I can has code?

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I can has code?

Postby Paradox Luck Games » Sat Jun 09, 2018 4:19 pm

I been wanting to learn a programming language the issue is... Which one?
currently I am learning Ruby I need to know which one would be best for 3D games? Which one would be best for 2d games? Which one is best for adult games? Which one will call after a dinner and a movie?
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Paradox Luck Games
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Re: I can has code?

Postby maximilianos » Sun Jun 10, 2018 11:28 am

Unity uses c#...

As an editor for game creation I think unity offers a simple start, but correct me if I'm wrong.
I often find myself thinking that most people are utter shite. I try to be positive and prove myself wrong. So far I've yet to succeed in doing so.
On the otherhand: I know a few of the actually great people out there and that makes me happy enough.
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Re: I can has code?

Postby Paradox Luck Games » Sun Jun 10, 2018 6:26 pm

I am making a Farming game in GameMaker Studio 2 so after I done with my 2 current projects ill switch to C++ or C# in Unity or unreal engine :)
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Paradox Luck Games
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Re: I can has code?

Postby TheWrongHands » Tue Jun 12, 2018 4:40 pm

each programming language is a tool designed for a particular job, asking which one is the best is like asking what size screw driver is the best. as for which one you should use, that is dependent on what you want to do with it and what your willing to put up with. for example the passed few years i have been working on 3d adult rpg which i have been writing in c++. c++ is my favorite language to work with because it's both fast and extremely flexible (it can do things for which other languages can only dream). but this flexibility comes at a huge cost that most are reluctant to pay. you see, a task that may be done with a single line of code in most languages may require 100 in c++.

your requirements are a bit too broad to really help narrow down what language you should use.

adult games
you might not even need a turing complete language for this task

2d games
pretty much the only requirement here is that you can display 2d images with the language. things like speed is generally not that important as 2d really doesn't take that much power and can often be handled by a modern potato.

3D games
now this does require a bit of power, but we still need to ask some additional questions to help narrow things down.

is cross platform-ability more important then graphics?
do you want an easy language with limited functionally or are you willing to put in the time and effort to learn a difficult language that will grant you godhood upon mastery?
do you want to make a game with simple graphics or do you want to make something that is more realistic then real life?

the questions just go on and on, but you get the idea
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