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Forster's Eden

PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:50 am
by CoyoteLounge
So for like the past decade I've been obsessed with this old-ass, Umemaro game series called Eden. There's like 6 games, the last three vastly superior to the first three, and it's all in Japanese with no translated versions that I'm aware of. Here's some box art:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Eden.jpg (18.32 KiB) Viewed 760 times

There are many different female characters in it, which makes it so freaking awesome, but my favorite is definitely this one:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Eden 2.jpg
Eden 2.jpg (34.31 KiB) Viewed 760 times

You cant tell from that screen shot, but she has the largest knockers in the game (hence my favorite). It's always bugged me that nothing else ever came of this game (Umemaro went on to create a whole new, mind-blowingly awesome world full of school girls, medical professionals and pizza delivery girls that puts his early work to shame) and I've never, ever known just what the hell anyone is saying throughout the series. Also, because of the game style, it's very disjointed and non-linear, which only adds to the confusion for an English speaker. That's why I kind of want to recreate the story in Flash (or maybe just Vector art since I really don't have the time to learn to animate porn in Flash). I could recreate the scenes and just make up my own plot and dialogue (like I always do in my head with nearly every porn game or image set). Not just that, but I could also add scenes that are missing in the game, like stripping! (Most of the time the scene jumps directly from the alien ambushing the girl to them going at it).

Has anyone else dealt with this series? Any input on the idea or thoughts about the game? I know its really difficult to find screenshots online, so I'll probably have to redownload the whole thing and capture the images I need as references. I don't know, this is probably a fruitless idea, especially since I'm currently trying to get my Oni Office game off the ground (find it in the creative discussion section and PLEASE COMMENT!). But there's something so alluring about the characters and scenes in Eden and now that I'm learning Vector art I'm feeling really motivated to recreate some of my fantasies with it. I mean, isn't that what hentai is really about in the first place?

Re: Forster's Eden

PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:13 am
by LePasseur
If it is what you feel like to do, just do it. You will not know before you try it. My only warning is that you will probably not be able to recreate the same felling you had by only creating a flash version of the original. Take the game as your base and put something from you in it.

As for your other project, you can temporarely put it aside the time to see witch one you prefer and decide after where to put your effort in first place.

Personaly, I have never heard of this series before and it doesn't look like the kind of one I like but I can always give it a try, the mechanics seems interesting.