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Major Outage

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:51 am
by Renara
So I imagine most of you noticed that the site was down for the last 50 or so hours; there appears to have been a major outage at our hosting provider that caused the server to become completely unreachable. It should hopefully be resolved now but I'd expect there to be some instability until everything catches up.

The good news is that it may explain some of the errors we've been having before this occurred; as I was unable to find another explanation for it.

Unfortunately it sounds like my hosting provider is keen to move servers away from the cluster that suffered this failure, which means there will need to be more downtime in future; this will be scheduled so I'll be able to give advanced warning of it, but I'm not sure how long something like that will take, probably at least a full day's downtime, if not more if the IP address changes.

On the plus-side; the downtime was 100% not my fault :D

Update: Okay, definitely take instability as a given; it seems connections to the site are a bit hit and miss at the moment. It's a little better than it was earlier, so hopefully will improve throughout the day!
Update 2: It looks like load on the server has decreased and things seem to be running pretty smoothly; I'd still recommend caution/low expectations when posting or uploading something huge, but hopefully we're back to normal!

Re: Major Outage

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:50 am
by Ivan-Aedler
Thank you for all the info, Renara. I was worried.

Also, I was uploading a version of PUT game, then I noticed it was damaged (an incomplete upload), and I tried to upload again, but then the site went down.
Finally, I am so connected with LOK (I love this site!) that I do almost everything with it open in my browser. I use to communicate in the PMs too. When LOK was offline,I felt as in a dark alley :/ It made my moral decrease in a way I almost stopped coding the game.

Re: Major Outage

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 9:39 am
by Kumokumo
I actually do (and feel) the exact same thing. I went into panic mode when the page went down, but i did my best to ignore it and focus on anything else i could instead, since freaking out only makes things worse. I actually cheered when the site came back on (Really, i thrust my hands in the air and mouthed "FINALLY!!"). I may have only started posting a couple months ago, but this site has been close to my heart for years. I've just been one of those creepy fucks lurking in the shadows rubbing my hands together nefariously as i read what people write for those first few years... ;) :lol: :twisted:

Re: Major Outage

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:16 am
by MajorMajorMajorMajor
I am Major Outage's best friend!

Re: Major Outage

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:08 am
by WingsofChange
Well I'm just happy the site has been back up. I gotta say when it first when down I didnt think much of it because I thought it was my internet. But when I figured put that it was the site I almost broke down knowing the could be chance I may never log on again it or could of been a really long up date. However we all know the former chance didnt happen. Now when I think about the whole thing and what you said Ren yup a IP trafficing data stockpile can crash a site, I just wish I put 2 and 2 together.

MajorMajorMajorMajor Wrote:I am Major Outage's best friend!

I guess that'll make you Captain Obvious.

Re: Major Outage

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:43 am
by Kumokumo
Hey, who the f*** are you to give Maj. Major a demotion!? XD

Re: Major Outage

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:58 am
by musical74
He deserves it after trying to harass Tiana!

Re: Major Outage

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 3:28 am
by Kumokumo
Meh... i know nothing about that. I hate trolls, but i also won't judge people for things i know nothing about. Judging a person without knowing the whole story is unfair and presumptuous, and since often times you can never truly know the full story or all related the context that goes with it, more often than not you're better off not judging people at all. So yeah, if he did harass someone else for some reason then shame on him; but i'm not going to hate someone on the word of someone else, that's just wrong :/

Also i was trying to keep the previous post light-hearted and fun, making a harmless jab at the technical inaccuracies of Wing's joke. Of course there is the chance that you were also making a similar joke, in which case you're welcome to disregard the previous paragraph. I was just unclear on your stance so i decided to cover my bases :)

Re: Major Outage

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:01 am
by musical74
No worries, MajorX4 made a thread about hypnosis of sorts (it's on the first page in general still) and in that he was trying to hypnotize Tiana, who was *this doesn't work on me*, Major tried again harder, apparently beserkerhorn came to rescue Tiana and silliness happened. I try to keep things light here too!

Re: Major Outage

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:31 am
by Kumokumo
lol, good to know. Oh and hypnosis is fun shit, i used it to partially cure my arachnophobia. It wasn't a total success, i still get nervous every now and then, but i on't paralyze in fear at the sight of them now. Instead i get extremely pissed off and murder the shit out of them. Like i said, it wasn't a TOTAL success lmao, but i did it when i was 14 so that's still something XD

On a side note, i actually did succeed quite well with certain spiders. There are two species in particular that i stare at with fascination and even find adorable. I don't know the name of one of them (called them "strawberry butts" in high school, cause their abdomen are red, speckled, and strawberry shaped), and the other are jumping spiders. Imagine that, the one f***in species of spider in the world that jump on my face in a heartbeat, and they're adorable as kittens to me... :P