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3D image maker?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:08 pm
by Anubkin32
For awhile I have been a fan of games that have show up on this site, including Vilage of Nightmare and Harem Collecter (and I'm pretty sure that a few others in my selection are from here but meh) and I've decided it's time I finally make something of a similar caliber... one minor road bump though. All of these employ 3D-ish images with the actual sex scenes and I was wondering if anyone knows what program(s) are used or capable of doing it to this quality. I mean there's stuff like source film maker, sure, but I'm not sure any files from that would be usable by RPG maker VX.

Any help is thanked greatly!


Re: 3D image maker?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:26 am
by Zeus Kabob
I'd love to hear from the creators themselves, but I think there are a couple that are primarily used.

Poser: 3D modeling
3D Custom Girl: models and modeling

and many others. The main challenge will likely be finding the models, not finding the software to model with them.

Re: 3D image maker?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:13 am
by LuftMallow
If you go with Poser, is a good resource for free models to do scenery dressing. You have a pretty good chance of finding whatever furniture piece or room you are looking for there.