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*iskonsko* enters the arena!

PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 9:37 am
by iskonsko
Hi everyone!

Almost forgot to introduce myself so here's a bit about me:
Like probably most of, us, here, I'm a bit awkward socially. Let's just call it introverted;)
I read a lot of fantasy books
I've been playing pencil and paper role playing games since I was a kid, although the last few years that seems to have died down...grown up obligations and such :(
Computers and games...yup, grew up with them. Started on a Commodore (I'll wait here until the younger ones google it :) ) and was intrigued with code ever since.
I never made coding and creating games my job - and that's my biggest regret. So I am currently working on a game (you can check it out in the creative corner) in my spare time which might help me make that dream a reality.

And if you checked out the game you'll know it's adult themed (surprise :o ) so that's the reason I'm here. Because I, like many of you, have a stronger sexual side to me which is often hidden and perhaps a bit different than most regular folks around me. But let's not dwell on that - I hope to join in on some roleplaying threads and keep you informed on my game progress. If anyone wants to chat I'm quite friendly, although not online too often.

Re: *iskonsko* enters the arena!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 4:09 am
by Lynxy
Hi and welcome!
(I can't believe I'm being almost timely with a response, Woo)

I shall have to check out your game. Hope you have some fun while you're here!

Re: *iskonsko* enters the arena!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 5:40 pm
by iskonsko
Thanks for the welcome!
And if you do check out Twisting Vines make sure to leave some feedback - you know us creative types like that! (it's not like I hover over people's shoulders while they play and go "Did you see that? How about this? Try that. What do you think?"...well, not a lot:) )