Games being ended
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:10 am
too many good games start and never get finished sadly i see it alot on here and other games like Euphorian Tide which was a great start and failed to be finished
The official forums for the Legend of Krystal project
rebelseal Wrote:too many good games start and never get finished sadly i see it alot on here and other games like Euphorian Tide which was a great start and failed to be finished
FriskyTentacles Wrote:I wouldn't ever drop a project. Unfortunately I'm currently learning Java, and I'm fairly shit. The most you'd get out of me is a text adventure game, and a shitty one at that.
My problem is i have too much free time and not enough experience. I suppose i could volunteer here, but nobody seems to use java for anything.
TheWrongHands Wrote:you will drop projects, it's part of the learning experience. the best way i find to learn is by doing, so create your own games. start out with simple quick to make ones to learn how to do it and slowly build up to make more and more complex ones to refine your craft.
spitfyre Wrote:the other thing you might realize ( if your an optimist like me) is that "archived" projects means, Im too lazy to do it for a while but if you beg me enuff? who knows?
TheWrongHands Wrote:most games that people try to make usually end up just being a learning experience for the creators. so while it's a shame when these games die out, this is nothing new and nothing to worry about in the grand scheme of things.