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Flash and smartphones or mac or whatever...

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:36 am
by Mattis
Hi everyone!

Seeing a post about phone thingy, I just tilt on that.
I'm creating flash games on a 10yo PC, with AS2 on flash CS5.5 (well, CS3 until last month, lol).
And for what I know of it, I don't have any problem with regular PC.

That said, everyone is pushing around with smartphones or mac or linux or PSN or the hell knows what.
But being poor as fuck, I have none of those stuff (or friends with them so I could ninja-test it on their gadgets).
So I just wonder : globally, how does AS2 Flash games work or not work, on all gaming platform imaginable ?

(also : it could be a section to add, in the community chart. "can test on smartphones/various system for you, to tell you if it works fine or not". I know I could really do with some tester like that!)

Re: Flash and smartphones or mac or whatever...

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:59 am
by Duplicity
I am pretty sure one of the new flash things like CS6 had something called AIR or something like that. And I think that either allowed you to code for phones, or ported AS3 to something phones could understand. Not sure, because I don't care about gaming on a phone.

I am pretty sure AS2 is not supported by Adobe anymore. So the likelihood it works on phones is low.
I know CoC by Fen has been ported to other systems by other people, so there is likely to be some work involved, or not.

Re: Flash and smartphones or mac or whatever...

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 10:15 am
by Mattis
Thx !

Yes I tried this built-in AIR thing, but it seems very complicated, works only with AS3, and is meant to develop "apps", apparently, while smartphones basic browsers seems to be a complete other thing.
Something working fine, sometimes, with simple urls containing .swf files, AS2 or not, given some of my players complained my game mechanics are sometimes tricky with their phones, so... that must mean they were able to play my games on their phones, right ?