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SnT2vF.swf [ 10.67 MiB | Viewed 17015 times ]
- Bunch of tweaks and bug fixes
- Added final combat stages
- Added final boss
- Added Bridgette Event Animation and trigger
- Added Eva Event Animation and trigger
- Final save wipe
- Done! I'll give it a few days for a final round of bug testing and feedback then publish to NG
Older Patch Notes:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
- Added Shavees animation event
-- Buffed Shavees stats slightly and made the AI preference spawning 2 and 3 star units
-- This isn't retroactive, you will have to complete the mission again to unlock
- Boosted various hero stats to make them more heroic
-- Bobaksuez, VLAD//ROM, and Vintabas all received health boosts
-- Jurrassa and Photovol received attack boosts
- Fixed a bug where X Rank units weren't being removed from Chanting properly
- Tweaked in a few more combat optimizations
- Fixed a bug where toggling the mission menu after resetting missions would cause it to spaz out
- Fixed a bug where Lucky had Vanorel's special description
- Fixed abut bug (
)where Photovol had Vanorel's special description
11/10 part II
- Fixed a bug where a nekkid unit mission would result in an "empty" gear reward
- Added Shavees units and boss
- Added Shavees combat level
-- Now you can see what Somna is bitching about!
-- Excellent completion of a specific mission will auto trigger the battle
-- The even animation isn't done, but it should be obvious what it will be
- Mission rewards are now in the game:
-- Excellent rating missions:
--- +4 corruption and one of the following:
---- 10,000 Souls
---- 50,000 Souls
---- Rank 2 Runes
---- Rank 3 Runes
---- Rank 3 Gear
---- New Convert Units(Chance to get advanced units like Bovos early!)
---- Barkeep Admiration
-- Adequate rating missions:
--- +2 corruption
--- 1,000 Souls
-- Failure rating missions:
--- +1 corruption
- The Barkeep now has her own animation sets
-- There are three missions that will unlock her events
- Fixed a bug where you would receive blank units from the Jurr fight.
-- mousing over the special icon in combat will give a SMALL description of the ability
- Other tweaks and fixes
- Fixed a bug where you would lose units by repeatedly selecting them for missions
- Reduced the health and unit pool of the Photovol fight
- Missions are now available at the Tavern
-- Missions are a way to increase your corruption for non-squad units
-- Other bonuses will be added later
-- Each mission is designed for a certain Class and Type of unit
--- The success rate of the mission depends on how close you got to the correct match
---- Failure: Neither class nor type match (Corruption +1)
---- Adequate: Either class or type match (Corruption +2)
---- Excellent: Both class and type match (Corruption +4)
-- Once activated, missions will complete automatically after two battles
-- Each mission slot can be reset / rerolled once per battle
--- A battle victory will reset the reroll option for all inactive mission slots
-- Upon reroll/completion, the game will attempt to spawn missions you haven't seen yet
--- If that isn't an option (you have seen them all), it will reset and cycle randomly through them again
-- Chanting Units, Hero Units, and Squad Assigned Units do not qualify for missions
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the Jurr fight from triggering
-- The error was with units pulled from chanting
-- Your units are still bugged (this wont be a retro fix)
--- cycling them in and out of chant or equipping / removing a rune should fix them
- Added Hero animations
- Fixed a bug causing blank runes to fill your inventory (again)
- Fixed a bug causing units captured by direct damage having negative health
-- ie: Voodoo, Flare, Thunderstorm, etc
-- This change is point forward so any borked units just pop over to chant to fix
- Tweaked the summon menu a bit to properly show previews for icons
- Quality of Life changes round 2:
-- Chanting Inventory will now group units by Type/Class/Rank
-- Page up / Page down / Page End / Page Beginning buttons added to inventory screens
- Fixed bugs with new chanting mechanic that was creating blank runes / removing runes from inventory
- Fixed a bug where equipping a rune would create a "blank" rune item in your inventory
- Significant stat overhaul (yes your saves had to be wiped)
-- In order to reduce difficulty spikeyness overall health values have increased
-- Unit Type will now have an impact on base stats to encourage variety:
--- Gorger base stats changed to 2/4
--- Mechiza base stats changed to 1/6
--- Phasmos base stats changed to 3/2
--- Drone base stats changed to 3/2
--- Illosa base stats changed to 2/4
--- Esurian base stats changed to 1/6
--- Bovos base stats changed to 2/6
---- (Bovos got some extra love since you don't get them until the very end of the game)
-- Corruption level stats
--- Rank 0: 0/0
--- Rank 1: 0/1
--- Rank 2: 1/1
--- Rank 3: 1/2
-- Rank 1, 2, 3 and X equipment values changed accordingly
--- Healers should now give you more bang for your buck
-- Chanting values updated:
--- Rank 1: Mana 2: 1/2
--- Rank 2: Mana 3: 1/2
--- Rank 3: Mana 4: 2/4
--- Rank 4: Mana X: 0/2
- Started making some quality of life changes
-- Now when you click "send to chant" a new window will pop up allowing you to select the class
--- The game will scan your inventory and equip the unit with the lowest rank of gear for that class
--- Runes will still be removed
--- This change means naked units can no longer be sent (not that they did anything anyway)
--- Overall this change will keep you from having to manually re-equip and click through 50 things
---- Just pick the class you want to send them as and go!
-- Reduced the required amount of runes for Runeforging from 10 to 5
-- The same odds calculations apply, you would just get 20% chance per type vs 10% previously
- Changed the way saves work so you can't just rename the file to use old data
- Added The Hand combat level
- Added The Eye combat level
-- Finally, you can capture Bovos!
- Slayer Bobaksuez is now in the game!
- Lady Vintabas is now in the game!
-- These two final heroes' rumors will emerge after The Black Gate and The Eye, respectively
- More bugs, optimizations, blah blah
- We are nearing the end, folks
-- After I figure out what I want to do with hero animation we will get into the "misc cleanup" phase, then that's it!
-- So get your feedback in now - quality of life, general input, etc etc
- Added The Mouth combat level
- Finished Bovos Event Animations
- Finished remaining hero units
-- Fights will come in the next update
- More combat optimizations
- Fixed a bug where Vanorel's Gravity would lock up the game
- Other misc bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that was preventing boss fights from executing properly
- More combat optimizations
- Bug fixes
-- Weaker runes should no longer overwrite stronger runes
-- Boss specials should always replace rune effects (even if they happen to be weaker (which is rare))
-- AI units shouldn't defensively swap through player units anymore
-- AI units shouldn't offensively swap through player units anymore
-- other small fixes you probably won't notice
- Fickle as ever, the Mask Spirits have changed Lucky's Voodoo power again!
-- Instead of switching 5hp or 5atk depending on which was higher, Voodoo will always switch 5hp for 5atk
--- this means if the unit targeted has less than 5 hp, it will die
- Added Demon's Claw
-- Added The Ear combat level
- Added Bovos animations
-- Added Bovos 1/2 star events
- Chef Jurassa is now in the game!
- I made a large change to the way units are called into battle
-- Let me know if this helps some of the performance issues described
- Somna awaits Eva in the Eternal Dream
-- She is a bit overtuned right now
-- I doubt many of you will be able to beat her as is
-- Please give me feedback as to what you found most difficult about her
-- Added Somna event animation
- Added Eternal Dream combat level
- Added Black Gate combat level
- Misc bug fixes
- Added The Blight
-- Added Twilight Gate combat level
-- Added Slumber Path combat level
-- Added Wither Wander combat level
- Added Phasmos units and events
- Fixed a bug where the health loss from Lucky's Voodoo was carried out of battle
- Fixed other bugs mentioned (there were a bunch, I forget which ones)
- The Mask Spirits have reviewed Lucky's power and deemed it to good
-- Lucky's Voodoo will now only swap up to 5 of the target's health and attack
-- Non-PC Lucky's Voodoo remains unchanged (Boss ability)
-- If health swaps below the previous max, it is set as the new max
- Fixed a bug where Mage Eva could land teleport in an occupied grid space (barrels/Pecunia)
- Fixed a bug where Tank Eva could land slam in an occupied grid space (barrels/Pecunia)
- Fixed a bug where the Summon Hero icons were mapped incorrectly
- Fixed an animation bug in the Gorger 1-Star scene
- Fixed a bug where Pecunia's regeneration dialogue would spam infinitely
- VLAD//ROM has entered the game
-- 10/2 scouts getting you down? VLAD//ROM has the cure
-- Boasting 25 health and a strong defensive ability, VLAD//ROM will be welcome in any party
- Pecunia decided that she wasn't hard enough
-- Fixed a bug where her dash wasn't hitting the back row
--- No more hiding in your blue squares
-- She now prioritizes Whirlwind over Dash
--- Whirlwind can't be blocked, but a 2 turn cooldown has been added
--- Watch your distance!
- Temporarily disabled the hero animations in summon menu
-- They "unlock" but will be blank until I resolve a bug
- Added Blightwall South
- Added Sand Gate
- Pecunia's plans have been forced to a head, and she is ready to execute her final stratagem
- I don't remember if I broke saves or not
-- I feel like I might have because I changed the way Hero victory's were handled
-- But I don't think I did? I am really not sure
--- Sorry if so.
- I didn't! Yay!
- Increased Vinara's health to 750
- Fixed a bug where Scout Eva's Dash skill wasn't breaking barrels
- Fixed a bug where Scout Eva's Blitz skill wasn't properly breaking barrels
-- Note: when Blitz destroys a barrel, Eva will not receive the buff/damage; this is by design
-- Eva will only get hit by the splash AoE if her original position before Blitz was next to a barrel that was destroyed
- Added post-combat dialogue with Vinara
- Fixed a bug where starting Hero battles would crash the game (100% screen of death)
- Fixed a bug where Hero battles wouldn't properly load even though the trigger conditions were met
- Vinara is ready to kick Eva in the tits
-- Bring aspirin.
- Fixed a bug where a unit's bonding with Eva would exceed rank 4
- After the events at the Blightwall North, you can use the Army menu to check in on Beezelba
- North Pass added
- Blightwall North added
- Blightwall Gate added
- Fixed bug where dark runes were being lost when re-equipping
- Madam Photovol has joined the game!
-- Rumors of her whereabouts should start to surface sometime after Vanorel's conversion
- Eva's special ability now comes with an effect determined by her class
-- Tank: Blind Desire: All enemy units are taunted for two turns
-- Fighter: Penetration: All enemy units takes 2 additional damage for two turns
-- Scout: Toxic Lust: All enemy units are poisoned for 2 damage for two turns
-- Healer: Sexual Healing: All ally units regen 4 health for two turns
-- Mage: Lust Guard: All ally units take 4 less damage for two turns
- Fixed spelling errors on info tab
- Modified the way souls were granted in combat so that non-captured units should properly be awarded
- Fixed bug where Lucky's Voodoo icon wasn't appearing during his combat
- Fixed a bug where base drones attack animation wasn't playing
- Fixed a bug where you could capture your own units
- other misc fixes
- Master Ioshia is now in the game
-- Rumors of her arrival should surface sometime after clearing The Break
- Poison, Flare, Thunderstorm, and Impact deaths should now capture units
-- poison deaths aren't capturing (poor Master Ioshia); working on it Fixed!
- Fixed bug where clicking on The Wastes background would take you to Death Reach
- Gallery is available again via the Summon menu
-- You can review any animations that you have unlocked during regular play
- The game now has its first Unique Hero: High Mystic Lucky
-- At certain points in the story, special battles will become available
-- When these battles are available, the Bartender will have a rumor that gives a clue on how to trigger the battle
--- Win the special battle, and the Hero unit is yours!
- Hero units come equipped with unique gear and runes giving them stats and abilities unavailable to regular units
-- Hero units cannot have their equipment and runes removed nor be sent to chant
- Squad units should now properly get their combat bonuses when strengthening their Binding Rank
-- Reduced the total bonus from 1/4 to 1/2
--- 1: 0/0 2: 0/1 3: 1/1 4: 1/2
-- But also reduced the amount of XP needed to gain rank
-- Since I am being NICE and not deleting your saves, you might need to swap them in and out to update your old game data
- Tavern framework put in place
- Units now have a Binding Rank to Eva that reflects how closely the two are bonded
-- There are four total ranks, each conferring stat bonuses (stacks with chant):
--- Rank 1: Enslaved Convert; Fresh off the cock; +0/+0
--- Rank 2: Willing Servant; They desire to serve without compulsion; +0/+2
--- Rank 3: Active Corrupter: They are now a conduit for Eva's power; +1/+2
--- Rank 4: Cohort Succubi: The bond with Eva has become permanent; +1/+4
-- Units that participate in the squad will gain bond strength after combat victory
-- You can check a Unit's current Binding Rank on the Info tab of the Army menu
--- Yes this is just unit exp in a fancy package
- Pecunia Mart will now properly sell and buy according to the listed soul price
-- I swear I wasn't going to delete your saves, but she showed up at my house with a knife
- Fixed a bug where level 1 training was rewarding Rank 2 equipment
- Quick fix to bug where changing Eva's class or sending units to Chant would break the store and cause your soul count to spaz out and become unusable
- Forgot to mention in original patch notes:
-- Fixed an issue where the swapping logic was causing AI lockups
- Pecunia Mart is open for business! Head to Exile Isle to check it out.
-- Buy / Sell / Trade! Great Deals! For Pecunia, not you!
-- Reintroduced Soul Currency into the game
--- Souls will be earned when you defeat enemies in combat instead of capturing them
-- Excess gear can be sold at the store for Souls
-- The store's inventory is randomized each time you enter, but each restock will have:
--- 15 Rank 1 Generics
--- 10 Rank 2 Generics
--- 5 Rank 3 Generics
- Corrupting Lust has been changed back to Seduction
-- You will no longer trigger animations during combat
-- Killing opponents when Seduction is active will instead activate a capture sequence
-- At the end of combat, you will receive a # of stars reflecting the number of units captured
--- After the Victory! overlay, a Prisoners of War interface will load
---- You can activate select animations depending on the number of stars earned
----- The Summon tab has been temporarily disabled until I update it for all the animation changes
--- Certain animations have had dialogue sequences added to them
--- New animations have been made for all enemy types rank 1 and rank 2
--- POV animations have been changed to rank 3 rewards
- Added Royal Path Combat Level
- Added Royal Gate Combat Level
- Fixed a bug where "Empty" runes were showing up when you sent units to chant
- Touched up Victory screen and and made some dialogue changes
- Runeforging is now in the game
-- Once you have beaten Vanorel, you will unlock the Runeforge tab on Exile island
-- Combine any 10 runes to receive a new rune
--- The element will be randomly selected from the material provided
---- For example:
----- 10 Earth runes = 100% Earth chance
----- 8 Earth runes, 2 Water runes = 80% Earth chance, 20% Water chance
----- 3 Earth, 3 Water, 3 Fire, 1 Air = 30% Earth, 30% Water, 30% Fire, 10% Air
----- etc
--- The rank of the rune will be one higher than a randomly selected material
---- For example:
----- 10 Rank 1 runes = 100% Rank 2 chance
----- 8 Rank 1 runes, 2 rank 2 runes = 80% Rank 2 chance, 20% Rank 3 chance
----- 4 Rank 1 runes, 6 rank 2 runes = 40% Rank 2 chance, 60% Rank 3 chance
----- Exception: if any of the 10 are Rank 3, the result will always be Rank 3.
- If you send a unit to Chant with a rune equipped, it will automatically unequip the rune and put it back in your inventory
- Runeforge interface ignores currently equipped runes, it will only look at runes in your inventory for material
- Changed the priority of the "Flee" button - should the game lock up, this should let you escape the combat without resetting the game
- Made an adjustment that will hopefully alleviate the AI lock ups (I am picking up on the scent)
- Added Esurian event animations
- Added The Blood Path combat level
- Updated the Hive battle after the events of the Comb
- Reworked the script behind events and how they run
-- This will be transparent to you, not sure why I even mention it
- Added Unique Scout item reward for completing The Waystation
- Added Unique Fighter item reward for completing The Comb
- Other bug fixes
-- Still can't find that damn lockup issue. Going crazy with this one.
- Added Esurien units to the game
- Added The Comb combat level
- Added a new Victory Screen after combat
-- There will now be a splash at the end of combat that shows how many units, runes, gear you acquired
-- Gear has been randomized as a reward
-- Rune chance hasn't changed
-- Units will be naked now when you get them
--- Gear/Runes acquired will go to your inventory (no longer pre-equipped)
- Beating Vanorel will give you a handful of rank 2 equipment and rank 1 runes
- Vanorel/Pecunia/Bridgette are now locked/unlocked in the gallery based on your story progress
- reverted Vanorel's tower repeat to the regular combat sequence
-- fixed a bug that was making the game spaz out when you tried to replay it
- other small bug fixes
- Added Mechiza units to the game
- Added Mechiza Event Animation
- Began Chapter 6: Hold the Line
-- Added The Phase combat level
--- Added the Mechiza special ability Nanite Cloud: Poisons all enemies on the field and Regens all allies
-- Added The Waystation combat level
--- Pecunia is taking to the field! Sometimes you just have to do your own dirty work...
--- Added the Mechiza special ability Over Load: Sets all active units health/attack to 99/99
-- Added The Mech Gate combat level
--- Rank 2 armor rewards available for captured units past this point
- Fixed a bug where Eva wasn't receiving herhealth attack bonus for chanting units
- Changed the way AI picks units for mid field / defensive combat
-- Shouldn't see as much ERMAHERD MAGE SPAM
--- I mean, it is possible, but much much less likely now
-- Scouts and Healers should pop up more often
- Reverted completed Starlit Tower to the pre-Vanorel battle for access to Light Runes
- Updated Illosa Event Animation
- Updated Gorger Event Animation
-- Temporarily unlocked Pecunia and Vanorel in the gallery for testing
- Fixed bug where enemies would use the wrong animation during a poison proc
- Changed the AI so that it will use special abilities after new enemies have been summoned
- Updated Hive Drone Event Animation
- Fixed a display bug where Shadow Forest area information was switched
- Added a map for The Wastes
- Vanorel's animation is now in the game
-- I haven't added it to the gallery yet, so temporarily you can repeat her fight at the Starlit tower
-- Eventually this will be flipped back to the rune fight
6/27 Part 2
- Unit sorting is now available in the army menu
-- Sort by Class, Type, Rune, or Squad Position
-- Clicking the button again will sort descending if you want to flip the list
- Fixed a bug when units would get stuck in Move animation after their turn ended
- Changed the way the combat timer was running to hopefully fix special skill animation "looping"
-- Some people might see graphic improvements as well
- Changed sex animations back to single click
-- Removed "speed" cycling since it wasn't really working anyways
-- There will be changes coming to sex animations and how they work in the future
--- Drone/Illu Rank 2, Bridgette Rank 2, Vanorel Scenes will be added in future update
- Updated map information tooltips to properly reflect Rune gain and % chances
-- Increased rune gain % on most maps
- Fixed a bug where you could duplicate units in your squad when sending one to Chant
- Fixed bug where exile unit list scroll buttons weren't working
- Fixed graphics bug where units moving multiple squares would "hitch" between moving and idle animations
- Other misc graphic and bug fixes
-- Had to break your saves to fix the squad bug, sorry
-- Keep em coming
- Exile Isle is now open for business
-- Changed "Return to Base" to "Send to Chant"
-- Removing units from your Army listing will now send them to Exile Isle
-- Eva and your troops will receive health an attack bonuses depending on how many and which troops are chanting
-- You can return units to your Army at any time
- Warning: Rune forging isn't done, so you will lose the rune on any unit you exile
-- I would suggest unequipping them for now
- Fixed a bug with Eva Scout ability Blitz
-- Should do proper damage now and not hit for 0 when at the end of a sequence
- Flee works on the Vanorel fight
- You can now set the Flash Quality on the title and world maps
- Fixed a bug where Eva was receiving 9999 health after using Last Stand
- Added a "Flee" button to the combat interface, which will fail the battle
- Changed Blitz (Scout Eva) to only deal 200% to non-boss targets (100% to bosses)
- Eva now has her own tab in the Army menu
-- You can select which class she will go into battle as
--- Tank, Fighter, Scout, Healer, Mage
---- Her class abilities with description will be listed
- Vanorel fight is now live
-- Since it is the first boss fight, I took it easy on you
-- Boss combat works unique from regular combat
--- You control Eva and the unit tabs are replaced with ability tabs
--- Same mana rules apply, except you will always generate 2 each turn (as there is no unit death)
--- Eva can move freely around the board (back, forward, left right) as long as she has movement left
---- Amount of movement depends on class (Tank 2, Fighter 2, Scout 3, Healer 1, Mage 1)
----- You can use the "Reset" button to reset any movements you have done, they wont lock in until you begin combat
---- Unlike units, Eva does not auto attack, you have to select an ability to use or she will not take action
----- You can use the "Cancel" button to back out of a selected ability
-- I am sure there are a lot of bugs since I basically rebuilt the entire combat system
--- I am looking for feedback on the following:
---- Were you able to beat Vanorel with all classes?
---- What seemed overpowered? What seem underpowered?
---- Did you find the fight difficult? (I thought it was really easy)
---- Bugs, bugs, bugs!
- I will do a maintenance patch next, so make sure you keep the bug reports coming, you gave me a good to do list so far
- Enemy Bosses will now charge and use their special abilities
-- Bridgette: Judgement: Deals 3 damage to all enemy units
-- Illu Tank: Crystal Ward: Makes all friendly units invulnerable for 1 turn
-- Illu Healer: Crystal Blessing: Restores all friendly units to max health
- Fixed a display bug with ability durations in the info description
- Added the Drone v Illu Rank 2 animation (whoops it was missing)
- Tuned down the Break
-- Enemy units will now only have a 50% chance to spawn with protect
- Fixed a bug where nekkid units initiating a scene would spaz out
- Other tweaks/fixes
- Fixed bug with mage's impact and protect
- Added a Squad indicator to the Army Unit List
-- Squad Captain will be marked with 3 stars
-- Squad Leaders will be marked with 2 stars
-- Squad Members will be marked with 1 star
- Added Class/Type restrictions to squad composition
-- You can only have 2 of the same type/class combination in your squad
-- ie: 2 gorger mages and 2 hive mages for 4 mages total is okay
-- ie: 4 hive mages for 4 mages total is not allowed
- Added chapter segues
- Added functionality for unique items that are better than the rank default
-- "Crystal Ward" rank 2 tank unique will be awarded the first time you clear The Break
-- "Crystal Heart" rank 2 healer unique will be awarded the first time you clear Shadefall
- Bug patches
-- Improved AI sequencing logic to help prevent lock ups
-- Fixed buff durations, they should now last for the described durations
--- The spell effects associated with the buff/debuff should now properly wear off at the end of the correct turn
---- You should be able to trust the state of the field buff/debuff animations during your prep phase
-- Fixed a display bug where the spell descriptions were showing the incorrect duration
-- Fixed a bug where the AI would shift through player units and not respect their blocking authoritai
-- Fixed a display bug where the special bar was not reflecting the correct charge
--- This resulted in slightly faster charging (5 turns)
-- Fixed a bug with Beezy's Jealous Rage ability not charging for a turn or two after use
-- Fixed a bug where Curse wasn't negating Protect (and visa versa)
--- Fixed a bug where splash damage hitting a protected unit didn't have its damage reduced
---- Note: if the main target has protect and the splash damage hits an unprotected target for 0, this is not a bug
----- Impact does splash damage for 50% of the damage the main target RECEIVES, not the damage the attacker is capable of
- Added Vanorel to the game files
- Changed Save/Load logic to better handle arrays and not accidentally auto save
- Fixed enemy locking after using Beezy's special (or anytime all three starter spaces were used)
- I believe I fixed the shift/attack bug - keep an eye out for it
- Added smarter shifting logic to the AI
-- The AI should now defensively shift if one of your units is in striking range and it is capable of blocking
-- The AI should now pick shift if they are lined up and switching rows will let them advance
- misc touch ups
5/27 part II
- Fixed unit spamming on the tutorial
- I believe I finally fixed all the stall out bugs from the AI - let me know if you still see this occurring
-- best case, take a screenshot and post it in this thread if the AI stalls out on you so I can get an idea of what it was thinking at the time
- You can now save your game! Yay! Just click "Save" on the world map, then the Title Continue should load you back up
- If your mouse has a middle wheel, it should scroll through the inventory screens now
- You can now order units not in your squad to "Return to Base"
-- This will do something later, for now it removes them from your inventory
-- You can't have less than 3 units in your inventory
-- You can't remove units assigned to your squad
- moar bug fixes
-- fixed the first level
-- enemy AI should summon the correct number of units now
-- protect will now negate splash damage
-- other misc bugs
- Crystal Forest stage 2 tuned
-- added conversion scene for the illu tank upon victory
- Crystal Forest stage 3 tuned
-- Beezy is taking the field! This is a unique battle with specials to prep the code for the Vanorel fight
-- added conversion scene between illu tank and healer upon victory
-- plot plot plot
- keep up the good work bug checking
- will implement save game data since the story is far enough along in the next update
-- for now, the continue button is disabled and will just start a new game
- minor bug fixes
- Crystal Forest stage 1 tuned down
- Crystal Forest stage 2 added
-- plot plot plot
- Added status effect information to the overlay
-- Overlay will now show the remaining turns left on any given status effect the character is under
- Winning the current plot battle shouldn't break the map anymore
- Fixed map text errors
- sex events should now take a few clicks to clear through
-- animations should speed up as you continue
- other misc tweaks
- Fixed a bug where units in your squad wouldn't reflect gear changes
- Increased Tank health bonus
-- Rank 1 - 6 -> 10
-- Rank 2 - 8 -> 13
-- Rank 3 - 10 -> 16
- Added an old friend to the game files
- Map mouse hovers will now show units that can be captured and rune/gear chance
-- when you convert a unit, by default it will convert to a rank 1 version of itself
--- there will be a random % chance that it will come with a rune or gear equipped as shown in the mouseover
- Small random tweaks here and there
- Added the Crystal Forest
-- Plot plot plot
- Misc bug fixes - keep em coming
- Starting to build the story
-- Dialogue skip button temporarily removed due to reasons
--- if you hit Continue Game, it will skip you past the intro battle
- Added new race: Illosa
-- While you won't encounter any on the field yet, I gave you one in your army to play with
- Added Bridgette to the game files
- Added Pecunia to the game files
- Updated the summoning chambers so it will use the boss character you select for Male/Male threesomes
- Fixed various reported bugs (thanks guys, keep them coming!)
- Stage 2 has been tuned down to be more in line with with the fact it is STAGE 2
-- AI unit max and playable max have been lowered
-- AI spells removed
edit - whoops fixed an inventory bug
- Also, changed the way the preloader works. Is it working?
- Created tutorial level
-- Stage 2 is now the combat test
- fixed a bug where removing a rune would destroy it
- fixed a bug where the summon chambers weren't working
- Added gear/equipment menu
-- All yer dudes are naked, so I highly recommend going to the Army menu and equipping them!
-- I supplied one of each piece of equipment and rank, so combo away
- fixed a display bug with Flare
- fixed a bug where your captains weren't getting their 50% starting hand chance
- fixed a bug where your unit list was transparent if you exited while in squad editing
- changed the Army menu so that the selected unit stays active when toggling between info and equipment
5/5 part2
- Added gallery mode
-- go to the the "Summon" tab in your Army window
-- selecting the units you want to participate, then hit "summon"
-- Eva/Beezy selection doesn't do anything yet
- fixed a display bug in the overlay for movement and range
- fixed a display bug on the grid where the available target/movement spots would overlap into the next row
- added enemy skills and skill ranks
-- enjoy getting your ass kicked (temporarily) reactivated player skills
- fixed a bug where the AI would shift through your units (it should be blocked)
- made swapping AI a bit smarter
- added in a brief movement slide to swapping animations to make it more clear which unit is going where
- added a skip button to dialogue
5/5 part1
- made the AI smarter
-- added offensive lane switching
- capped the number of AI units to 15 (fair is fair, I guess)
- added 2 new Drone vs Drone animations for ranks 1 and 2
- added dialogue framework and story intro
- added basic units in preparation for gear
- fixed bug where mana wasn't updating correctly
- started to build the game AI, it should be moderately smarter now
- added the info section to the Army menu
- added unit descriptions to the Army menu
- added variable sex animations based on the rank (mana cost) of the attacker
-- right now it is just functional on the Gorger vs Drone animation set as I haven't gotten around to making the others
--- added 2 new Gorger vs Drone animations for ranks 1 and 2
--- added 2 new Drone vs Gorger animations for ranks 1 and 2
--- added 1 new Gorger vs Gorger for rank 2
- temporarily made Corrupting Lust permanent (instead of one turn) to test animation changes
- added two additional sex animations
- added Hive Drones back to the random starting pool
- changed the Army Unit menu so it would be easier to distinguish different units
- sex animations should now reflect the classes involved
- changed army interface so you can't exit without having a squad of at least 3
- temporarily disabled the "Items" tab since it was causing issues not implemented
- fixed a bug where the last card in your hand would get deleted when the enemy summoned a monster
- added unit movement and attack range to the overlay
- added Squad setup in the Army menu
-- increased starting units to 30
-- Army -> squad will allow you to select up to 15 combat units to use
--- your captain unit has 100% chance of being in your hand when combat begins
--- one of your two lead units will be in your hand when combat begins (50%)
- randomized ranks just so there would be some versatile mana values to play around with
- *fixed a bug where the sex intro would spaz out when multiple enemies were killed
-- as a side effect of the fix, only death by regular attack will trigger a scene (no poison, flare, impact deaths)
- *quick fix to a bug that wouldn't let you use Corrupting Lust after the turn it became available
- added combat sex functionality
- Eva's lust bar will fill over the course of 5 turns
- Once full, you can trigger her special ability Corrupting Lust
-- While Corrupting Lust is active (1 turn) any enemy units defeated will trigger a scene
-- This will later be used to acquire new units and equipement once I have the Army interface complete
- added the bones for the army interface
- changed a few ui items
- added Eva and Beez to stand in as initial captains
- fixed bug related to dying while under the effect of poison
- cleaned up some stuff
- edit: fixed a bug where direct damage skills (thunderstorm/flare) would break the game when landing a killing blow
- All skills should now be functioning properly
-- boost skills don't stack, but will just refresh the duration
--- however group and single target buffs/debuffs will stack
-- poison and regen effects will occur at the end of the units turn (regen first)
--- poison and regen are not impacted by protect/vulnerability
-- changed aegis to heal
-- changed rallycry/heal to recover health up to max instead of increasing max
-- attack debuffs cannot reduce the target below 0
- Added unit skill effects
- Added combat selector for skills
-- Poison, Regen, Protect, and Vulnerability should leave lasting effects
- no actual stat changes associated with skills yet
- Added overworld map
- Added shadow forest map
- Added basic combat structure
-- Combat is very buggy because there are a few components missing still
-- (such as units dying
- units can die now
- tweaked combat animations
- added basic combat effects
- added markers with overlay to make move and attack ranges clearer
- rotated status bars to make the UI less interrupty with the game grid
- Added Gorger combat units
- Added Hive Drone combat units
- Added class abilities
- Added basic AI
- Finished Gorger Redesign
- Finished Hive Drone Redesign
- Finished Bovos Design
- Added Shavees animation event
-- Buffed Shavees stats slightly and made the AI preference spawning 2 and 3 star units
-- This isn't retroactive, you will have to complete the mission again to unlock
- Boosted various hero stats to make them more heroic
-- Bobaksuez, VLAD//ROM, and Vintabas all received health boosts
-- Jurrassa and Photovol received attack boosts
- Fixed a bug where X Rank units weren't being removed from Chanting properly
- Tweaked in a few more combat optimizations
- Fixed a bug where toggling the mission menu after resetting missions would cause it to spaz out
- Fixed a bug where Lucky had Vanorel's special description
- Fixed a

11/10 part II
- Fixed a bug where a nekkid unit mission would result in an "empty" gear reward
- Added Shavees units and boss
- Added Shavees combat level
-- Now you can see what Somna is bitching about!
-- Excellent completion of a specific mission will auto trigger the battle
-- The even animation isn't done, but it should be obvious what it will be
- Mission rewards are now in the game:
-- Excellent rating missions:
--- +4 corruption and one of the following:
---- 10,000 Souls
---- 50,000 Souls
---- Rank 2 Runes
---- Rank 3 Runes
---- Rank 3 Gear
---- New Convert Units(Chance to get advanced units like Bovos early!)
---- Barkeep Admiration
-- Adequate rating missions:
--- +2 corruption
--- 1,000 Souls
-- Failure rating missions:
--- +1 corruption
- The Barkeep now has her own animation sets
-- There are three missions that will unlock her events
- Fixed a bug where you would receive blank units from the Jurr fight.
-- mousing over the special icon in combat will give a SMALL description of the ability
- Other tweaks and fixes
- Fixed a bug where you would lose units by repeatedly selecting them for missions
- Reduced the health and unit pool of the Photovol fight
- Missions are now available at the Tavern
-- Missions are a way to increase your corruption for non-squad units
-- Other bonuses will be added later
-- Each mission is designed for a certain Class and Type of unit
--- The success rate of the mission depends on how close you got to the correct match
---- Failure: Neither class nor type match (Corruption +1)
---- Adequate: Either class or type match (Corruption +2)
---- Excellent: Both class and type match (Corruption +4)
-- Once activated, missions will complete automatically after two battles
-- Each mission slot can be reset / rerolled once per battle
--- A battle victory will reset the reroll option for all inactive mission slots
-- Upon reroll/completion, the game will attempt to spawn missions you haven't seen yet
--- If that isn't an option (you have seen them all), it will reset and cycle randomly through them again
-- Chanting Units, Hero Units, and Squad Assigned Units do not qualify for missions
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the Jurr fight from triggering
-- The error was with units pulled from chanting
-- Your units are still bugged (this wont be a retro fix)
--- cycling them in and out of chant or equipping / removing a rune should fix them
- Added Hero animations
- Fixed a bug causing blank runes to fill your inventory (again)
- Fixed a bug causing units captured by direct damage having negative health
-- ie: Voodoo, Flare, Thunderstorm, etc
-- This change is point forward so any borked units just pop over to chant to fix
- Tweaked the summon menu a bit to properly show previews for icons
- Quality of Life changes round 2:
-- Chanting Inventory will now group units by Type/Class/Rank
-- Page up / Page down / Page End / Page Beginning buttons added to inventory screens
- Fixed bugs with new chanting mechanic that was creating blank runes / removing runes from inventory
- Fixed a bug where equipping a rune would create a "blank" rune item in your inventory
- Significant stat overhaul (yes your saves had to be wiped)
-- In order to reduce difficulty spikeyness overall health values have increased
-- Unit Type will now have an impact on base stats to encourage variety:
--- Gorger base stats changed to 2/4
--- Mechiza base stats changed to 1/6
--- Phasmos base stats changed to 3/2
--- Drone base stats changed to 3/2
--- Illosa base stats changed to 2/4
--- Esurian base stats changed to 1/6
--- Bovos base stats changed to 2/6
---- (Bovos got some extra love since you don't get them until the very end of the game)
-- Corruption level stats
--- Rank 0: 0/0
--- Rank 1: 0/1
--- Rank 2: 1/1
--- Rank 3: 1/2
-- Rank 1, 2, 3 and X equipment values changed accordingly
--- Healers should now give you more bang for your buck
-- Chanting values updated:
--- Rank 1: Mana 2: 1/2
--- Rank 2: Mana 3: 1/2
--- Rank 3: Mana 4: 2/4
--- Rank 4: Mana X: 0/2
- Started making some quality of life changes
-- Now when you click "send to chant" a new window will pop up allowing you to select the class
--- The game will scan your inventory and equip the unit with the lowest rank of gear for that class
--- Runes will still be removed
--- This change means naked units can no longer be sent (not that they did anything anyway)
--- Overall this change will keep you from having to manually re-equip and click through 50 things
---- Just pick the class you want to send them as and go!
-- Reduced the required amount of runes for Runeforging from 10 to 5
-- The same odds calculations apply, you would just get 20% chance per type vs 10% previously
- Changed the way saves work so you can't just rename the file to use old data
- Added The Hand combat level
- Added The Eye combat level
-- Finally, you can capture Bovos!
- Slayer Bobaksuez is now in the game!
- Lady Vintabas is now in the game!
-- These two final heroes' rumors will emerge after The Black Gate and The Eye, respectively
- More bugs, optimizations, blah blah
- We are nearing the end, folks
-- After I figure out what I want to do with hero animation we will get into the "misc cleanup" phase, then that's it!
-- So get your feedback in now - quality of life, general input, etc etc
- Added The Mouth combat level
- Finished Bovos Event Animations
- Finished remaining hero units
-- Fights will come in the next update
- More combat optimizations
- Fixed a bug where Vanorel's Gravity would lock up the game
- Other misc bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that was preventing boss fights from executing properly
- More combat optimizations
- Bug fixes
-- Weaker runes should no longer overwrite stronger runes
-- Boss specials should always replace rune effects (even if they happen to be weaker (which is rare))
-- AI units shouldn't defensively swap through player units anymore
-- AI units shouldn't offensively swap through player units anymore
-- other small fixes you probably won't notice
- Fickle as ever, the Mask Spirits have changed Lucky's Voodoo power again!
-- Instead of switching 5hp or 5atk depending on which was higher, Voodoo will always switch 5hp for 5atk
--- this means if the unit targeted has less than 5 hp, it will die
- Added Demon's Claw
-- Added The Ear combat level
- Added Bovos animations
-- Added Bovos 1/2 star events
- Chef Jurassa is now in the game!
- I made a large change to the way units are called into battle
-- Let me know if this helps some of the performance issues described
- Somna awaits Eva in the Eternal Dream
-- She is a bit overtuned right now
-- I doubt many of you will be able to beat her as is
-- Please give me feedback as to what you found most difficult about her
-- Added Somna event animation
- Added Eternal Dream combat level
- Added Black Gate combat level
- Misc bug fixes
- Added The Blight
-- Added Twilight Gate combat level
-- Added Slumber Path combat level
-- Added Wither Wander combat level
- Added Phasmos units and events
- Fixed a bug where the health loss from Lucky's Voodoo was carried out of battle
- Fixed other bugs mentioned (there were a bunch, I forget which ones)
- The Mask Spirits have reviewed Lucky's power and deemed it to good
-- Lucky's Voodoo will now only swap up to 5 of the target's health and attack
-- Non-PC Lucky's Voodoo remains unchanged (Boss ability)
-- If health swaps below the previous max, it is set as the new max
- Fixed a bug where Mage Eva could land teleport in an occupied grid space (barrels/Pecunia)
- Fixed a bug where Tank Eva could land slam in an occupied grid space (barrels/Pecunia)
- Fixed a bug where the Summon Hero icons were mapped incorrectly
- Fixed an animation bug in the Gorger 1-Star scene
- Fixed a bug where Pecunia's regeneration dialogue would spam infinitely
- VLAD//ROM has entered the game
-- 10/2 scouts getting you down? VLAD//ROM has the cure
-- Boasting 25 health and a strong defensive ability, VLAD//ROM will be welcome in any party
- Pecunia decided that she wasn't hard enough
-- Fixed a bug where her dash wasn't hitting the back row
--- No more hiding in your blue squares
-- She now prioritizes Whirlwind over Dash
--- Whirlwind can't be blocked, but a 2 turn cooldown has been added
--- Watch your distance!
- Temporarily disabled the hero animations in summon menu
-- They "unlock" but will be blank until I resolve a bug
- Added Blightwall South
- Added Sand Gate
- Pecunia's plans have been forced to a head, and she is ready to execute her final stratagem
-- I feel like I might have because I changed the way Hero victory's were handled
-- But I don't think I did? I am really not sure
--- Sorry if so.
- I didn't! Yay!
- Increased Vinara's health to 750
- Fixed a bug where Scout Eva's Dash skill wasn't breaking barrels
- Fixed a bug where Scout Eva's Blitz skill wasn't properly breaking barrels
-- Note: when Blitz destroys a barrel, Eva will not receive the buff/damage; this is by design
-- Eva will only get hit by the splash AoE if her original position before Blitz was next to a barrel that was destroyed
- Added post-combat dialogue with Vinara
- Fixed a bug where starting Hero battles would crash the game (100% screen of death)
- Fixed a bug where Hero battles wouldn't properly load even though the trigger conditions were met
- Vinara is ready to kick Eva in the tits
-- Bring aspirin.
- Fixed a bug where a unit's bonding with Eva would exceed rank 4
- After the events at the Blightwall North, you can use the Army menu to check in on Beezelba
- North Pass added
- Blightwall North added
- Blightwall Gate added
- Fixed bug where dark runes were being lost when re-equipping
- Madam Photovol has joined the game!
-- Rumors of her whereabouts should start to surface sometime after Vanorel's conversion
- Eva's special ability now comes with an effect determined by her class
-- Tank: Blind Desire: All enemy units are taunted for two turns
-- Fighter: Penetration: All enemy units takes 2 additional damage for two turns
-- Scout: Toxic Lust: All enemy units are poisoned for 2 damage for two turns
-- Healer: Sexual Healing: All ally units regen 4 health for two turns
-- Mage: Lust Guard: All ally units take 4 less damage for two turns
- Fixed spelling errors on info tab
- Modified the way souls were granted in combat so that non-captured units should properly be awarded
- Fixed bug where Lucky's Voodoo icon wasn't appearing during his combat
- Fixed a bug where base drones attack animation wasn't playing
- Fixed a bug where you could capture your own units
- other misc fixes
- Master Ioshia is now in the game
-- Rumors of her arrival should surface sometime after clearing The Break
- Poison, Flare, Thunderstorm, and Impact deaths should now capture units
- Fixed bug where clicking on The Wastes background would take you to Death Reach
- Gallery is available again via the Summon menu
-- You can review any animations that you have unlocked during regular play
- The game now has its first Unique Hero: High Mystic Lucky
-- At certain points in the story, special battles will become available
-- When these battles are available, the Bartender will have a rumor that gives a clue on how to trigger the battle
--- Win the special battle, and the Hero unit is yours!
- Hero units come equipped with unique gear and runes giving them stats and abilities unavailable to regular units
-- Hero units cannot have their equipment and runes removed nor be sent to chant
- Squad units should now properly get their combat bonuses when strengthening their Binding Rank
-- Reduced the total bonus from 1/4 to 1/2
--- 1: 0/0 2: 0/1 3: 1/1 4: 1/2
-- But also reduced the amount of XP needed to gain rank
-- Since I am being NICE and not deleting your saves, you might need to swap them in and out to update your old game data
- Tavern framework put in place
- Units now have a Binding Rank to Eva that reflects how closely the two are bonded
-- There are four total ranks, each conferring stat bonuses (stacks with chant):
--- Rank 1: Enslaved Convert; Fresh off the cock; +0/+0
--- Rank 2: Willing Servant; They desire to serve without compulsion; +0/+2
--- Rank 3: Active Corrupter: They are now a conduit for Eva's power; +1/+2
--- Rank 4: Cohort Succubi: The bond with Eva has become permanent; +1/+4
-- Units that participate in the squad will gain bond strength after combat victory
-- You can check a Unit's current Binding Rank on the Info tab of the Army menu
--- Yes this is just unit exp in a fancy package
- Pecunia Mart will now properly sell and buy according to the listed soul price
-- I swear I wasn't going to delete your saves, but she showed up at my house with a knife
- Fixed a bug where level 1 training was rewarding Rank 2 equipment
- Quick fix to bug where changing Eva's class or sending units to Chant would break the store and cause your soul count to spaz out and become unusable
- Forgot to mention in original patch notes:
-- Fixed an issue where the swapping logic was causing AI lockups
- Pecunia Mart is open for business! Head to Exile Isle to check it out.
-- Buy / Sell / Trade! Great Deals! For Pecunia, not you!
-- Reintroduced Soul Currency into the game
--- Souls will be earned when you defeat enemies in combat instead of capturing them
-- Excess gear can be sold at the store for Souls
-- The store's inventory is randomized each time you enter, but each restock will have:
--- 15 Rank 1 Generics
--- 10 Rank 2 Generics
--- 5 Rank 3 Generics
- Corrupting Lust has been changed back to Seduction
-- You will no longer trigger animations during combat
-- Killing opponents when Seduction is active will instead activate a capture sequence
-- At the end of combat, you will receive a # of stars reflecting the number of units captured
--- After the Victory! overlay, a Prisoners of War interface will load
---- You can activate select animations depending on the number of stars earned
----- The Summon tab has been temporarily disabled until I update it for all the animation changes
--- Certain animations have had dialogue sequences added to them
--- New animations have been made for all enemy types rank 1 and rank 2
--- POV animations have been changed to rank 3 rewards
- Added Royal Path Combat Level
- Added Royal Gate Combat Level
- Fixed a bug where "Empty" runes were showing up when you sent units to chant
- Touched up Victory screen and and made some dialogue changes
- Runeforging is now in the game
-- Once you have beaten Vanorel, you will unlock the Runeforge tab on Exile island
-- Combine any 10 runes to receive a new rune
--- The element will be randomly selected from the material provided
---- For example:
----- 10 Earth runes = 100% Earth chance
----- 8 Earth runes, 2 Water runes = 80% Earth chance, 20% Water chance
----- 3 Earth, 3 Water, 3 Fire, 1 Air = 30% Earth, 30% Water, 30% Fire, 10% Air
----- etc
--- The rank of the rune will be one higher than a randomly selected material
---- For example:
----- 10 Rank 1 runes = 100% Rank 2 chance
----- 8 Rank 1 runes, 2 rank 2 runes = 80% Rank 2 chance, 20% Rank 3 chance
----- 4 Rank 1 runes, 6 rank 2 runes = 40% Rank 2 chance, 60% Rank 3 chance
----- Exception: if any of the 10 are Rank 3, the result will always be Rank 3.
- If you send a unit to Chant with a rune equipped, it will automatically unequip the rune and put it back in your inventory
- Runeforge interface ignores currently equipped runes, it will only look at runes in your inventory for material
- Changed the priority of the "Flee" button - should the game lock up, this should let you escape the combat without resetting the game
- Made an adjustment that will hopefully alleviate the AI lock ups (I am picking up on the scent)
- Added Esurian event animations
- Added The Blood Path combat level
- Updated the Hive battle after the events of the Comb
- Reworked the script behind events and how they run
-- This will be transparent to you, not sure why I even mention it
- Added Unique Scout item reward for completing The Waystation
- Added Unique Fighter item reward for completing The Comb
- Other bug fixes
-- Still can't find that damn lockup issue. Going crazy with this one.
- Added Esurien units to the game
- Added The Comb combat level
- Added a new Victory Screen after combat
-- There will now be a splash at the end of combat that shows how many units, runes, gear you acquired
-- Gear has been randomized as a reward
-- Rune chance hasn't changed
-- Units will be naked now when you get them
--- Gear/Runes acquired will go to your inventory (no longer pre-equipped)
- Beating Vanorel will give you a handful of rank 2 equipment and rank 1 runes
- Vanorel/Pecunia/Bridgette are now locked/unlocked in the gallery based on your story progress
- reverted Vanorel's tower repeat to the regular combat sequence
-- fixed a bug that was making the game spaz out when you tried to replay it
- other small bug fixes
- Added Mechiza units to the game
- Added Mechiza Event Animation
- Began Chapter 6: Hold the Line
-- Added The Phase combat level
--- Added the Mechiza special ability Nanite Cloud: Poisons all enemies on the field and Regens all allies
-- Added The Waystation combat level
--- Pecunia is taking to the field! Sometimes you just have to do your own dirty work...
--- Added the Mechiza special ability Over Load: Sets all active units health/attack to 99/99
-- Added The Mech Gate combat level
--- Rank 2 armor rewards available for captured units past this point
- Fixed a bug where Eva wasn't receiving her
- Changed the way AI picks units for mid field / defensive combat
-- Shouldn't see as much ERMAHERD MAGE SPAM
--- I mean, it is possible, but much much less likely now
-- Scouts and Healers should pop up more often
- Reverted completed Starlit Tower to the pre-Vanorel battle for access to Light Runes
- Updated Illosa Event Animation
- Updated Gorger Event Animation
-- Temporarily unlocked Pecunia and Vanorel in the gallery for testing
- Fixed bug where enemies would use the wrong animation during a poison proc
- Changed the AI so that it will use special abilities after new enemies have been summoned
- Updated Hive Drone Event Animation
- Fixed a display bug where Shadow Forest area information was switched
- Added a map for The Wastes
- Vanorel's animation is now in the game
-- I haven't added it to the gallery yet, so temporarily you can repeat her fight at the Starlit tower
-- Eventually this will be flipped back to the rune fight
6/27 Part 2
- Unit sorting is now available in the army menu
-- Sort by Class, Type, Rune, or Squad Position
-- Clicking the button again will sort descending if you want to flip the list
- Fixed a bug when units would get stuck in Move animation after their turn ended
- Changed the way the combat timer was running to hopefully fix special skill animation "looping"
-- Some people might see graphic improvements as well
- Changed sex animations back to single click
-- Removed "speed" cycling since it wasn't really working anyways
-- There will be changes coming to sex animations and how they work in the future
--- Drone/Illu Rank 2, Bridgette Rank 2, Vanorel Scenes will be added in future update
- Updated map information tooltips to properly reflect Rune gain and % chances
-- Increased rune gain % on most maps
- Fixed a bug where you could duplicate units in your squad when sending one to Chant
- Fixed bug where exile unit list scroll buttons weren't working
- Fixed graphics bug where units moving multiple squares would "hitch" between moving and idle animations
- Other misc graphic and bug fixes
-- Had to break your saves to fix the squad bug, sorry

-- Keep em coming
- Exile Isle is now open for business
-- Changed "Return to Base" to "Send to Chant"
-- Removing units from your Army listing will now send them to Exile Isle
-- Eva and your troops will receive health an attack bonuses depending on how many and which troops are chanting
-- You can return units to your Army at any time
- Warning: Rune forging isn't done, so you will lose the rune on any unit you exile
-- I would suggest unequipping them for now
- Fixed a bug with Eva Scout ability Blitz
-- Should do proper damage now and not hit for 0 when at the end of a sequence
- Flee works on the Vanorel fight
- You can now set the Flash Quality on the title and world maps
- Fixed a bug where Eva was receiving 9999 health after using Last Stand
- Added a "Flee" button to the combat interface, which will fail the battle
- Changed Blitz (Scout Eva) to only deal 200% to non-boss targets (100% to bosses)
- Eva now has her own tab in the Army menu
-- You can select which class she will go into battle as
--- Tank, Fighter, Scout, Healer, Mage
---- Her class abilities with description will be listed
- Vanorel fight is now live
-- Since it is the first boss fight, I took it easy on you
-- Boss combat works unique from regular combat
--- You control Eva and the unit tabs are replaced with ability tabs
--- Same mana rules apply, except you will always generate 2 each turn (as there is no unit death)
--- Eva can move freely around the board (back, forward, left right) as long as she has movement left
---- Amount of movement depends on class (Tank 2, Fighter 2, Scout 3, Healer 1, Mage 1)
----- You can use the "Reset" button to reset any movements you have done, they wont lock in until you begin combat
---- Unlike units, Eva does not auto attack, you have to select an ability to use or she will not take action
----- You can use the "Cancel" button to back out of a selected ability
-- I am sure there are a lot of bugs since I basically rebuilt the entire combat system
--- I am looking for feedback on the following:
---- Were you able to beat Vanorel with all classes?
---- What seemed overpowered? What seem underpowered?
---- Did you find the fight difficult? (I thought it was really easy)
---- Bugs, bugs, bugs!
- I will do a maintenance patch next, so make sure you keep the bug reports coming, you gave me a good to do list so far
- Enemy Bosses will now charge and use their special abilities
-- Bridgette: Judgement: Deals 3 damage to all enemy units
-- Illu Tank: Crystal Ward: Makes all friendly units invulnerable for 1 turn
-- Illu Healer: Crystal Blessing: Restores all friendly units to max health
- Fixed a display bug with ability durations in the info description
- Added the Drone v Illu Rank 2 animation (whoops it was missing)
- Tuned down the Break
-- Enemy units will now only have a 50% chance to spawn with protect
- Fixed a bug where nekkid units initiating a scene would spaz out
- Other tweaks/fixes
- Fixed bug with mage's impact and protect
- Added a Squad indicator to the Army Unit List
-- Squad Captain will be marked with 3 stars
-- Squad Leaders will be marked with 2 stars
-- Squad Members will be marked with 1 star
- Added Class/Type restrictions to squad composition
-- You can only have 2 of the same type/class combination in your squad
-- ie: 2 gorger mages and 2 hive mages for 4 mages total is okay
-- ie: 4 hive mages for 4 mages total is not allowed
- Added chapter segues
- Added functionality for unique items that are better than the rank default
-- "Crystal Ward" rank 2 tank unique will be awarded the first time you clear The Break
-- "Crystal Heart" rank 2 healer unique will be awarded the first time you clear Shadefall
- Bug patches
-- Improved AI sequencing logic to help prevent lock ups
-- Fixed buff durations, they should now last for the described durations
--- The spell effects associated with the buff/debuff should now properly wear off at the end of the correct turn
---- You should be able to trust the state of the field buff/debuff animations during your prep phase
-- Fixed a display bug where the spell descriptions were showing the incorrect duration
-- Fixed a bug where the AI would shift through player units and not respect their blocking authoritai
-- Fixed a display bug where the special bar was not reflecting the correct charge
--- This resulted in slightly faster charging (5 turns)
-- Fixed a bug with Beezy's Jealous Rage ability not charging for a turn or two after use
-- Fixed a bug where Curse wasn't negating Protect (and visa versa)
--- Fixed a bug where splash damage hitting a protected unit didn't have its damage reduced
---- Note: if the main target has protect and the splash damage hits an unprotected target for 0, this is not a bug
----- Impact does splash damage for 50% of the damage the main target RECEIVES, not the damage the attacker is capable of
- Added Vanorel to the game files
- Changed Save/Load logic to better handle arrays and not accidentally auto save
- Fixed enemy locking after using Beezy's special (or anytime all three starter spaces were used)
- I believe I fixed the shift/attack bug - keep an eye out for it
- Added smarter shifting logic to the AI
-- The AI should now defensively shift if one of your units is in striking range and it is capable of blocking
-- The AI should now pick shift if they are lined up and switching rows will let them advance
- misc touch ups
5/27 part II
- Fixed unit spamming on the tutorial
- I believe I finally fixed all the stall out bugs from the AI - let me know if you still see this occurring
-- best case, take a screenshot and post it in this thread if the AI stalls out on you so I can get an idea of what it was thinking at the time
- You can now save your game! Yay! Just click "Save" on the world map, then the Title Continue should load you back up
- If your mouse has a middle wheel, it should scroll through the inventory screens now
- You can now order units not in your squad to "Return to Base"
-- This will do something later, for now it removes them from your inventory
-- You can't have less than 3 units in your inventory
-- You can't remove units assigned to your squad
- moar bug fixes
-- fixed the first level
-- enemy AI should summon the correct number of units now
-- protect will now negate splash damage
-- other misc bugs
- Crystal Forest stage 2 tuned
-- added conversion scene for the illu tank upon victory
- Crystal Forest stage 3 tuned
-- Beezy is taking the field! This is a unique battle with specials to prep the code for the Vanorel fight
-- added conversion scene between illu tank and healer upon victory
-- plot plot plot
- keep up the good work bug checking
- will implement save game data since the story is far enough along in the next update
-- for now, the continue button is disabled and will just start a new game
- minor bug fixes
- Crystal Forest stage 1 tuned down
- Crystal Forest stage 2 added
-- plot plot plot
- Added status effect information to the overlay
-- Overlay will now show the remaining turns left on any given status effect the character is under
- Winning the current plot battle shouldn't break the map anymore
- Fixed map text errors
- sex events should now take a few clicks to clear through
-- animations should speed up as you continue
- other misc tweaks
- Fixed a bug where units in your squad wouldn't reflect gear changes
- Increased Tank health bonus
-- Rank 1 - 6 -> 10
-- Rank 2 - 8 -> 13
-- Rank 3 - 10 -> 16
- Added an old friend to the game files
- Map mouse hovers will now show units that can be captured and rune/gear chance
-- when you convert a unit, by default it will convert to a rank 1 version of itself
--- there will be a random % chance that it will come with a rune or gear equipped as shown in the mouseover
- Small random tweaks here and there
- Added the Crystal Forest
-- Plot plot plot
- Misc bug fixes - keep em coming
- Starting to build the story
-- Dialogue skip button temporarily removed due to reasons
--- if you hit Continue Game, it will skip you past the intro battle
- Added new race: Illosa
-- While you won't encounter any on the field yet, I gave you one in your army to play with
- Added Bridgette to the game files
- Added Pecunia to the game files
- Updated the summoning chambers so it will use the boss character you select for Male/Male threesomes
- Fixed various reported bugs (thanks guys, keep them coming!)
- Stage 2 has been tuned down to be more in line with with the fact it is STAGE 2
-- AI unit max and playable max have been lowered
-- AI spells removed
edit - whoops fixed an inventory bug
- Also, changed the way the preloader works. Is it working?
- Created tutorial level
-- Stage 2 is now the combat test
- fixed a bug where removing a rune would destroy it
- fixed a bug where the summon chambers weren't working
- Added gear/equipment menu
-- All yer dudes are naked, so I highly recommend going to the Army menu and equipping them!
-- I supplied one of each piece of equipment and rank, so combo away
- fixed a display bug with Flare
- fixed a bug where your captains weren't getting their 50% starting hand chance
- fixed a bug where your unit list was transparent if you exited while in squad editing
- changed the Army menu so that the selected unit stays active when toggling between info and equipment
5/5 part2
- Added gallery mode
-- go to the the "Summon" tab in your Army window
-- selecting the units you want to participate, then hit "summon"
-- Eva/Beezy selection doesn't do anything yet
- fixed a display bug in the overlay for movement and range
- fixed a display bug on the grid where the available target/movement spots would overlap into the next row
- added enemy skills and skill ranks
- fixed a bug where the AI would shift through your units (it should be blocked)
- made swapping AI a bit smarter
- added in a brief movement slide to swapping animations to make it more clear which unit is going where
- added a skip button to dialogue
5/5 part1
- made the AI smarter
-- added offensive lane switching
- capped the number of AI units to 15 (fair is fair, I guess)
- added 2 new Drone vs Drone animations for ranks 1 and 2
- added dialogue framework and story intro
- added basic units in preparation for gear
- fixed bug where mana wasn't updating correctly
- started to build the game AI, it should be moderately smarter now
- added the info section to the Army menu
- added unit descriptions to the Army menu
- added variable sex animations based on the rank (mana cost) of the attacker
--- added 2 new Gorger vs Drone animations for ranks 1 and 2
--- added 2 new Drone vs Gorger animations for ranks 1 and 2
--- added 1 new Gorger vs Gorger for rank 2
- added two additional sex animations
- added Hive Drones back to the random starting pool
- changed the Army Unit menu so it would be easier to distinguish different units
- sex animations should now reflect the classes involved
- changed army interface so you can't exit without having a squad of at least 3
- temporarily disabled the "Items" tab since it was causing issues not implemented
- fixed a bug where the last card in your hand would get deleted when the enemy summoned a monster
- added unit movement and attack range to the overlay
- added Squad setup in the Army menu
-- increased starting units to 30
-- Army -> squad will allow you to select up to 15 combat units to use
--- your captain unit has 100% chance of being in your hand when combat begins
--- one of your two lead units will be in your hand when combat begins (50%)
- randomized ranks just so there would be some versatile mana values to play around with
- *fixed a bug where the sex intro would spaz out when multiple enemies were killed
-- as a side effect of the fix, only death by regular attack will trigger a scene (no poison, flare, impact deaths)
- *quick fix to a bug that wouldn't let you use Corrupting Lust after the turn it became available
- added combat sex functionality
- Eva's lust bar will fill over the course of 5 turns
- Once full, you can trigger her special ability Corrupting Lust
-- While Corrupting Lust is active (1 turn) any enemy units defeated will trigger a scene
-- This will later be used to acquire new units and equipement once I have the Army interface complete
- added the bones for the army interface
- changed a few ui items
- added Eva and Beez to stand in as initial captains
- fixed bug related to dying while under the effect of poison
- cleaned up some stuff
- edit: fixed a bug where direct damage skills (thunderstorm/flare) would break the game when landing a killing blow
- All skills should now be functioning properly
-- boost skills don't stack, but will just refresh the duration
--- however group and single target buffs/debuffs will stack
-- poison and regen effects will occur at the end of the units turn (regen first)
--- poison and regen are not impacted by protect/vulnerability
-- changed aegis to heal
-- changed rallycry/heal to recover health up to max instead of increasing max
-- attack debuffs cannot reduce the target below 0
- Added unit skill effects
- Added combat selector for skills
-- Poison, Regen, Protect, and Vulnerability should leave lasting effects
- no actual stat changes associated with skills yet
- Added overworld map
- Added shadow forest map
- Added basic combat structure
-- (such as units dying

- units can die now
- tweaked combat animations
- added basic combat effects
- added markers with overlay to make move and attack ranges clearer
- rotated status bars to make the UI less interrupty with the game grid
- Added Gorger combat units
- Added Hive Drone combat units
- Added class abilities
- Added basic AI
- Finished Gorger Redesign
- Finished Hive Drone Redesign
- Finished Bovos Design