it. Like the second boss fight, has multiple ways to supposedly beat it, but there is only one real way for it to work, and that is following the pattern of your opponent. Once you know the pattern, it is unbelievably easy, same with the first fight. As such, if you want more challenge, perhaps you should make the patterns less strict, less punishing for breaking them, but at the same time add more of a confusing element to them.

One thing that I've noticed, is that Eva's abilities are practically pointless, as all you need to beat any of the bosses so far, are your mobility-block and your ultimate. Perhaps instead of having just a singular pattern thrown in, you could have the bosses *actually* fight themselves, and have a less-strict pattern as a second phase, and a final phase of fighting the boss again. Which reminds me, players will often feel really quite annoyed in your game from one specific event in general. Unless you read the forums, you will lose to the boss, even if you beat her, simply due to not using Eva's special to keep them from healing. That isn't difficulty, that is simply tedium, and it makes players feel *really* annoyed/cheated.

If there were more strategies to the game, rather than dumb luck, then I would say it is perfectly fine, even if it is difficult. However in *many* cases, if not *most* cases, you're winning explicitly by luck.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Lindazana » Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:30 am

After 3 years of silent lurking, I've finally came out to speak my thoughts. To start, I'd like to say this is a fun (if occasionally frustrating) game. You've done a lot, and managed to put an actual story in a highly lewd game. I played the original game, and what little of the part 2 that existed before it was abandoned (and RIGHT after introducing futa-mode Eva, was such a let down). Between then and the start of this game, though, there feels like a LOT has happened, and I'm curious if this is written anywhere, or if it will be explained in time in this game?

Thoughts aside, onto the useful comments; I've noticed that after the shift from the sex-scenes being in battle to unlocked gallery pictures, you also removed 2 rather important cut-scene sex-scenes. The first being where cruel-mode Eva has the Illu healer boss roughly taken by the gorger, which causes concern from her allies. The second one being after you defeat the tank-boss Illu and have her lover go to convert her, it now just ends, rather than actually have her do as she says she will. No pun intended, but it feels very anticlimactic for those cut-scenes.

....and speaking of cut-scenes, The Comb. Damn you so much, I have never before teared up from a flash game, let alone from a erotic game. Well done.
Last edited by Lindazana on Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby MajorMajorMajorMajor » Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:31 am

VladimirRomanov Wrote:
GoRepeat Wrote:You bring up some very valid points; however, this isn't chess because I don't have an AI that can be constructed from decades of work on a game with hundreds of years of developed strategy. In a game like this the AI will only ever get so decent, and will never truly be able to compete with a human mind - so, yeah, you have to overcome this limitation by letting the computer cheat to a certain extent. It still has rules - there are unit and deck caps, equipment and gear limitations - they are just different than the limitations that the player has to overcome.......

Well thank you for the reply, and considering my response. I understand that you are restricted under a number of things that would restrain a really good AI. I also understand that you enjoy those types of games, and that you build what you enjoy. However, perhaps, you could implement more planned-gimmicks, that have multiple ways of beating it. Like the second boss fight, has multiple ways to supposedly beat it, but there is only one real way for it to work, and that is following the pattern of your opponent. Once you know the pattern, it is unbelievably easy, same with the first fight. As such, if you want more challenge, perhaps you should make the patterns less strict, less punishing for breaking them, but at the same time add more of a confusing element to them......

These kinds of changes you're talking about will require a redesign of the game, not small tweaks, I don't think.

At least the boss difficulty keeps it off of
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby GoRepeat » Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:52 am

VladimirRomanov Wrote:Perhaps instead of having just a singular pattern thrown in, you could have the bosses *actually* fight themselves.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


You are either going to really like or really hate the Pec fight
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Flashstalker » Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:28 am

GoRepeat Wrote:You are either going to really like or really hate the Pec fight

Pec alone? No Problem, lemme at her......that battle suit though....may require some extra planning...
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Nours » Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:58 pm

MajorMajorMajorMajor Wrote:Having a glitch late in the game where Eva turns white-shaded instead of green/orange. It makes telling your tint colour impossible. Although you can get hit by a red barrel to return to normal.
unrelated: Thanks for the "heart strikers" thing before, Major. Let's call it post-Comb trauma. Or '13 days post Comb' Denial. ('8 hours post' would be lore-friendlier but hey...)

related: Noticed this bug before, finally did proper testing - I can confirm these points:
- you get white hue when: a) you are "blue liquored" and use AoE attack (like whirwind) when standing next to 2 "orange liquor" barrels
b) you are "orange liquored" and use AoE attack (like whirwind or Slam) when standing next to 2 "blue liquor" barrels
- When Eva glows white, she's a) 100% warded against "Hangover" b) vulnerable to "wine" and "beer" attacks (orange/blue) c) only way to change/remove is to hit red barrel

Additionally (might be a gimmick, not a boojum, you see? ;) )
- when Eva simultaneously hit two adjacent barrels of different color, nothing happens. No damage, no color change.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby Johnno1 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:03 am

bmn Wrote:anyone kind enough to upload the save file that unlocks the gallery?
Got stuck in mech gate and kinda lazy to grind for abit

Here you got mine, which is at the moment end. I've already finished 2 tavern missions.
just put it into %appdata%\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\"somekindoffolder"\\

Thanks to GoRepeat for that amazing game :mrgreen: even if i miss the rpg-style of the first version, but it still has its difficulty ;)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

sakyu 2 save.rar
sakubasu no tataki 2 savegame
(1005 Bytes) Downloaded 542 times
cause you said i should put it in a spoiler
Last edited by Johnno1 on Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai II

Postby sniff3005 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:47 am

Johnno1 Wrote:
bmn Wrote:anyone kind enough to upload the save file that unlocks the gallery?
Got stuck in mech gate and kinda lazy to grind for abit

Here you got mine, which is at the moment end. I've already finished 2 tavern missions.
just put it into %appdata%\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\"somekindoffolder"\\

Thanks to GoRepeat for that amazing game :mrgreen: even if i miss the rpg-style of the first version, but it still has its difficulty ;)

if you know what to do you don't really need this. any future updates that break saves this file wont work =(
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