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Games being ended

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:10 am
by rebelseal
too many good games start and never get finished sadly i see it alot on here and other games like Euphorian Tide which was a great start and failed to be finished

Re: Games being ended

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:05 am
by supersatanson
well, Games require a lot of development, in multiple areas of expertise. Programming, artwork, music, narrative, and gameplay. Usually games start with few or just one person, and eventually the free time that allowed the game to start being made, runs out.
Then the game becomes a responsibility, but creators also need to tend to their family, friends, and work to survive!
In other cases, the game is developed successfully during some time, and then ends up being too big / too hyped to actually deliver the 100% finished dream game. :(
Personally, I think the most common ways to have really good amateur game projects finished until the very end, is either having a lot of free time, earning some money for it, or taking a loooong time.

but yeah, it's a shame to see lots of interesting projects unfinished, but there's always a few who can overcome everything and become an awesome game! In any case, it's always cool to support developers and encourage them, sometimes that's the best reward and the best motivation! :D

Re: Games being ended

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:17 am
by FriskyTentacles
I wouldn't ever drop a project. Unfortunately I'm currently learning Java, and I'm fairly shit. The most you'd get out of me is a text adventure game, and a shitty one at that.

My problem is i have too much free time and not enough experience. I suppose i could volunteer here, but nobody seems to use java for anything.

Re: Games being ended

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:45 pm
by TheWrongHands
rebelseal Wrote:too many good games start and never get finished sadly i see it alot on here and other games like Euphorian Tide which was a great start and failed to be finished

most games that people try to make usually end up just being a learning experience for the creators. so while it's a shame when these games die out, this is nothing new and nothing to worry about in the grand scheme of things.

FriskyTentacles Wrote:I wouldn't ever drop a project. Unfortunately I'm currently learning Java, and I'm fairly shit. The most you'd get out of me is a text adventure game, and a shitty one at that.

My problem is i have too much free time and not enough experience. I suppose i could volunteer here, but nobody seems to use java for anything.

you will drop projects, it's part of the learning experience. the best way i find to learn is by doing, so create your own games. start out with simple quick to make ones to learn how to do it and slowly build up to make more and more complex ones to refine your craft.

Re: Games being ended

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:16 am
by supersatanson
TheWrongHands Wrote:you will drop projects, it's part of the learning experience. the best way i find to learn is by doing, so create your own games. start out with simple quick to make ones to learn how to do it and slowly build up to make more and more complex ones to refine your craft.

Yeah, that's pretty likely, It's hard to grow and learn without some mistakes and bruises. But you never know!
In any case, working on projects alone makes them go from "Dropped" to "on indefinite hiatus", I guess? :D I have dozens of those!

Re: Games being ended

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:47 am
by rebelseal
im in college for game design atm i realize the difficulty in coding in general let alone the rest of the progress but i honestly cry when i see a section called archived projects on a forum like this

Re: Games being ended

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:34 pm
by spitfyre
the other thing you might realize ( if your an optimist like me) is that "archived" projects means, Im too lazy to do it for a while but if you beg me enuff? who knows?

Re: Games being ended

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:22 pm
by TheWrongHands
spitfyre Wrote:the other thing you might realize ( if your an optimist like me) is that "archived" projects means, Im too lazy to do it for a while but if you beg me enuff? who knows?

that's true, most of the projects i worked on were dropped because no body cared about them. if enough people show interest in an archived project, it probably wouldn't require a lot of poking and prodding to get the creators to come back and work on it.

Re: Games being ended

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:00 am
by rebelseal
i do try to do that on the ones i really like the basis and i check up on the games people put "on the back burner" alot

Re: Games being ended

PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 6:06 am
by Ocfos
It's always sad to see a good thing dying out, I've seen a lot of good things get deserted over the years.

Re: Games being ended

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 7:22 pm
by splendidostrich
I think things will get better in the future. As far as I can tell, it's only quite recently that indie adult game developers have been able to make much money from their work. Now, with some projects making solid amounts on Patreon, there's a lot more incentive for creators of popular games to push through and keep on working even when they have a bad patch and their motivation drops.

Re: Games being ended

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:43 am
by GoRepeat
TheWrongHands Wrote:most games that people try to make usually end up just being a learning experience for the creators. so while it's a shame when these games die out, this is nothing new and nothing to worry about in the grand scheme of things.

Pretty accurate. 99% of the time when I stop working on something it is because I had an idea I wanted to programmatically figure out, then once I do, there isn't much incentive to finish. The ones I do finish are usually because... hell, actually I have no idea. Stubbornness?