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Two questions

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:23 am
by MajorMajorMajorMajor
Does this website have an official catalog of EVERYTHING that's been made?
I find it hard seeing something then wondering what it is.
I know there was that thread about great games, but honestly I don't think that specifically includes everything that's been made here.

And also...
Maybe if this website had something that wasn't exactly a "general" forum, that was more like a COMPLETELY random, not even LOK-relevant thread, this website would be a little more active? Just wondering.

Re: Two questions

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:58 am
by Zeus Kabob
At this point you have to understand something. This forum isn't a unit. It isn't a group of workers under the command of our admin or moderators. This is just a group of people who make games in the CC, roleplay in RP, and post random (yes random) threads in General Discussion.

MajorMajorMajorMajor Wrote:Does this website have an official catalog of EVERYTHING that's been made?

No. The Creative Corner Depositorium was a project to catalog all of the games in the forum, and whether they were currently under development. The owner of the thread stopped updating it, so it fell out of sync. It's surprising how many projects start up in this forum (and I'm very happy for it!), but this means that it's a lot of work to provide a comprehensive, up to date list of all the games in the forum. As for "everything in the forum", I don't think there's anyone here that'd be willing to dig up all the half-finished animations, character models, backgrounds, scenes, ideas, and prototypes in the archives. The amount of stuff that's been made here is much much more than anyone here is willing to deal with. If you're looking to create such a catalog, I wish you luck, but don't expect it to be easy; I'd imagine that without a good workflow you'd have to spend at least 6 hours a week checking project activity and updating when new projects are started.

MajorMajorMajorMajor Wrote:Maybe if this website had something that wasn't exactly a "general" forum, that was more like a COMPLETELY random, not even LOK-relevant thread, this website would be a little more active? Just wondering.

I'm kinda curious what you mean "General Discussion" to mean. Looking up the generally accepted definition of general gives
Cambridge Dictionary Wrote:General: adjective Including a lot of things or subjects rather than being limited to only one or a few

This forum is for talking about lots of stuff. Creative Discussion is meant for talking about projects in the CC, LoK Project page is meant for discussion about the LoK project, and Roleplaying Discussion is meant for talking about Roleplaying.

On a final note, discussions typically become more active when you join them rather than creating threads complaining about a lack of activity.

Re: Two questions

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:41 am
by BlueLight
Zeus Kabob Wrote:
MajorMajorMajorMajor Wrote:Maybe if this website had something that wasn't exactly a "general" forum, that was more like a COMPLETELY random, not even LOK-relevant thread, this website would be a little more active? Just wondering.

I'm kinda curious what you mean "General Discussion" to mean. Looking up the generally accepted definition of general gives

I think he's talking about something like this

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Board index<Discussion<Pillow talk
A place for fucks sucks and talks about immature adult stuff

OP athuor was not specific so everything below comes from the mind of blue.

Something just odd ball like a spam hell subforum. While i like to post a lot more than i should *looks at grammar in half his post*, something that supports just utter spam like 5 word game or count to 1,000,000 just seems like it would harm the community as a whole. I'd say the same for that joke sex subforum i had above. The community i'd say is in this odd place where at times, we can have a mature discussion (all though there is rarely anything to talk about) but we can also be immature and stick asses up in the air waving animal tails as we get our characters fucking fucked. I don't think this is a bad thing but a sub forum for talk about sex i believe would split this balance we have by either adding more new blood (NAH TO NEW PEOPLE!!!! NEH!!!) or by changing the mood of the forum itself. This sub forum is likely to have 1 of 2 out comes. The first is that the users will use it as a joke forum making threads about stupid threads titled "I dare you to walk around with cum in your socks" which i personally don't think is the direction LOK should head. The second likely option is mature discussions do take place naturally in this thread where people are talking about important stuff.
The first i dislike because it kinda removes creditability from the forum itself which i think is important if we're to attract more game developers or just the random odd ball artist or producer of music. The second option i doubt will happen and even if it did, i'm not sure LOK is the place people should be having these discussions. As i've said, we can be mature and immature at the same time, and i think people should be going to a mature adult site if they needed to have a conversations about sex.

Also you'll have all the post like "Hey, you friend me on Aim user BLABLABLABLABLABLABLABAAAAAABLLAABLAAA and i'll send you steamy pics.

Re: Two questions

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:16 pm
by Zeus Kabob
BlueLight Wrote:I don't think this is a bad thing but a sub forum for talk about sex i believe would split this balance we have by either adding more new blood (NAH TO NEW PEOPLE!!!! NEH!!!) or by changing the mood of the forum itself.

I agree, I think a spam forum could change the mood of the forum significantly. As for new blood? I don't know the numbers, but I'd say around 80% of our active members have joined in the last 3 years, with 30-50% of major project creators having joined in the last year. New blood is what keeps this forum alive!

BlueLight Wrote:Also you'll have all the post like "Hey, you friend me on Aim user BLABLABLABLABLABLABLABAAAAAABLLAABLAAA and i'll send you steamy pics.

I'd still try to crack down on spam for the most part, even if we did have an UBER T3H RAND0M!!!1!1!1 forum.

Re: Two questions

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:20 pm
by BlueLight
Let me clear up that part about new blood.

I have no problems witn new users coming in here a shaking things up.the problem I see is that these new users will be coming for this sub forum then the main attraction and i find this unhealth for the creative center.
basically I think we're going to poison our new member pool. Of course members will join because of our creative zone and roleplay section but I feel the focus will change which is the problem.

Re: Two questions

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:55 pm
by Zeus Kabob
BlueLight Wrote:Let me clear up that part about new blood.

I have no problems witn new users coming in here a shaking things up.the problem I see is that these new users will be coming for this sub forum then the main attraction and i find this unhealth for the creative center.
basically I think we're going to poison our new member pool. Of course members will join because of our creative zone and roleplay section but I feel the focus will change which is the problem.

Oh I definitely understood the part about poisoning the member pool. I love our new members right now, but if we got a ton of hyperactive and immature members it'd damage our ability to continue operating at our current level.

Re: Two questions

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:05 am
by Chameleon
check out my list of h links! its a work in progress but to my knowledge its got all the completed LoK games