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New To The Form and looking to get back into Rp
Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:57 pm
by Chloe
Hi everyone like the subject Said's I am new to the form. Been wanting to get back into Rp for awhile now but never can find the right place to start again cause it has been some time so I'II most likely be rusting so anyone who doesn't mind helping me and giving me any pointers when l need it I'd appreciate but I'm open about anything when it comes down to it. l was reading a lot of the other topics and everyone seems really cool so I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and Rp again.
And sorry if l post this in the wrong place still learning how everything works on this form.
Re: New To The Form and looking to get back into Rp
Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:17 pm
by daxtinator396
Prolly should ask a mod to move this to General. Welcome Chloe! :3
Re: New To The Form and looking to get back into Rp
Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:02 am
by Nobudi
What Dax said, but Welcome.
Re: New To The Form and looking to get back into Rp
Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:08 am
by MiscChaos
Moved it. Welcome to the forums! My advice is simply to jump back in and knock the rust off with experience. From there, I suppose you'll fine-tune things to find in with each RP, but for the most part I think simply writing and having people critique your stuff is one of the best ways to come back into RP. How long have you been out of it anyway?
Re: New To The Form and looking to get back into Rp
Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:50 pm
by Chloe
Thanks everyone. Umm well when l first started l did a fair abit of Rp on a Naruto form along time ago but back when l used to play on world of warcraft l also Rp their when l wasn't in any raids but the last time l played wow was maybe about 4 or 5 years ago now so about that long l would say. I did try a few times to get back into other forms but a lot of the ones l would find were Dead or the people weren't really all that friendly to anyone new or who hasn't rp in awhile so l just gave up again. But then l found this form l started reading some of the topics and everyone was having fun and being friendly with everyone made me really want to get back into Rp again so here l am lol.
And thanks for putting my topic here in the right place MiscChaos wasn't really sure where to post.