alright, here's a few of the old ideas.
"let's rip off king's quest. the oldest pitch."
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corta Wrote:...
put simply, we should make a point-and-click adventure.
basically, king's quest with naughty bits.
we start with the standard "you've got a contract" story -- you're a mercenary/scientist/corporate agent there to capture some experimental genetically blah-blah sexmonsters.
the action centers around using your environment, information and items that you collect around the space station to 'safely' subdue the rampant creatures.
our "plot device" is a sedative of some sort that requires the patient to be calm (and we calm them by you-know-what.)
the twist, though, is that each baddie will have their own quirks that you'll have to prepare for.
a few monster ideas I've had are..
the hunter,
who will be the early game antagonist, chasing the player around and moving the player around whenever the plot needs her to go somewhere new.
we'll use him to remove the player's starting gun. (so the plot makes a bit more sense, or whatever.)
he's got a simple quirk: he will savagely bite his partner (at climax) if he is allowed to dominate.
the solution: in a late-game chase scene, the player traps him in some restraints and takes control.
fat creature, (sloth? fat-joke?)
the first boss, who blocks a path somewhere.
his deal: his loads are super-dense, crushing our girl to the floor after the scene.
the solution: turn on the zero gravity in the room and go nuts.
the trickster,
who manipulates the player by pretending to be a crew member who needs medical attention,
the player will get the option to "save" him by letting him stay in the med-room on her pod.
every night, while she sleeps, he has his way with her. (we'll have her go back to the pod after every boss or something, so this makes more sense.)
later, the player finds some aphrodisiac in a lab somewhere and next time she goes to sleep, she's restless when it attacks.
or another idea -- she reads about the creature, watches a recording from the pod, then pretends to sleep the next time.
wham-bam, capture.
who are these two little imp-like things.
havent really figured this one out, we split them up or something.
or maybe it's a massive thing that we split into several smaller ones.. (the scene would look good, right?)
in my head, the game would actually play more like a 2d amnesia clone, having you scurry around in vents and hiding as the creatures moved around.
then getting things "right" before trying to "beat" the baddie.
"let's rip off abe's oddysee"
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we should totally rip off oddworld
just swap nu-nu for snu-snu.
"make a squad-based rpg-ish game"
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a little while ago, I saw some footage of a game (that I can't find anymore) that started with fairly a basic combat system..
the twist was, though, the main game centered around the 'feelings' of the characters as they get on with whatever they do.
firstly, I had the idea for a fantasy game where you play the cleric with "SPECIAL HEALING POWERS" if you get my drift..
but, this could be moved over to this sci-fi setting if your teammates were mercenaries who you had to keep happy as well as healthy.
and the 'additional gameplay' is the rude-stuff minigame, kneecapped by having to find contraception, being skilled at foreplay and managing penalties should you get pregnant or give up the butt (without lube)
not a fully thought-out idea, but I'm sure there's a game there.
"choose-your-own-adventure combat"
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rpg systems are boring.
with this one, there's gonna be a set of dice-rolls on each random encounter, deciding on the enemy, type, distance and whether they notice you or not.
from there, you've got choices to shoot at them(too far away and you'll miss more often), move closer(sneak, skill vs enemy perception and distance), charge at them(move double but they notice you).
and from there, you're just given more options over -how- you attack.
and I think we could make some interesting encounters with custom options for boss fights.
"make an environment auto-player"
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this has been a genre I'm fascinated with (even if I dont know what it's called..)
basically, there's the player in -some place-.
she does what she does automatically.
and it's your job to change things on the map so she has an interesting time..
example, you'll unlock doors or turn lights on or off in order to change her path.
you can un-earth pickups for her that she wouldn't notice.
you can give her a weapon before she encounters and enemy,
or you can leave a locker ajar so she gets to idea to hide in there.
and my personal favourite, you can get her drunk and give her what she needs to rape something.
pretty sure there's a fun game in there.
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I've hardly ever seen this, and it's probably more suited to a different game (like a slave/gladiator trainer) but..
she's got a full suite of skills and tactics that you can train and level up.
combat is basically watching two npcs fight.
you can give her the weapons and armor. but it's all on her to win it.
in a guns scenario, this'll probably become less exciting, though..
"dice-roll champion"
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a lot of there have been ideas for fallout games.. this one is most-so. (not really a game idea for xeno, but might as well talk about it..)
in this one, you'd play as the mysterious stranger.
the game mostly auto-plays, with things similar to the "auto-fighter" idea
but, when she gets into a fight, you'll get some control over all the dice-rolls.
at the start, you'll draw a 'hand of cards', those are your abilities.
things like, re-roll where before things go through, you can re-roll any random number in the calculation. helping you dodge shots and land your own, if the outcome was unlucky.
or a tilt, where the results are reversed. hits become misses and misses become hits.
ace, where all her stats are maxed for the turn.
and intervene, (lore-based.) where you step in an fire directly on the enemy.
once again, just another expanded rpg system.
alright, I'm feeling too dizzy to even proof-read all that.. hope it made sense..